Chapter 203: Trade Union (Part 1)

"What happened to what I asked you to do?"

Edel didn't explain too much to the Chief Guard on the issue of food prices. He directly asked the Chief Guard now what he should be concerned about.

As for what the king asked for, Carust, who was the captain of the guard, of course didn't dare to care about it, he said immediately. "Your Majesty, I have let people find out the bottom of these people, this is our report. People now are paying close attention to their every move, as long as they have dangerous actions, they will be arrested immediately."

After receiving the investigation data that the chief guard handed him, Edel looked at it. This survey data is a survey conducted by Edel to investigate whether there are communist organizations in Romania, and by the way, to investigate the tendency of left-wing political parties in the country.

In a few years, there will be a red regime country to the east, which will threaten the system of the Kingdom of Romania, and Romania will also have territorial disputes with it. Therefore, he took precautions to check the domestic political parties in advance, which is to clean up the domestic political environment in Romania.

What makes Edel very gratified is that there is no communist organization in the report of the Carrust investigation. However, there are still organizations that are a bit biased towards the communist situation. In recent years, the Romanian economy has developed vigorously, and the number of current workers has also increased substantially.

According to the latest statistics from government departments, there are about 1.7 million workers in Romania. Workers belong to an educated class (compared to farmers) who are more concerned about their own interests and gains and losses. Therefore, they are more enthusiastic about voting in parliamentary elections. This also allows political parties to woo these workers voters. In addition, the Romanian political parties are still somewhat irregular, so all kinds of slogans whether they can be fulfilled are also casual. Your campaign slogan today is to legislate to allow workers to work only 9 hours a day. Tomorrow my slogan is to allow workers to get more wages during 9 hours of work. The public opinion and the media also followed suit, saying that the welfare of workers here is not in place, and there is no guarantee of safety there. As a result, the working class who were misled by these people always thought that they had been fooled by the factory owners, which made them feel resentful in their lives.

In fact, in the government's survey data, the most difficult thing in Romania now is the farmers. Most of them depend on the sky for food, and they do not have their own land, so they can only make a living by renting seeds. They also have to endure the scissors gap between industrial and agricultural products every year, so they are the hardest class. Otherwise, there is no way to explain that these farmers who live a good life (as mentioned in the newspaper) still have a large number of people going to the cities to become the most painful and exhausting workers every year.

"There are still a lot of these organizations."

Edel sighed after reading this investigation report. Although the Communist Party does not exist, there can still be many political groups similar to it in certain respects. For example, the Romanian Socialist Union, a political party formed in Galati in 1907, hopes to unite workers through trade unions, as a means to benefit the workers, and to make themselves bigger so that bills that benefit workers can be passed in the parliament.

There is also the Romanian Social Democratic Party, the party they founded in 1910. Their political requirement is that Romanian nationals who have reached the age of 20, regardless of gender, religion, or ethnicity, have the right to vote secretly. Moreover, their main economic requirements are the eight-hour work system, collective contracts, protection of the rights and interests of child and female workers, free education, and the payment of taxes on a pro rata basis.

From the current perspective, these two parties are both within the scope of the Engels Second Communist International, and both still use the parliament as a requirement for elections, and plan to pass bills that are beneficial to them. For these harmless parties of left-wing boys, Edel has no plans to clean them up. As long as they do not propose a violent overthrow of the current government, and if necessary, Edel can also introduce the Prime Minister to top the pot.

"Your Majesty, how do we need to deal with these parties?"

The captain of the bodyguard Carust asked about Edel.

Regarding the head of the guard's words, Edel said after thinking about it. "First of all, we need to strengthen news control, so that these newspapers now pay 500,000 lei for the communication media security deposit. The current security deposit is too small and it is not conducive to the regulation of media communication."

Edel touched the scum that had just grown out of his chin, trying to think about what the previous government did. "Then the right of workers to strike and assemble can be opened up, but this is the scope of the government's functions."

Edel only thought of what the government needs to do. For the intelligence department in Carust’s hands, he can only go inside to understand whether the party’s policies have changed, which members have radical ideas, and who What slogan did you put forward?

Thinking of this, Edel looked at the head of the guard who was thinking about it crookedly. "Of course, to treat them is to get into the inside and observe the dangerous speeches in them. The rest depends on the thinking of the person in charge of intelligence."

Facing Edel's look that you provoke me, Carust, the captain of the guard, had no choice but to leave first when he couldn't figure it out.

"Your Majesty, then I will go back and think about it, and come up with a few ways to cooperate with your majesty's idea."

Seeing the captain of the guard who was frightened by himself, Edel didn't feel angry at once, and he spoke to Carust. "This problem is not mainly dependent on your intelligence department. You will provide investigation work at most on this issue. This requires government departments to pay attention to this issue, and you are only responsible for intelligence investigations with peace of mind."

After hearing Edel's words, the head of guard Carust was relieved, and blamed himself for asking too much, and almost pitted himself.

After the chief guard left, Edel thought about what he had said before. It seems that in order to prevent the working class from being affected by the emergence of the red regime, I really need to mention a little bit about the treatment of workers. Then calling the Prime Minister over to discuss this matter is also an effective method.

After Edel made up his mind, he called a guard, and UU read and handed him a note he wrote. "Give this to Prime Minister Bretianu, and let him burn it in front of you after reading it."

"Okay Your Majesty, I will go now."

After the guard sent the letter, Edel resumed other busy work.

Before long, Prime Minister Bretianu in the Prime Minister's Palace received a note from the king. Looking at the familiar words on the note, the head of Bretianu burned the note in the face of the guard. He knew that this was another problem the king gave himself. Because on this note, Edel let him pass Romania's first labor law.

Although it is a period of economic prosperity, Prime Minister Bretianu does not think that the factory owners are just talking. If the king supports, then this bill can be passed smoothly with the great prestige of the royal family. And the king's move obviously did not intend to provide explicit support, which made him very distressed.

At this time the secretary walked in and talked about it. "Prime Minister, Your Excellency Karaturi is here."

Prime Minister Bretianu's eyes lit up in an instant, and he said quickly. "Let the Minister of Industry come in."