Chapter 310: Target Cluj (5)

Asutu is a quiet and peaceful town ten kilometers from Cluj. It is famous for producing honey and roses. Every day when honey and roses are produced, the people in the town transport them to Cluj to sell them, and then purchase the daily necessities and other supplies they need.

However, after the outbreak of World War I, life here was struggling. There were fewer people buying honey and roses. There were also many great boys in the town who were called up for military service. The death notices sent back from time to time gave the town a veil of sadness, which made Rukoto, the mayor of the town, very sad. The news of the recent battle with Romania made the mayor even more sad.

But when he was sad for the lads of the town, the town's security police officer Koehler hurried over.

Seeing Kohler's eager appearance, Rukoto asked with concern. "Hi, Kohler. What makes you so worried."

Rukoto's question caused Kohler to come straight to him. "Mayor, it's great for you to be here."

The tone of Kohler's speech gave Rukoto a bad hunch, and sure enough, Kohler's next words immediately verified his hunch.

"The mayor, the officer just notified that there will be troops passing through our town in a while. They will be repairing here for a short time. Let us prepare."

"A military passing by us?"

The words of the security police officer Koehler made Mayor Rukoto a little strange, because the traffic in the town is not convenient. Apart from a road leading to Cluj, there are only unrepaired rural dirt roads leading to nearby villages. So the army rarely comes here, even if their town is not too far from the city.

But since the army was coming, Mayor Rukoto could only receive it. Rukoto had already thought about it, let the residents in the town boil some water, and let some children hold the flag on the side of the road to welcome them. Don't show up for the beautiful girl in the town, stay at home and wait for the army to go before showing up. Her youngest daughter Lena can only stay at home.

With the countermeasures in his mind, Rukoto met the officer who came to inform under the leadership of Officer Kohler. This is a cavalry officer wearing a blue lapel cavalry uniform with high riding boots on his feet and a golden belt with an M07 pistol. It can be seen from the collar that this is a cavalry officer with the rank of captain.

Those who were sent to inform were all captains. It seems that the number of troops coming to the town this time may be a little too much. I hope they will not bring too much burden to the town. Rukoto, who is adept at humanity and sophistication, couldn't help but feel a little sad about this, but as he approached, Mayor Rukoto immediately showed an expression of **** for his relatives.

"Hello, sir, I am Rukoto, the mayor of this town. I don't know how many troops will arrive in our town this time, so I can let the residents prepare."

Facing mayor Rukoto, who is experienced and skilled in the world, this officer's performance will be much inferior. "Mr. Mayor, you can call me Captain Bath. This time our cavalry regiment is just passing by and intends to take a break and move on. So you don't need to prepare anything, just let the soldiers have a mouthful of hot water to drink."

The words of this Captain Bath made Rukoto breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that this time the army just stopped here to rest, and only hot water was needed in the words, which made Mayor Rukoto very satisfied. The need for hot water is such a big deal. I will let the residents burn it after a while. What he fears is that the army will be stationed here, and that is the constant trouble of disputes that can cause headaches.

"Captain Doss, I don't know when the army will arrive, I can have someone prepare to welcome it."

"Mayor Rukoto doesn't need to be so troublesome. Let's take a break."

Facing Rukoto's enthusiasm, Captain Doss waved his hand not to use it.

Time was spent chatting between the two. When Officer Kohler came to report that the reception was ready, the two chatting stopped.

Captain Doss, the army is still here, should we take a break? "

While Mayor Ruktor was talking, Captain Doss looked up into the distance and couldn't help but smile. "Isn't this here."

The words of Captain Doss made Mayor Ruktor and Officer Kohler both turn their heads and look away, and saw a large group of Austro-Hungarian cavalry in blue uniforms marching here from afar.

As the Austro-Hungarian cavalry approached, Captain Doss invited. "Our team leader is there. Let's meet with me both of you."

"Thank the captain for his enthusiasm, so let's lead the way."

When Doss brought Mayor Rukerto and Officer Kohler towards the cavalry regiment that was about to arrive, the expression of Officer Kohler, who had previously been a soldier, became a little unnatural.


Seeing that he had walked in front of these Austro-Hungarian cavalry units, Officer Kohler suddenly covered his stomach and called out.

The unidentified mayor asked the police officer why. "What's the matter with you?"

Officer Kohler, who was covering his stomach, said the reason. "Suddenly the stomach feels uncomfortable. It may be a bad meal during lunch. I want to go to the toilet first."

"How could this happen? Go ahead."

Hearing that it was a problem with his stomach, Lucto waved to him to go quickly.

Officer Kohler was approaching a big switch and immediately planned to go back. But at this time, a big hand firmly grasped his shoulder. This was the former Captain Doss. He smiled and said to the somewhat grim-faced Officer Kohler. "At this time there are already several people with uncomfortable stomachs."

Mayor Ruktor looked at everything in front of him, still asking somewhat unclearly. "How is this going?"

Officer Kohler, who was already a little heartbroken, spoke directly. "They are not the imperial army, we are all deceived."

Officer Koehler's words made Mayor Rukoto's face feel like frost immediately, and even the civilization stick in his hand fell to the ground. At this time, the Captain Doss said in a deep voice. "Mayor Rukoto. As long as you cooperate with us to comfort the residents of the town not to move around, we will not threaten your life and safety."

Facing the naked intimidation of Captain ‘Dos’, Mayor Rukoto immediately recovered. "Okay, the sir, I will arrange for the people in the town to stay at home. They don't want to walk around, please don't worry about that."

Faced with the threat of the Romanian army, the old mayor Rukoto had already guessed the situation. These people must have come for Cluj. Their town was just innocently blocking the road, so now for the sake of the residents of the town and their own safety, he can of course only cooperate.

For the cooperation of Mayor Rukoto, this Captain Doss was very satisfied. "Now let us get someone to take you to inform the residents of the town, and give another piece of advice goodbye to thinking about leaving the town."

After speaking, he also glanced at Officer Kohler, and the warning meant that only the officer himself knew.

Soon the Romanian army was in the town The news that everyone was staying at home and not going out, ravaged the nerves of the residents of the town like a hurricane. Some people sighed, some were scared, some were anxious, and more people were rejoicing. Of course, these actions can only be done at home. Now the town is under martial law, and these soldiers control everything, but they can't resist the curiosity of residents watching through the windows.

As it approached dusk, more Romanian soldiers came to this town along the road. From their tired look and muddy shoes on their feet, it must be a long journey.

With these soldiers arrived in the town is also Lieutenant General Andrew. The long march made the older Lieutenant Admiral a little overwhelmed, but he still held a meeting immediately after arriving in the town.

"Now we have arrived in the vicinity of Cluj, and now we are going to fix it a little bit. We are going to launch a night attack on Cluj early this morning. I will have breakfast in Cluj tomorrow morning."

After speaking, Andrew looked at the generals on the left and right, and asked loudly. "Do you understand?"

"Understood." Romanian Eagle