Chapter 363: Jack Rust against the World

Chapter 363: Jack Rust against the World

The gathering was eventually disbanded. The Head Envoy had planted a bomb in everyones heart and painted a target on Jacks back, then calmly strode away. The two other Envoys had followed him, while the Sage had promised to find Jack later before taking off.

As that happened, the gathered cultivators did not disperse. Far too many things had happened; a hidden realm was discovered, Min Ling received a Thunder Dao World, and most importantly, Jack Rust had the chance to earn a World Anchora chance which, if he failed to grasp, would become theirs.

Many cultivators gave Jack burning stares. If he failed, they would have a slim chance of earning a World Anchor and eliminating the guillotine hanging over their heads. Everyone here was talentedthey believed that, depending on the contents of the talent trial the Head Envoy had suggested, they would have at least a slim chance of winning. Even if they failed, it was okay. If they could cause Jack to lose out on the World Anchor and a top ranker later got it, they would receive that top rankers eternal gratitude.

Jack calmly floated to his bros, ignoring the storm of whispers around him. The battle had already startedeveryone here was an enemy, and he would be damned if he gave them the satisfaction.

It was Jack Rust against the world.

Listen to me, he said as he landed. All the bros stared at him; some were conflicted, others were fidgety, and a few seemed steadfast. Jack looked them all in the eyes as he spoke. I am now public enemy number one. If you want to distance yourself from me, now is the timeI will not blame you. If you choose to stay, you will suffer pressure and humiliation, and your cultivation will be temporarily hindered. You might even experience danger. However, if you do remain by my side, we will be true brothers and sisters. When I rise in the future, I will not forget you. The choice is yours.

Speaking to this point, Jack crossed his arms and waited. Brock also said nothing, stepping to Jacks side immediately.

They still remained in the middle of the crowd. All sorts of burning gazes landed on their location, as if they were surrounded and eyed by a pack of hyenas. The twenty-something bros felt their backs strain under the pressure. They emitted cold sweat.

The Cathedral was not a peaceful place. It had rules, but it tacitly allowed bullying and pressuring others. It was meant to be a highly competitive environment where true geniuses could rise with everyone else acting as their foil. Now, the difficulty was cranked to the full for Jack. That would naturally include everyone around him. To remain by his side was to throw oneself into danger and gamble everything for questionable benefits. Not many could do that.New novel chapters are published on

Even if all sorts of assault had been forbidden, there were many ways to bully people.

One by one, some bros slid into the crowd. They had joined for funthey werent really going to risk their lives for Jack, not to mention they were all on the weaker end of the Cathedral. Throughout the process, Jack and Brock remained silent, letting it happen.

Of the twenty-something bros, most left. When enough time had passed and the deed was done, only ten remained. That was already far more than Jack expected.

You have helped me in the past, and we even come from the same planet, Dorman said, laughing. If I abandoned you now, I would be the lowest of trash!

Once a bro, always a bro, said Osmu Sosmu, the handsome man who was ranked 793rd. His three friendsthe djinn, the mosquitoid, and the other manhad disappeared.

Jack passed his gaze over the gathered people. They were weak and insignificant in the context of the Cathedral, yet they steadfastly remained by his side. He carved their names and faces into his heart.

Well said, Osmu, he replied, warmth filling his chest. You are true bros. Isnt that right, Brock?

Right, Brock replied simply. His eyes shone golden. Fake brosbreak!

Every bro who had abandoned Jack suddenly felt a sharp pain in their heart. It was grief. In that moment, they had lost something very important, though they didnt know what. A couple of them even considered going back, but it was too late now. They could only shake their headsthe decision had been made.

Jack wanted to say more things, but now was not the time. They were surrounded by a bunch of ruthless, greedy individuals. Thankfully, the Head Envoy had directly forbidden fighting, so they hadnt attacked him yet.

Make way, he said. We will pass.

The cultivators stared him down. They did not make way. Most were too weak to matter, but a few were ranked as high as Jack or even higher. Their eyes sparked with ideas; they werent going to just let him leave like that.

Oho? Her gaze took on a dangerous tint. Then why dont you try me, big boy?

I will. Of everyone here, you are the lowest of the lowbut, unfortunately, I cannot refuse the challenge of someone lower in ranking than myself, or people will think Im some sort of rubber ball they can push around.

Well said! the woman exclaimed, ignoring his insults. She was already growing excited.

Just give me a bit of time to stabilize my foundation, Jack added, dousing her excitement. I dont need too long. Six months should do. After all, I just broke through.

Huh? Six months? Her brows fell. What are you talking about? Why would I wait six months for you?

I just broke through, and the Head Envoys summons interrupted my meditation. As pitiful as you are, taking care of you would still require some energy, and my lingering insights would melt away. I will not delay my cultivation for a random tramp.

His repeated insults were finally getting to her. She snorted. You speak a lot but do little. Your six months are clearly an excuse so you can increase your strength. If you dont dare to fight, just say it. Everyone here knows that only a coward would refuse a challenge from a lower-ranked cultivator. We can even bet if you want.

Refuse a challenge? Hah! Jack exclaimed, taking a step forward. You say that I want to cultivate more and increase my strength before facing you, but whats the problem with that? If I have time to cultivate, so do you. Our current ranks are similar; whether we fight now, in six months, or in six years, the gap between us shouldnt change much. Saying that is like admitting youre untalented. Moreover, six months is very, very little time. How could I break through before then?

Mabe frowned. She believed that Jack was spouting a ton of bullshit, but the truth was, she never thought he would actually agree to fight. She just wanted to humiliate him a bit. Thinking about it, six months really was a very short timespan. In the C-Grade, taking decades or even centuries between each fruit was normal, and taking a year was considered extremely fast. There was no way Jack could break through within six months. His strength couldnt grow significantly.

Of course, she knew that Jack was extremely talented, and also that he carried a body-enhancing Life Artifact. He would surely find some way to close the gap between them until thenbut by how much? Mabe was ranked 220th, but in truth, she hadnt visited the Globe in a long time. Her current strength might even be able to break into the one hundreds.

Was it possible that Jacks strength would increase that much in a short six months?

Greed appeared in her mind. There were unknown variables, but victory would bring so many benefits. If she could seriously injure Jack, Baron had promised her a hundred Dao stones. If she could kill him, she would receive two hundred. Those would save her several years of cultivation.

Fine, she agreed. Six months from now, here, at the Cathedral Square. I will be waiting.

Many people groaned. Not only because they wanted to see a fight right now, but because they, too, wanted to challenge Jack. Now that hed agreed to a duel in six months, challenging him before that would just be wasting saliva.

But that didnt mean they wouldnt find other ways to hamper him.

Good, Jack said, then raised his sight to the surrounding cultivators. What exactly are you all waiting for?

Reluctantly, the crowd parted. They let him pass. Jack, Brock, Dorman, and the rest of the bros walked through, feeling as if they would be torn to pieces at any second.

But that didnt happen. They made it out of the square, then calmly walked towards village four, where most of them lived.

Jack looked back. His eyes were shining like stars. Deep inside, he enjoyed this situation. It was like Hell all over againhe was surrounded by enemies on all sides, but this time, he had the protection of rules, and a large number of resources propelling him forward. All those greedy cultivators would only serve as his stepping stones, punching bags on which to harden his fists.

Yes, they were all geniuses, but they were nothing compared to him. His path was inevitable.

What will you do now, big bro? Brock asked.

Is there even a question? Jack replied, his white teeth showing. Ill do what I always doget stronger!