Chapter 239: First Day at the Sect

Chapter 239: First Day at the Sect

Jack awoke to a brorilla jumping up and down on his chest. Oof! he exclaimed. Brock! What are you Oh! Right!

A smile instantly blossomed on his face. He ripped off the covers and Brock with them, then jumped up straight and got dressed in a heartbeat. Only then did he greet the brorilla.

Morning, brother! Did you sleep well?


Brocks reply was curt, but he was equally excited. His face was morphed into a permanent monkey grin, and he was hopping from one leg to the other like he was itchy. Jack understood the feeling. He had it too. Today was their first day in the Exploding Sun faction!

Lets go! he exclaimed, grabbing Brock and pushing the door open.

The space hed been given was a spacious courtyard close to the estates wall. He had his own little house and garden, with the caveat that he had no servants yet, so he had to take care of everything. But that wasnt an issue; when he lived alone in Valville, he did everything by himself, too.

His house was made up of a living room, a kitchen, a cellar, a bedroom, and a bathroom. It was small yet cozy, made of warm wood with red trimming. It also had many windows, which Jack enjoyed. As for his bedroom, the only room hed used so far, it contained just a double bed, two bed stands, and a wardrobe.

The houses in Master Hualis estate were neither opulent nor spartansomething in between.

Jack didnt mind or care. He didnt plan to stay at home much. He had one job here, and that was to cultivate!

With Brock hopping onto his back, Jack dashed out through the open window and took to the sky, drawing a deep breath of clean, fresh air. He saw the estate under hima sprawling collection of houses, gardens, courtyards, and snaking paths. Vegetation was aplenty, including many beautiful flowers carefully tended to by gardeners. A few immortals were flying, like him, but most of the people went about their lives on the ground.

Jack saw servants laughing as they worked; he saw them taking walks, chatting, or drinking what looked and smelled like tea. Nobody was in a rush. A pleasant atmosphere enveloped the entire estate, and under the light of the solar gasses that surrounded this place, it looked like a slice of heaven.

Master Hualis manor dominated the very top of the mountain, while a forest stretched around its base, extending in all directions like the mountain was a thumb rising from a plain.

There couldnt be too many people here; a few thousand, maybe, the vast majority of which were servants. Which, as Jack was realizing, was an inaccurate name. The estate was like a small town, and these people were its citizens, going about their lives joyfully and respectfully. Their only job was to take care of the city they lived in, as well as assist the immortals when possible.

It looked like a happy life.

Jack did wonder how food was produced here, or how it was distributed, but he temporarily found the image too beautiful to ruin with mundane issues. This was a place of gods. Food should be the smallest of its concerns.

Jack! A voice boomed through the sky as Shol flew up to meet him. He was smiling, but also looked slightly annoyed. What are you doing up here? I was waiting at your garden.

Oh. I didnt know.

Hello, bro, said Brock, waving from Jacks back.

Hi, Brock. You should have known. We agreed to meet.

I didnt understand youd be waiting in my garden.

It went without saying. Bah! Forget about it. Maybe Ill just go be a hermit somewhere.

No, brother, dont do that! Jack replied, laughing. Sorry, sorry. Good morning.

Good morning to you, too. To both of you. Now; theres a lot to go over today. We should get started.

He broke off like a sprouting rainbow, forcing Jack to follow. Where are we going? he yelled through the wind.

Youll see! Shol responded.This chapter's initial release occurred on the n0vell--Bjjn site.

They crossed the air like arrows, drawing many eyes from the servants below. They waved. Smiling, Jack waved back.

Their flight ended a few moments later, when Shol landed before a round building with a dome for a roof. It was brown and made of wood, with few windows, and the entire thing exuded an earthly aura. Were here, Shol said as Jack landed too. This is the artificing laboratory. Every personal disciple of Master Huali is allocated a Dao Magnet, and we are here to get yours.

Does master have many disciples? Jack asked.

Only a few dozensbut not for lack of volunteers. Shes just very selective.

Why so? So this estate doesnt run out of space?

Shol snorted. Expanding the estate is easy. However, as I think Ive explained to you before, immortals do not take disciples lightly. This applies to D-Grades taking mortal disciples, as well as C-Grades taking D-Grade disciples. If the disciple does not reach the same Grade as the master, their lifespan will be far shorter. A master can watch many generations of disciples wither away and die, which takes a great toll on a persons soul. I admire my master for taking on so many disciples.

I see. Is that why you have none?

I have one. You. And youre a handful, anyway, so you count for ten.

He opened the door. The chime of a bell welcomed them from above, as well as the sight of a wide open space surrounded by shelves along the circular walls. A staircase stood at the far back, leading both down and up, while a large square table took up the center of the building, covered in all sorts of tools and materials. Jack also saw some metal contraptions there, whose function was a mystery.

What he did not see was the person who ran this place.

Dont underestimate good labor. Do you even know how many people die every year because their machines had a slightly loose screw? Many. But none from my machines. Since they go loose from use, I always screw when I have the chance.

Thatsnot even funny.

She didnt seem like shed said that on purpose. Once again, Jack wondered about the Systems universal translation. How well did puns like that carry over from the goblin language to English?

A purple light appeared in the middle of the Dao Magnet.

Ready, Goblinete said, basically throwing the magnet at Jacks lap. If thats all, you can go.

Thats all, said Shol. Thank you, Goblinete.

She looked back and smiled. No problem, Shol. Take care. And, newbie, brorilla Welcome to Master Hualis Estate.

Jack was surprised, but he still replied, Thank you.

Now go. I really am busy.

She dove back into the stairs before they even left her shop.

What the hell was that? Jack asked.

That was Goblinete, Shol explained calmly. The most competent artificer around. She may not seem like much, but shes very important to us disciples.

Shes a goblin, Jack said, shivering at the memory of the first goblin he ever killed. And she called me a newbie.

So what if shes a goblin?

Goblins are supposed to be enemies.

And brorillas are supposed to live in jungles, but look at Brock. Hes doing just fine.

Jack opened his mouth to speak and closed it again. I guess he finally said, turning his gaze down. So, what is this Dao Magnet?

An extremely useful contraption. Most immortals never get one in their lifetime, but Master Huali is kind to us. Treat it very carefullyif it breaks, you dont get a second.

What does it do?

It enhances your cultivation chamber, Shol explained simply. You have cultivated at least once since reaching the D-Grade, yes? Did you feel that the environment contained all sorts of Daos, and you had to filter it for the ones compatible with you before absorbing them?


The Dao Magnet does that for you. After it attunes to your Dao, you can just place it somewhere, and it will draw in compatible Daos while repelling incompatible ones. When cultivating beside it, things will go much faster.

Jacks eyes widened in surprise. When hed cultivated on Derion, the teleporter hub, he had to pass the environments Dao particles through a mental sieve before absorbing them. Naturally, that took significant time and effort. If this little Dao Magnet could get rid of that procedure, then over the course of his entire D-Grade, it would save him an incalculable amount of time.

I see, he said. Thank you, brother Shol.

Dont thank me. Thank our master, who is generous enough to provide these to each of her disciples. Shol turned to Jack and looked at him seriously. You may not understand the weight of your position, but let me tell you: it is highly coveted. If Master Huali expressed the desire to take a disciple, there would be thousands of immortals lining up before her gates for a chance to impress her.

Is she that impressive?

Of course! Not only is she an elder of the faction, of which there are only twenty, but she is special even amongst them. When the next Grand Elder is selected in a few months, she is one of the main candidates for the position.

That sounds impressive.

It is.

Do you think shell get it?

Shols face hardened. Lets not talk about that now, he said. Lets stop by your house so you can leave the Dao Magnet in your cultivation chamber. After that, I have more things to show you.

Jack did a double-take. I have a cultivation chamber?

Of course. Did you not see the trapdoor in your kitchen?

I assumed it led to the cellar.

You do not need a cellar. Its a cultivation chamber. Lets go.

They took to the skies, but Jack remained morose. Oh, man, he said. I liked my cellar.