Chapter 235: Romania's temptation (part 1)

Regarding Karaturi's actions, Prime Minister Bretianu is completely unaware of it. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't have any worries about Karaturi's actions. Because Romania's rapid development is done in his hands, and he is destined to be included in Romanian history. The records of later generations about this period of time did not circumvent him at all.

So now Prime Minister Bretianu’s vision has been placed on this European situation, and he is totally indifferent to the sneaky conspiracies in the country. Prime Minister Bretianu now has a certain general trend in my confidence.

It was the ambassadors of Britain, France, and Russia that gave him this confidence. Now Germany is fighting to death in Verdun and France, and both sides have tried their best. In order to alleviate the passive situation of France in Verdun, Britain also intends to counterattack and involve the German forces. Even Russia, which was badly injured last year, was forcibly dragged into the war by Britain and France.

In the spring of this year, the Russian army of up to 2 million people launched a counterattack against Germany and Austria. Now the German and Austrian armies and the Russian army are fighting fiercely on the Polish plains. With the latest information obtained by Prime Minister Buletianu, the Russian Army Lutsk defeated the Fourth Army of Austria-Hungary. Now the Russian army's breakthrough to Austria-Hungary is in sight. Under the command of the new Russian commander-in-chief Brushilov, the Russian army has formed multiple breakthroughs in the Austro-Hungarian defense line. It seems that in this war, the Austro-Hungarian army can only regain a little confidence in Italy.

Now every German and Austrian force has been used to the limit on various battlefields. If Romania joins the war now, no one will be able to defend them. Prime Minister Bretianu had a slight move. He thought this was the best chance for Romania to join the war.

At the prime minister’s residence, Bretianu was in discussions with his cousin, Wentile Bretianu.

"What are their conditions now?"

Faced with his cousin's inquiry, Wen Tiller, who has been responsible for secretly contacting the ambassadors of Britain, France, and Russia, replied. "The conditions given by the ambassadors of the three countries have been loosened. They are no longer only paying for the Transylvania region. They have begun to agree to some of our requirements for other territories."

"They agreed to which areas should be assigned to us after the war?"

"The Barnett area and the Sarashid of Krishna to the east of Sebes are all assigned to us."

Prime Minister Bretianu immediately found the above-mentioned position on the map behind him. This time, the concession of the three countries is still relatively large. This is a territory that will try to 20,000 square kilometers, and there are also nearly a million Romanian, Hungarian, German, Serbian and other ethnic groups living here, but there is still a big gap between his requirements. In this life, Prime Minister Bretianu relied on Romania’s 400,000 excellent troops and 400,000 fortified reserves, so he set the conditions for returning all east of the Tisza River to Romania.

The ambassadors of the three Allied nations were stunned by the prime minister's good appetite. This is to push its borders to the Hungarian plains, but also to seize a lot of its plains. The main thing is that if the Romanian prime minister's terms are agreed, his population will immediately double, and the territory will be expanded by 1.2 times. This is really a big talk.

Although Prime Minister Bretianu put forward such unpleasant conditions, the ambassadors of the three countries did not close the door to negotiations, but were testing Romania's bottom line bit by bit. However, Prime Minister Bretianu remained unmoved and still insisted on his terms. Because he clearly sees the reality of the Three Kingdoms, the Three Kingdoms now needs Romania's admission, and it is also his trust in the Romanian army.

This is not Romania, which has not been prepared for war in the previous life and can only start war hastily. After ten years of armament preparation, the current Romanian army can be said to have reached the same level as the great powers, and in some respects even surpassed the armies of all countries that have been in the war for two years. In terms of weaponry and training level, the Romanian army is stronger than Russia and Austria-Hungary, not to mention other small countries. Therefore, Prime Minister Bretianu can put forward conditions that satisfy him.

Cousin Wentiler looked at Prime Minister Bretianu who had been staring at the map, and he spoke after a struggle in his heart. "Cousin, is it really okay for us to talk about terms in private like this?"

Looking at the worried face of his cousin, Prime Minister Bretianu said with a smile. "Why are you worried about me?"

"Yes it is."

Wen Tiller also stayed in the government for a long time, and he is very clear about who can make Romania's decision now. So after his cousin found himself, he was already worried about letting himself negotiate with the Allied Powers, for fear that it would arouse the anger of Edel, who is actually worthy of power in Romania.

Now he finally couldn't help but ask his cousin about the doubts in his heart.

Hearing his cousin’s concerns, Prime Minister Bretianu decided to explain to his cousin.

"Now it’s Romania’s opportunity to join the Allied Powers. We are in a pretty good situation now. The main reason is that Germany and Austria and our neighbor Bulgaria do not have the energy to take care of us. As long as we cross the Transylvani Mountains, we can directly enter Hungary Plain. At that time, Austria-Hungary said that there is no force that can stop us from moving forward."

Prime Minister Bretianu said that he had a full understanding of the future battle situation. In fact, this was not thought of. This is the plan of the battle against Austria-Hungary to Edel by Chief of the General Staff Prieshan. In addition to Austria-Hungary, Prieshan also explained the country's plans for Russia and Bulgaria. Their general staff has already made many combat plans against neighboring countries, but these plans are all put in the dust on the combat staff.

And Bretianu’s deep understanding of the Austro-Hungarian combat plan So in front of his cousin, he did not forget to imagine his dream of commanding in command.

"Cousin, you know, I'm worried about what we are doing now."

Wendiller ignored his cousin, so he explained directly. "If the King discovers that we are privately contacting the Allied nations to participate in the war, then this will be a disaster. It will be a disaster for our family and the political party."

Seeing his cousin pick up the words clearly, Bretianu didn't interrupt him either. He looked at his cousin and said solemnly. "You think the king will not know our actions. You must know that the royal guard Carust is his eyes and eyes. This guard receives a lot of government funds every year."

"what do you mean……"

The cousin said that he thought of a possibility, and immediately looked at his cousin with wide eyes.

Prime Minister Bretianu knew what his cousin wanted to ask, but he did not give an answer. There are things that can be done but cannot be said, and Prime Minister Bretianu is in this state now.