Chapter 365: Kazan Gold (End)

The fresh green grass and blooming wild flowers have attracted many insects such as bees, and there are many human figures under their busy figures. These figures lying in ambush on the side of the road are the militants united by Rodysky and Fisk. The nearly thousand people hid in the growing grass, waiting for the arrival of the fat sheep.

As the leader Rodysky and Fisk naturally occupy the most advantageous position, but the late team makes them a little worried.

"Why haven't the team come here yet."

Rodysky waved his hand to drive away a bee swaying in front of him, and asked Medley who had detected the news next to him: "Did you detect it clearly?"

Facing Rodysky’s question, Medley quickly replied: “Yes, every time I arrived here around eleven o’clock. I observed several times. Is there anything unexpected this time?”

Without waiting for Rodysky's answer, Fisk said in a huff from the side: "Don't worry, you must know that we Cossacks catch wild horses. Waiting for a few days is a common occurrence."

If Fisk didn't care, Rodysky could only wait patiently.

After a while, only one spy who was observing the situation in the front ran back.


The same questioning by the two leaders revealed that they were not as calm as they were on the outside.

The spy was slightly taken aback when confronted by the two leaders at the same time, and immediately replied: "The convoy is ten miles ahead and the speed is not fast. It seems that there is a problem with the car and they are going to repair it."

The spies' words stunned the two of them, which was an unexpected situation. Leaving the ambush, or waiting for the convoy to come over has become a question for the two leaders to consider.

After a long time, Fisk, as the leader of the Cossacks, expressed his opinion. "It's better to wait for the team to come, our team is too eye-catching, if it is discovered in advance, it will be troublesome."

Rodysky thought about it and agreed: "That's good."

Then he instructed the people behind him: "Let everyone be careful, the convoy is here, don't be found."

When the two leaders each ordered their subordinates to be more concealed, they didn't know that their movements were being seen.

In a sparse mountain grove six to seven hundred meters away, Vasily put down his telescope and slowly retreated. Behind the mountain pack are guards in their early 100s, but now they are fully armed and plan to surprise these thugs.

Vasily stepped back and asked in a low voice, "hasn't the people who were investigating the situation coming back?"

"Three have returned and nothing else has been discovered, only one has not returned."

"who is it?"

"It's Wald in the woods three kilometers to the west."

As he was talking, someone stepped forward and whispered: "Wald is back."

Vasily said immediately: "Let him come over."

Some panting Wald was taken directly into Vasi.

"Wald, did you find anything?"

Wald replied with a good look: "Yes, the boss, as expected. There are two temporary camps very close behind the woods, each guarded by a dozen people, and they are filled with horses and horses. A small amount of living supplies."

"Very good. You did a good job."

After Vasily praised Wald, he immediately ordered: "Later, you will bring a team of people to take down these two camps and drive away the horses, burn their camps to create chaos and distract these militants."

Wald nodded and replied, "No problem, leave it to me."

Vasily continued: "Next, on our side, Morris, you are in charge of the artillery team. Let the artillery team fire immediately after hearing the gunfire."

Having hit hundreds of shells, Morris, who is proficient in slap artillery operations, nodded and replied: "Leave it to me."

Vasily went on to talk about the battle plan. "Willis, you are responsible for the two heavy machine guns we brought. You can't let the enemy show signs of counterattack, do you understand?"

"Fully understand."

Vasily went on to say to his opponent: "Everyone else prepares with me. Let the sniper be responsible for destroying the enemy's firepower point and command, and others are responsible for destroying them. Do you understand?"



After the subordinates answered, Vasily stretched out the left hand of the watch he was wearing. "For the watch, it's 11:12. Five minutes later, we attacked."

After nearly five minutes of waiting, Rodysky and Fisk were still waiting for the arrival of their dream caravan. They had no idea that there were several sniper rifles aiming at them.

Rodysky felt itchy in his nostrils at this time.



A sneeze made Rodysky escape the harvest of death. Several gunshots sounded, making Rodysky immediately realize that it was not good. Worthy of being an officer who has been on the battlefield for several years, he realized through gunshots that the attack came from behind. Several standard rolls in succession hid to the other side, and squatted on the ground.

This made the sniper who aimed at him cursed and had no choice but to choose other targets.

Fisk fell to the ground only a few meters away from Rodysky, but his already gloomy eyes seemed to be confused as to who attacked him.

The sound of the gunfire made the ambushing armed group realize that I myself had been attacked. However, many bosses lost their lives in the first round of gunfire, which made them much slower to respond to the attack, and they didn't know what to do. Some people even guess they haven't experienced this kind of scene and froze there.

"Over there, fight back."

A boss who is not afraid of death loudly ordered his subordinates to launch a counterattack in the direction of the small forest, but their firepower was worrying, and their marksmanship was poor.

And this eye-catching action of the boss made him the focus on the battlefield. The focus on the battlefield usually doesn't live long, and he is no exception. After several gunshots sounded, the leader fell to the ground with flying blood, his loose eyes informed him of this truth.

Of course, a small amount of rifle shooting does not scare the bandits who gather. Many brave thugs plan to let those who attack them know how powerful they are.


"Da da da"

However, the next few mortars made their movements hesitate, and the sound of machine guns even more frightened them. The chorus of two heavy machine guns and ten Madsen light machine guns let them know what a rain of bullets is.

A large number of militants fell in pieces like wheat. This made many bandits shocked. Those who had never seen such a scene could only lie on the ground and shiver, and their weak legs dominated by fear made them unable to escape from here. They could only lie down here like being frightened. The same as the ostrich.

Vasily saw the scene in front of him and realized that this was an opportunity. The enemy was beaten and couldn't give them a chance to react, so he immediately waved to attack. Dozens of brave Romanian elites attacked ten times the enemy.

Hundreds of militants immediately caused a commotion after seeing the enemy attack. However, many people still fired at Vasily and his party who launched the attack, trying to recover their comrades.

Although most of their marksmanship were not very good, they were still shot from time to time, and Vasily saw the enemy slowly recovering, anxious in his heart. Hasn't Wald, who raided the enemy's camp, lighted the enemy's camp?

When Morris was in charge of the bombardment, he saw that the situation ahead was a little bad, and immediately let the two mortars fire quickly, trying to use the maximum firepower to dispel the enemy's will to resist.


Successive explosions fell on the enemy's head, causing its morale to drop immediately. The fierce shelling of the sneak attackers caused many militants to misjudge the situation, thinking that they had encountered the army's suppression, and they all began to look around and plan to choose a retreat in advance.

At this time, as the only leader who survived, Rodysky had also retreated to a slightly safer place. Through his rich battlefield experience, he realized that this was only a small group of elite troops, maybe it was to protect those materials. When I think of these capable soldiers who have cost me a lot, the goods I looted this time must be very important and of great value. Thinking of this, his greed is even heavier. As long as he takes the cargo himself, whether it is recruiting soldiers or serving others, there are other ways out.

So at this moment, he went all out to cheer up the gangsters. "Don't be afraid, they are few, and the main thing is we can stand it up. It is them who can't stand it. Don't be afraid, fight back."

Under Rodysky's encouragement, many bandits with different minds gradually calmed down and began to seriously resist. But Vasili and others faced even greater pressure, and even prevented the offensive from launching, and could only shoot at the enemy. Although their marksmanship is much better than their opponents, the huge difference in numbers makes them unable to hold off.

At this moment, a thick black smoke rose from the west.

Seeing this black smoke, many gangsters were in a commotion. They all knew that this was their previous camp. They saw signs that they were being burned, and they still had a lot of things still there.

Of course, the people who reacted the most to this thick smoke were Fisk's men, they were the Cossack nomadic group. For horses, they are like their own partners, and without these horses, they will not only lose a large amount of wealth, but also the foundation of their foothold. So after the camp was burned, their reaction was greatest.

After seeing that the thick smoke caused a different reaction from the enemy, Vasily immediately ordered: "Aim at the right hand side and focus on the less turmoil."

The Fisk group immediately felt a lot of pressure relief, and as the deputy who took over the position of Fisk after his death, he was not a fool. After feeling the difference, he immediately thought about it for a while and said: "We retreat. The opponent is too strong. We have to lose at least half of the manpower if we want to win them. We can't take a risk at this time."

Of course, the adventure he said came not only from the attackers but also from Rodysky. As the leader who has just died, and the number of people is still smaller than that, there is also a lot of danger of being annexed, and the priority of ensuring one's own survival becomes the first priority.

The withdrawal of the Cossacks made Rodysky jump in anger. This is not just a matter of losing two-fifths of the troops, but also shaking the confidence of his men. Seeing others evacuated, who is still in the mood to continue fighting.

Seeing that his strategy worked, Vasily hit the iron with the heat. "Just hit the person on the right, all the firepower will be suppressed."

So all the blows were taken by Rodyski's people, and the number of people was not so big, and the offensive of Vasily and others began again.

In the fierce attack by Vasily and others, Rodyski's men could not resist defeat and retreat.

At this time Rodysky also knew that the crash was just before his eyes, so he didn't notify others, and he quietly chose a direction and slipped away. It wasn't until his subordinates couldn't stop him that they came to him to find a way to find no one.

The chiefs all slipped away, so the crash is now in sight. The fleeing bandits fled everywhere. Vasily quickly told his subordinates: "Immediately lead the five teams to mount on horses and pursue them. The main purpose is to dispel the possibility of them gathering again."

The subordinate with a trace of blood on his face immediately replied: "Understood. I'm going now."

Watching the subordinates of the Forty-odd number riding horses, chasing in the direction where these bandits fled. Vasily called one of his subordinates and said: "Let Luler bring the convoy over, it's safe now."

There was still half a sentence left in Vasily, it was only temporarily safe. It is estimated that this battle with guns and guns will soon spread to the city of Tsaritsyn. Then the General Denikin who is reorganizing the army will definitely send people to investigate, and they will not have much time left. Next, I need to quickly transport the gold to Velix for boarding.

Moreover, this battle cost him more than a dozen brothers, which made Vasily resent the escaped Rodysky very much. If it weren't for his own mission, I would want him to chase down this swift guy.

In fact, after returning to Yuris that afternoon, Vasily immediately informed Christo of the incident.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Christo immediately arranged replacements without changing cars to transfer the gold overnight. Moreover, the carriages formed a convoy for transport, anyway, there was no armed threat to them for the time being.

After three days of continuous uninterrupted transshipment, this small amount of remaining gold was always safely transferred and docked on the secret transport ship of Velix.

Looking at the gold nuggets inscribed in Russian, Christo and the others finally breathed a long sigh of relief. Among them, Vasily, who was in charge of the escort, had already raised panda eyes. It seems that the **** mission during this period of rushing time has made the iron man a little overwhelmed.

As their means of transportation, there are now less than three cars that can still be driven, and more than 30 horses are exhausted. But all of this is worth it before the gold is safely transferred to the ship.

When Christo and others got on the boat and began the last leg of the journey, Colonel Dovnov, who came to investigate on Denikin’s orders, also brought his cavalry brigade to Vasily and the others. The place where Disky fought.

"Rodysky, are you talking about fighting the guards here?"

Colonel Dovnov pointed to the battlefield where metal bullets were exposed from time to time after a simple cleaning, and asked Rodysky, who was wearing the military uniform of the major next to him.

It seems that this leader has taken refuge in Denikin and sold the information of Vasily and others.

"Yes, Commander. I took five hundred people and a group of Cossacks to co-operate with them, intending to ambush them. It was here that I was attacked by the opponent, and the result was a complete defeat."

"Only about a hundred people?"

"Yes, Colonel. At that time, we had already inquired clearly. There was a ship in Uris and Velix. They should be transferring some goods. I wanted to intercept a fat sheep, but I didn’t expect it to be a single ship. Fierce beast."

While the two were exploring the battlefield, a war horse ran over with a messenger.

The messenger jumped off his horse and ran in front of Colonel Dovnov and said: "Report to the brigade commander, Commander Millerdorf did not find these people and goods in Yuris. After investigation, they left the day before yesterday. ."

The words of the messenger made Colonel Dofonov frown. "Got it, go down."

Rodysky didn't find anyone, and felt a little bad. Before he could speak, another messenger rushed to them.

"Brigadier Commander, Verix did not find this group of people, goods, and no boat. After inquiring about the nearby fishermen, it was a steam engine boat, and it drove away yesterday morning."

Colonel Dovnov looked very ugly when he heard the news . "I drove away yesterday morning. Yesterday morning... Damn it, now it's in the Black Sea at the speed of the ship, where can I find it. Damn it."

Regardless of how Colonel Dovnov complains, the ship carrying the gold has arrived in the Black Sea. As the only warship that the Romanian Navy took out, the Kolburg-class cruiser Count Dachila appeared in front of them. It seems that in order to protect this batch of gold, all means are used. Even this navy housekeeper dared to reach the coast of Russia to meet it.

This also made Verix and his group relieved that most of the mission has been completed this time, and you only need to return to Constanta to enjoy enough honor. Of course, this must be kept secret.

On the ship, Hilka looked at Donowski, who was staying with his family next to him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we in Romania are about credibility. You must be promised."

Facing Hilka, Donovsky, who was with him throughout the process, could only smile helplessly. God knows these lunatics actually succeeded, but thinking that there are five tons of their own, the world is so beautiful. ()

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