Chapter 16: The World Ends With Rock

Name:Rock Falls, Everyone Dies Author:
Chapter 16: The World Ends With Rock

On a certain mountaintop, high above the clouds, a hero and a villain were having a grand battle.

Take this[Final Super Attack that Is Not Even My Final Attack]!

You cannot defeat my [Mega Casting: Fire Inferno: Flare Ember Mode: Astral Activation]!

Grand spells and abilities were flying every which way, tearing apart the landscape and slicing up the clouds below. It was a very grand battle indeedone that would decide the fate of the world.

And then it was decided.


The world will end in 60 minutes!

Please beware meteor showers.

The two paused, letting their attacks fade, then looked to the sky. They did not see it yet, but they could almost sense an oppressive presence. Growing.

The hero and villain shared an uneasy gaze and nodded at each other. They turned to face the meteor. They would meet it in a battle and see which one would win.

And so, the world finally came to peace.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

Even as the citizens all over the world panicked and screamed, shouted and cried, ran and hidthe rock did only one thing. It kept accelerating. But it was soso slow. The body around it was largeand heavy. It did not accelerate easily. It had not been moving that fast in the beginning. But it had gotten faster, gradually increasing its speed.

It would not be stopped again.

Current Velocity: 108304.0 m/s


Current Altitude: 389 894 400m

Time remaining: 60 Minutes

The timer was actually shrinking a bit faster than the 60 minutes indicated within, because the rock was still accelerating. The system did not seem to account for such things.

But it saw the worldits homeworld down below. And the planet prepared.

Time remaining: 60 Minutes

The [Mages] of the world gathered in a hasty remote conference, arguing over who would get the glory of saving their world. But practicality won out, and the newly elected [Supreme Grand Magus] of a certain city with a jade statue won outbecause they had foretold.

That was the landing zone. And there was no time.

All the mana of the world was sent to the man, channeled through remote connections and ancient treasures, and he held the power of the world at his fingertips. For a brief moment.

And he cast a spell, high atop his tower, gazing at the meteor through magnification spells. His skin crackled with mana, and he was barely holding himself together, but he raised his arms and cast the spell. The grand one they had all prepared together, fit to make a rock go away.

[Supreme Greater Anti Gravity Grand Magic].

The rock sensed the blast of magic approaching itself. But it had learned. It saw gravity better than any other on this planetfor who was more its child than a stone, not rolling, but falling?

It felt at the canvas of space below it, tilting it just to the side

And the blast missed it, careening off to the side, all the mana spent. Wasted.

The rock calmly kept accelerating, and the [Supreme Grand Magus] retreated down from his tower, escaping to his wine cellar, awaiting the end.

Time remaining: 40 Minutes

An ancient dragon lumbered out of its cave, weary of the world, for it saw its own mark of fate on this doomsday. That was why it had retreated here, for whenever a dragon interfereddisaster soon followed.

And now it looked up at the greatest disaster of allthe end of everything. It did not know how, but somehow the dragon had played a part in this. The thought was a crushing dread, and the dragon...

Felt tired. Weary.

Still, the great dragon, one of the last of its species and certainly mightiest of them all, gathered the roiling heat in his lungs, staring up at the rock, which it could just make out with its supreme eyes.

It breathed out, and a bright beam of magma was shot at the meteor, one last attempt to do something.

But it too failed, because the rock did not care for the laws of temperature. The mighty blast hit the rock in a blast that shattered the sky, but only heated it up more.

And the rock continued converting that heat to movement.

The dragon saw that it had once more only hastened the end, and retreated back to its cave, weary of this world. It would sleep through the end.

Time remaining: 2 Minutes

A hero and a villain stood side-by-side, atop a mountain, having formed their plan. They had combined their two techniques, and the hero was holding a grand sword in his hands, shaking with power.

He could now see the stone, invisible as it still was, because he was a [Hero] and could always see the enemy. He raised his sword high, and its tip cut the clouds. He sliced it down, using every technique available to him, and a great blast of energy was sent at the rock.

The rock activated [Diamond Skin], fueled by a roiling core of Qi, and the sword of a [Hero] scratched through 1000 meters of rock. But there were 9000 more, and the rock quickly began repairing the damage with its Qi.

The hero fell to his knees atop the mountain, overcome with despair. The villain did not speak, only stared up at the sky, waiting.

Sothe mightiest of the world failed to stop the rock, because of course they did. Even had they blasted it to pieces, those pieces would still have been falling down. Even had the [Mages] managed to send it back up, a ceaseless meteor shower would have followed in its wake.

And the rock would have returnedeven bigger than before.


Because the rock was inevitable. And soit descended down on the planet, satisfied that it had grown past all its former foes. None of the mighty could sway it.

But when has this ever been a story of the mighty?

Even the rock had humble origins.

If the world was going to end why face it with fear and dread?

Why not instead throw the most glorious of concertsa symphony for the end?

At the most glorious of stages.

And so, the clearer she saw the blinding light in the sky, the louder she sang. No longer words with any direct meaningjust sounds that felt grand and energetic enough for this moment. Almost screams. Her playing grew faster. But the statue was not her only audience.

Something above listened. And something elsesomething that always was there in this world.

Level up!

You have become a level 9 [Novice Bard]!

New music genre invented: [Rock and Roll]!

Time remaining: 1 Minute

The rock could make out the city below, and could see the plaza of its dreams. It was almost there. The end was in sight.


Current Altitude: 6 498 240m

But thenit heard something. Sound. A song.

It had never heard things before.

Before its launch into space, it had only been able to perceive the rumbles and vibrations of the earth, for it had no ears to hear with. But in spaceit had grown. Developed. Become a master of a domain.

And as its domain focused downward, away from its body, that whole mass of energy searching for that jade figure which reached up for it, the rock heard a song. And it was strange. Soft, gentle, sorrowful. But still energetic.

Something new.

The rock had never felt a soft touch or a caring hand beforeits stone skin was too tough for that.

The rock had never seen colorits vision only showed shades of grey.

The rock had never tasted before eitherfor that least of all was a thing of rocks.

But now it heard music. It had finally been given the senses to perceive such things. It did not see the [Bard] because the rock did not understand humans. It only saw that jade statue, the symbol of its dreams reaching up for it, and heard the song coming from it.

The jade statue was singing for the rockwelcoming it.

And in that moment, as the [Bard] looked up at the imminent destruction with glowing eyesthe rock finally felt it in its soul. It understood beauty. It wanted to hear more of the song.

The music resonated through its domain for a brief moment, and everyone heard it.

The hero raised his head, sorrow draining out of him, and he stood up, side by side with the villain. They held hands, looking the end right in the eyes.

The [Magus] rose up from his cellar, abandoning the flasks of wine, and stepped outside. He felt the spring breeze against his skin, and the coming of summer in the air. He smiled.

The dragon looked out of its cave once more, and for a moment, remembered the glories it had achieved in life. It closed its eyes, hearing the roars of old friends in the chorus of the song.

For a brief moment, everyone listened, and the rock wanted to hear more.

Butit was too late.

Gravity, the cruel mistress that it was, once more laughed at the rock. For it had made a mistake. It had worked so hard to make sure none could stop it. It had brought along a greater mass that its [Pivot] could not shiftand now... it could not stop itself.

In an instant, brave though it was against the storm, the brief ember of beauty was snuffed out.


Current Altitude: 0


Please wait.


Title Activated!

Line Ender Activated!

Gained 20% damage bonus!

Collide activated!

[Unnamed] Dealt 14959787069100 * 108304.2 * 1.2 / 4 = 486062331206766100 dmg to [Novice Bard Rihito] & [Planet Dirt]

New Velocity for [Unnamed]: 6000 m/s

Dealing splash damage to ERROR_OVERLOAD entities


Please wait.

Please wait.

Please wait.

The music had stopped, and so the rock also understood loss. It had never lost anything before. Not really. But the music wasn't coming back, no matter how hard it listened. There was only the brutal symphony of destruction, and then... silence.

But numbers went up.