Chapter 208: Refugees (Part 1) 2 in 1 Large

With the advent of the Great War, the Romanian economy was prosperous, and the city's fiscal revenue increased substantially, and more people could feel the benefits of industrialization. In addition to the benefits of the expansion of the six divisions, education, medical care, public safety, and infrastructure construction have all improved to varying degrees. This is the result of financial prosperity. These are not only enjoyed by the people of the country, but also seen by another special group of people.

In the northern border city of Romania, Bruno, the border policeman, is making preparations. He will lead his men to patrol the border in 15 minutes. The reason for him to do this is that there are too many people smuggling in Romania now, and yes, it is smuggling into Romania.

These people are basically the people of Russia and Austria in Galicia. Galicia is in the southeastern border of present-day Poland and belongs to the upper Vistula valley. When Poland was partitioned for the third time in 1795, Western Galicia was occupied by Austria, and the eastern part was also occupied by Russia in 1867. Now that the war broke out, millions of soldiers from the two countries fought desperately here, making the local people miserable. Many people made themselves homeless because of the war. The nearby neutral Romania has become a haven for these refugees.

Romania also understands the difficulties of these people. Unfortunately, the Romanian economy has just improved, and there is nothing it can do about it. Only after accepting 110,000 refugees, Romania

The government closed the border to prevent subsequent refugees from entering, so this has also led to frequent smuggling. These refugees often try to cross the border into Romania in order to make a living. This also increases the pressure on Bruno, who is a border policeman.

After checking his weapons, ammunition and equipment, he took a look at his subordinates who were going to lead the tour. Pollock, who was still single at the age of 30, had the best marksmanship and vision in his team, so he held a piece of wool. Se 98 rifle. His deputy Camille was putting a revolver into the holster of his thick waist. Others are also preparing separately. Basque, the timidest of his subordinates, is praying before going out. You don't need to think about it or know that this is the hope not to encounter deserters, which is why they need to be fully armed.

In fact, in Ludúzi, the largest port city to Galicia, all the police know that deserters are the ones they don’t like to encounter. These armed men fleeing the battlefield will carry guns and steal into Romania. Most of them have no other means of making a living. They can only do some illegal activities and even kill people. This has also made the public security environment in Lud Uzi worse and worse recently. Director Burt was a headache for this.

However, I heard that the police and the garrison are going to let the police and the garrison take a big action on the security of Leduuzzi, but this is not what his little police chief can understand in detail. Now he just wants to do this patrol well, so that he can confidently get a three-day vacation for everyone, after all, they have not taken a vacation for more than a month.

After seeing that everyone was ready, Bruno looked at the pocket watch he bought for 120 lei and said loudly to his subordinates. "We have five minutes to go. Everyone makes the final preparations. We are still patrolling the border for two days."

Upon hearing the words of his captain, the police officers who had been prepared answered their superiors in various ways.

"It's all ready, Captain."

"I see, Captain."

"Just wait for the departure, Captain."


Seeing the different answers of his 14 subordinates, Bruno was not angry. The police are like this, they are not as good as the army can do.

Five minutes later, Bruno took his men and walked out of the police station. After putting the tents and daily necessities on the three pack horses, they began a two-day inspection.

They walked along the fence on the Romanian side of the border and walked in the sparsely populated wilderness on the snow-covered wasteland.

"Be careful, the snow here is too deep to cover up the pit, don't step into it."

Bruno spoke to the patrol behind him as he passed the pit dug by the hunter they had encountered before.

The border police team replied. "I know the captain."

Looking at the sun shining on the snow-covered wilderness and woodland, Bruno felt that they shouldn't be able to touch the stowaways this time. Because if people appeared on the snow-white ground now were too conspicuous, it was easy to be spotted, so Bruno felt that the results of this patrol would not be too great, which would serve as a deterrent.

Bruno felt right before four o'clock in the afternoon. However, after they climbed a low hill, two people appeared in the wilderness, and after seeing the border fence destroyed by them in the distance, the patrol team composed of border police did not know the identity of the two people. .

Bruno didn't care about his premonition being slapped in the face, he said about Pollock who was the best marksman and the only one with a long spear. "I'll call them to stop later. If these two people run away, you will shoot the snow in front of them to warn you not to hit anyone, otherwise the police station will pay for medical expenses."

Pollock retorted to his captain's words. "That time it was because the wind blew the sand into my eyes, and I made a slip of my hand. For this I also lost a month's salary. You can rest assured that I will pay attention this time."

Bruno ignored his retort and turned to his deputy Camille. "You take five people from the left loaf, and I take the remaining five from the right loaf. I can't let them run away."

Camille nodded at him in agreement, and then he nodded five people and planned to walk around through the woods. Bruno also selected five people and ordered it, and we slowly touched it from the right. As for the remaining two people, of course, they are responsible for optimizing horses and supplies.

In fact, it is very difficult to hide in the snow, let alone Bruno and they are still wearing black police winter uniforms. When they sneaked to 300 meters, the two smugglers found the police slowly approaching.

"Quickly, separate."

An older stowaways who had more experience yelled to another stowaways around him, and quickly changed directions. Of course, the young stowaway would not sit still, and began to run forward at all costs.

Bruno has been a border policeman for many years, especially since there are too many people who have been smuggled in recently, so that he and his police officers are very experienced. He and his deputy Camille took their respective teams to chase their nearest target. At this time, Pollock's gun fired and shot in front of the young smugglers, allowing those who had never experienced this situation to smuggle. The reader was stunned, and Bruno immediately frightened him loudly behind him. "I will hit you while running, and we will hold you back for a few months at the most. Don't do stupid things."

I don't know if Bruno's words have worked, or if someone is looking at him in the distance to make him afraid to move, so he will soon be thrown and handcuffed by the police officers brought by Bruno. At this time Bruno walked over and saw the young stowaways who had been tested, just a teenager with a face of 16 or 7 years old. Through his dirty clothes and panic expression, coupled with a thin body, Bruno sighed secretly, another war refugee.

After a brief interrogation by the police officer, it was indeed as he expected. The home of this young boy named Podolfsky was in a small town called Vetlina in Austrian Galicia. When Russia attacked Austria-Hungary, his home and family were destroyed by artillery fire, and nothing was left. He is alone. And the other young man who was with him just now was from his own town, Bebrovsky.

After a while, he saw his deputy Camille and his party, escorting a young man in his twenties from the woods.

But from the young man named Bebnovsky, he saw an expression of still not convinced. He kept wanting to look back at a police officer behind him. As a result, he was restrained by the two police officers on the left and right, so he could only move forward.

When I approached, the young man named Bebunovsky was bleeding a little, and it seemed that he had been taught a lesson. Bruno didn't have any reaction to this. These days, police beating people is nothing, let alone they are stowaways. Now the city is getting worse and worse because of stowaways. Everyone dislikes them. Including churches, because when people are hungry, they don’t care whether you serve God’s messenger or not, so churches have also been harmed by them.

Looking at the two arrested, Bruno turned his head and shouted to two of his subordinates. "Luke and Bolff, you two will **** them back tomorrow morning."

The two police officers named Luke and Bolff answered. "Good captain."

"Willis, Pol, Katerry, and Billier will simply repair the damaged fence so that no one will be allowed in again."

After giving orders to his subordinates, Bruno looked at the sky. Feeling the delay of this period of time, it was impossible for them to rush to the scheduled camp before the sun set, so he told his deputy Camille. "Let's camp in the col in front, just enough to keep out the wind."

"No problem, Captain."

Then a group of police officers headed towards Bruno’s finger with two trophies. They did not patrol the border for a day or two. They knew all about the mountain and forest terrain on this road. They all knew where to rest during this section of the road. Great location.

It didn’t take long before that the mountain col that Bruno pointed to appeared. This is actually not a very good camping site. The east side is not covered, but the possibility of easterly wind is not high, so I chose this place. .

Of course, after arriving here, the group began to collect wood and start fires, set up tents, and feed horses, all doing it happily. Even the two illegal immigrants were arrested by them, and they were all arranged to fight against them. Of course, there were police officers working on the side and monitoring them.

After they finished all this, the four police officers who repaired the border fence also returned. This is the most relaxing moment for their hard-working Border Patrol members. They sat together watching the food in the pot on the campfire and drinking hot coffee with the cup in their hands. The whole person felt relaxed and relaxed. By the way, they also talked about light-hearted topics. It was nothing more than the ridiculous encounter they encountered when they went to the police. Podolvsky and Bebnovsky, who were arrested by them, also sat two or three meters away from them.

At this time, Captain Bruno took the coffee pot and walked up to them with three cups. When they saw him coming, they both fixed their eyes on the steaming coffee pot. Seeing the gazes of the two, Bruno handed them the cup in his hand, and then he poured the coffee from the pot into the cup they were holding.

After doing all this, Bruno raised the coffee in his hand and spoke to the two young refugees. "Respect this **** war, keep it away from us."

Podolvsky and Bebunovsky also raised their cups and replied. "Respect this **** war."

After the tax, the two took up coffee and drank it. It seemed that they were starving and freezing.

"Cough cough cough"

Podolfsky couldn't help coughing because he was drinking too quickly.

Looking at Podolvsky who was coughing, Bruno exhorted him. "Drink slowly, no one will touch your coffee."

Then Bruno gave them a portion of the food, and there was only so much that Bruno could do with these refugees. Bruno knew what happened to them later. They will be detained in Romania for a short time and then sent back. After being sent back, they will be sentenced to three years of hard labor by Russia and Austria. Considering that this is a period of war, the place of service can basically be determined to be more dangerous, and the two have a half chance of not surviving during hard labor.

However, Bruno has no way of this. Now a large number of refugees enter Romania through various methods, which greatly strains the police force that was already small. This approach can only be avoided unless the government can allow refugees to enter , depending on how government policy makers consider it.

After the meal, Bruno and his party left one person to watch the night, and the others hid in the tent to sleep early. Even Podolvsky and Bebnovsky were assigned to a small tent. Soon everyone fell asleep in exhaustion, even the two young people who had been smuggling, but it was not that Bruno was completely at ease with them. As a policeman, how could he be so ignorant, but there was an iron attached to their feet. There are a few bells on the chain, which is why Bruno is bold and relieved.

The night was very quiet, and nothing happened except the shift of the night watchman. In the early morning, after collecting their belongings, Bruno and his team continued to set off, and Podolvsky and Bebnovsky, who were captured, would be sent to the bureau to be temporarily detained.

Just after the separation in this col, Bruno continued with his team members. They needed to walk all the way to a small river called Naluya and then return to Le De Uzi. It will meet with Botosani, another border city, and if they are lucky, they can sit by the river and drink coffee with Botosani's colleagues.

"It's almost here. It's best to see Botosani's patrol at that time, so that you can taste their coffee, which is much better than our police station."

As he climbed a white hill, his deputy Camille talked to Bruno, who was walking in the front, about his desire to reach the end. It was just that the deputy's words did not arouse his interest at all, and he stood on the top of the mountain in a daze. Seeing the captain motionless, Camille also stepped forward curiously, but he was also stunned. Then the police officers of these patrols came forward and backwards were stunned.