Chapter 300: Defending the Deva (1)

Dewa's importance is beyond doubt if it can arouse General Pule Mountain's anger.

On the same day, the news that the Romanians had captured Deva also circulated within the Allied powers. Among them, Romania also demanded that the Battle of Thessaloniki be launched as soon as possible to contain Bulgaria's request. In view of the amazing fighting power shown by Romania in the past few days of war, Britain and France also negotiated on this matter. Both sides expressed their willingness to speed up their pre-war preparations, and could not allow their allies to face the surrounding Allied Forces alone. As the new Big Three of the Allied Powers, the United States expressed its willingness to do its part with regard to pre-war supplies.

While the Allies offered various rewards for Romania’s capture of Deva, they were also criticized within the Allies.

After the Bulgarian King Ferdinand I heard the news, he was surprised to say to his confidant minister. "Oh my god, is the Austro-Hungarian army so fragile? Fortunately, they are fighting Transylvania. If Romania fights from behind us first, it is estimated that we will have nowhere to go except defeat."

In Vienna, the news that Deva fell into the hands of Romania also made Karl I angry. He completely ignored the image of the emperor and cursed his brother-in-law, King Edel I of Romania. "This **** villain, shameless liar, they took Deva from us. This is unforgivable. Are our Ninth Army not ready yet?"

Friedrich, facing the anger of Emperor Karl I, explained it openly. "Now they have not prepared, weapons and ammunition are still lacking, and the personnel have not yet completed the supplement."

But Archduke Friedrich's explanation did not make the young emperor well, he stretched out three fingers to sign. "Tell the Ninth Army that I only give them three days, and that they must set out to reinforce Transylvania as soon as they arrive."

After talking about reinforcements, Karl I said with a disgusted expression on his face. "Send a telegram to Lieutenant General Sam and ask him what's going on and when the Tenth Army will be able to counterattack and retake Deva."

Carl has reason to be angry about the unbearable performance of the Tenth Army in the Romanian offensive. Facing the offensive of the three Romanian divisions in the past few days of war, the poor performance of the eight divisions of the Tenth Army under Sam's command made Carl suspect that this is still a commander who has performed well on the eastern front and trusted him?

Facing the emperor's anger towards Sam, Archduke Friedrich, who had been maintaining the relationship between Habsburg and the army, did not want to persuade Karl I anymore. Because even he felt that Lieutenant General Sam, who was in command of the Tenth Army, had performed quite unbearably and did not play the role that a commander should have at all.

However, even though he was very dissatisfied with the performance of Lieutenant General Sam during this period of time, Karl I still knew the importance, and he would not do such a thing in the face of a battle. It just depends on the performance of the lieutenant general. If the desktop is so unbearable, then replacing the commander to reduce the loss is also under consideration.

It was just that Archduke Friedrich, as the secretary of the army, felt that he still needed to do something, so he told the emperor. "Your Majesty, I think I should send a telegram to the Tenth Army to reprimand them, at least so that they can know the attitude of the empire."

Archduke Friedrich's words made Karl feel reasonable. He is not suitable to replace the commander due to the situation of the battle, but he can't let them let them fail his trust in vain. So he said to the Grand Duke.

"This suggestion is good."

After speaking, Karl I looked at Archduke Friedrich and spoke. "If we continue to request reinforcements from Germany to help us repel the Romanians in Transylvania, what do you think of this proposal?"

Faced with the emperor’s question, the Grand Duke talked about it after careful consideration. "Your Majesty, are we in a hurry to request German support?"

Carl understood what the Grand Duke said. It took less than a week for the Romanians to declare war. If Austria-Hungary asked Germany for help twice, it would really hurt its self-esteem. And if the army gets the news, it will be considered that it cannot gain the emperor's trust and its morale will be greatly reduced.

After persuading Emperor Karl I, the reprimanding telegram was sent from Vienna to the headquarters of the Tenth Army.

"General, this is...this is a telegram from Vienna."

In the headquarters located on the outskirts of Cluj, a staff officer carefully put the reprimand telegram drafted by Prince Friedrich in front of Lieutenant General Sam. He knew that the Lieutenant General was not in a good mood lately, and he was still less upset, but the telegram from Vienna in his hand has become a hot potato.

"Let me see, what did Vienna send me?"

Lieutenant General Sam took a telegram to read it, but unexpectedly, the Lieutenant General did not seem to care too much about it and there was no ups and downs. This made the secretly observing staff only leave with confusion.

Seeing the reprimanding telegram from Vienna in his hand, Lieutenant General Sam was not angry. It was impossible. But as a soldier, especially a senior officer, he shouldn't be angry because of it, because it was indeed his negligence to lose Deva this time. Here he also has to admit that the Romanians really made him admire Compared with the Russians he encountered on the Eastern Front, the Romanians are less rude and more rigorous and courageous. Great style.

Take this battle in Deva, as a soldier with many years of experience in the army, Lieutenant General Sam thinks he still has no problems in command. At first, Petrosani was taken down by a surprise attack because he took advantage of the time difference in the declaration of war, and he immediately arranged five divisions to approach him. If you don't talk about the result but only the process, no one can say that he has dealt with mistakes.

However, the Romanians took advantage of their well-trained weapons to forcefully use their forces to the limit, breaking through the defenders of the two divisions of Deva. Take advantage of rail transportation to grab one division and block the three divisions attacking on the flanks. Then, taking advantage of the time difference, he grabbed Deva before the reinforcements of his three divisions arrived. This series of operations fully demonstrated the opponent's superb commanding art, and let his opponent applaud him. But now his shortcomings are also fully exposed, that is, the lack of troops in a short period of time. Although the other party can continuously get reinforcements through the railway, there are limits to this. And he will use the forces that are far beyond the opponent's limit to crush the opponent with the momentum of Mount Tai. This is a gift he prepared for the opponent, and this is also a scheming.

At this time an officer knocked on the door and came in. "Your Excellency, the generals have already arrived."

"Okay, I know."