Chapter 330: Bulgaria was defeated (in)

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The news that Pleven was captured by the Romanian army caused Sophia to be in chaos.

Prime Minister Radoslav, as the head of government, immediately convened a meeting of high-level officials to discuss countermeasures.

"Chief of Staff, haven't the soldiers outside the city changed their minds?"

At the beginning of the meeting, Prime Minister Radoslav immediately asked Lieutenant General Ivanov as the chief of staff.

As Lieutenant General Ivanov, who rushed back to Sofia from Thessaloniki overnight, he shook his head and said. "I've only been to a military camp outside the city. The situation is not optimistic. The soldiers are more emotional, and the military camp is also preaching to stop the war. Even if these soldiers are reorganized, it is difficult to continue fighting. It takes a long time. Rectify it."

The words of Lieutenant General Ivanov made Prime Minister Radoslav very unwilling, and he asked unwillingly. "Can Lieutenant General Kudinchev rectify the army and fight again?"

Prime Minister Radoslav was afraid that Lieutenant General Ivanov would not understand, and quickly stated the reason for doing so. "As long as we can stop the Romanians for five days, we can get reinforcements. The reinforcements from Turkey can replace the troops in Thessaloniki, and General Zekov will be able to bring the troops back to Sofia. In this case, we will still We have the strength to fight the Romanians. In addition, the German-Austrian forces will be able to arrive within ten days from the news sent back from Germany, so we still have a chance."

Facing Prime Minister Radoslav's instigation, Lieutenant General Ivanov, as the chief of staff, couldn't bear to hit him. But he must explain the actual situation to government officials, although the result may not be as good as their expectations.

"Prime Minister, at present, Lieutenant General Kudinchev’s Sixth Army has less than half of its staff, and there is a serious lack of machine guns and artillery. What’s more important is that the Romanian army has been sending elite troops to follow up and attack him. There is no time to rectify the troops. Now the Sixth Army is on the verge of collapse, and it is really unable to stop the strength of the Romanians."

Ivanov’s words made Prime Minister Radoslav a little depressed, and he muttered to himself in a voice that only he could hear. "how so."

Then he asked. "Chief of Staff, is there no other way to stop the enemy's footsteps at the moment?"

Facing the Prime Minister’s inquiry, Lieutenant General Ivanov shook his head and said. "There is no other way. The only possibility now is to allow reinforcements from neighboring countries to quickly reach Thessaloniki, so that they can mobilize troops to return to Sofia. But in this case, you need to deploy troops in Sofia to defend yourself."

Ivanov's words immediately evoked a huge response.

"This won't work."

"It's not a good idea to stay in Sofia."

"Can't you change the place?"

Listening to the rush of opposition, even Ivanov, who proposed the idea, knew how bad the decision was. What these people oppose is not that defensive operations in Sofia will destroy the capital, but that there is no hope of victory at the moment. Although Germany and Austria have already defeated Russia, on the most important western front, the German army has little effect on the offensive of the British and French forces on the western front, and it has only hit the Marne River before it has advanced.

However, compared with the last time the German offensive was a little panicked, this time the French government directly announced that even if the Germans took down Paris, the French people would never succumb. This not only made Hindenburg and Ludendorff who commanded this battle feel a little uncomfortable, but also disappointed the Bulgarians who had hoped here. Their desire to withdraw from this war has been frustrated.

In fact, before Romania declared war, Bulgaria reached a consensus. That is, this war has hurt Bulgaria too much, so Bulgaria has always hoped to withdraw from the war peacefully. However, it is a pity that whether it is Germany and Austria who pulled it into the camp, or the opposing Britain and France, they are not willing to let Bulgaria become their wish. Not to mention Serbia and Greece, which have territorial disputes with him.

But now in the face of Romania and the Allied powers, there are differences in Bulgaria. Among them, the people headed by Prime Minister Radoslav intended to withstand the attack from both sides, and asked the allies to help themselves. They pinned their hopes on the Allied powers and could not consume the casualties and the Germans and Austrians.

The other group is dominated by opposition parties. They proposed that Bulgaria can no longer fight, and they can take the lead in signing a treaty with the Allies to withdraw from the war. Because Bulgaria was the first country to withdraw from the war, in order to leave room for negotiations between Germany and Austria, Britain and France will certainly not cause Bulgaria to lose too much.

Both groups of people have their own opinions, and neither of them disagrees with each other, so they also have different approaches in the face of this crisis.

In the military camp outside the city, soldiers who refused to fight were sitting together, and a middle-aged man in plain and neat clothes was speaking to the soldiers on the platform. "Soldiers, your desire to withdraw from the war is not excessive at all. The government should not ignore your wishesHere we need to let them know that the demands of the people must be met, and this war should not be. Happened. Now we must let the government make a decision. We can’t continue to sit here and wait. Now if we want the government to know our voice, they must answer.”

The atmosphere on the scene caused some of the soldiers to shout loudly. "The government must answer, we have to withdraw from the war."

After seeing the atmosphere warming up, the middle-aged speaker also took the lead in shouting. "You want peace, not war."

This sentence immediately detonated the scene, and everyone was chanting. "You want peace, not war."

"What if the government doesn't promise us?"

"Change to another government."

Slowly, the soldier's emotions were guided by the speaker, and the observer on the side satisfactorily said to the person next to him. "Now the soldiers are getting emotional, and then they will shift to dissatisfaction with the government and the prime minister. You need to cooperate more with the people. Let them sympathize with the soldiers, so that the German puppet can step down, Bulgaria You can no longer stay on the broken ship of the Barrel Alliance."

The speaker seemed to be very dissatisfied with Prime Minister Radoslav, and even used the puppet. But his words made the people around him very much agree, only to hear the person next to him nod and answer.

"Don't worry, no one wants that person to stay in the prime minister's position."

It seems that there are still many people who are dissatisfied with Prime Minister Radoslav. They can no longer suppress their inner thoughts and are eager to let the Prime Minister step down.

The current situation makes them think that it is not difficult to bring the Prime Minister down, and what needs to be considered is how to truce with the Allies is the key. This requires them to exert their talents to help their motherland avoid the liquidation from Britain and France.

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