Chapter 354: Preparation before the war (part 2)

Early in the morning of the next day, Hoffman came to the command post neatly and waited for Lieutenant General Fereit's summons.

He was not allowed to wait long, and under the guidance of the secretary, he came to Lieutenant General Feleit's office.

"Colon Hoffman, please sit down."

Your Excellency Lieutenant General raised his head and glanced at Hoffman. After saying something, he handed a document to the secretary who opened the door. "Give this document to the Logistics Department and ask them to hurry up. The train station is almost full of supplies."

Hoffman sighed inwardly as he looked at the busy Lieutenant-General Fereit. At the commendation meeting after the Balkan War that year, Lieutenant General Fereit was already one of the newly promoted military giants, and he was just a major in charge of transportation. And now that Lieutenant-General Fereit has become famous in this war, he has not been able to show the matching achievements, which is really sad.

Lieutenant General Fereit, who didn't know Hoffman's feelings at all, picked up the kettle on the side and poured two glasses of water after sending away his secretary, and handed it to Hoffman. Hoffman hurriedly stood up and took the water glass, but he was a little flattered by the boss pouring himself water.

Seeing Hoffman's expression, Lieutenant-General Feleit said with a smile. "It seems that you don't know enough about me. In fact, I think it's good to do it yourself."

Hoffman didn't know how to answer the words of the lieutenant general.

After taking a sip of himself, Lieutenant General Fereit put down his water cup and said: "Actually, I have learned about tanks, a new weapon, and I have also read the training textbook you wrote. It is a very good model. In fact, I personally like it. We call this weapon a modern heavy cavalry, which is responsible for opening a gap for the army, and then the infantry expands the gap until the entire line of defense is torn."

In the face of Lieutenant General Fereit, Hoffman knew that this was also the correct way to use tanks at present, mainly because tanks could only be used in this way. And he dreamed of advancing backwards, this kind of steel torrent has not yet been able to do. So he could only answer: "Thank you, your lieutenant general, for your love to me."

"It's not a great love, but you are actually capable." After Lieutenant General Fereit replied, he picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table and handed it to Hoffman. "Do you smoke?"

"Don't smoke, thank you."

Lieutenant General Hoffman didn’t care about his refusal either. He pulled out one point and continued: “Actually, I wanted to transfer you over this time. Because I know that any new weapon needs to be on the battlefield so that I can discover the possibility. The problem lies in the problem. Of course, the use of tanks by Britain and France on the western front is also one of the reasons. We must not lag behind mainstream countries, especially in emerging weapons."

After chatting a few words with Hoffman, Lieutenant General Fereit walked to the wall where the battle map was hung. Hoffman knew that this was to tell himself the battle plan, and immediately followed.

However, the Lieutenant General first told him about the current situation on the front.

"At present, we are facing off with the Austro-Hungarian army on a long border. Austro-Hungarian has placed the enemy's 10th Army in the south, with Adela as the fulcrum. However, because the two places are connected to the railway and the river, this is also the focus of the enemy's defense. Therefore, the enemy has 120,000 troops deployed on this line."

Hoffman looked at the position of Lieutenant-General Fereit's fingers. On the map, Adela and his location, Deva, are separated by the remnant of the Carpathian Mountains, and there is a railway connecting the two places with the Muriel River.

"On the north side of the front is the enemy's Ninth Army, and its fulcrum is Oradea. The main reason for this is the lack of railways and rivers as transportation lines. Therefore, we and the enemy have less force than the southern line, so there are only nine. There are about 10,000 people. In addition, there is an 80,000-strong Sixteenth Army in Bekéscsaba, not far from the enemies of the two places, that can reinforce at any time."

After Lieutenant General Fereit introduced the current situation, he suddenly said. "Where do you think you should make a breakthrough now?"

Hoffman, who was surprised by the words of Lieutenant General Fereit, waved his hand and preached: "This should be something the chief considers."

"It's okay, just talk and watch."

Faced with the enthusiasm of Lieutenant-General Fereit, Hoffman said without thinking: "I think we should break through from Adela's direction."

Lieutenant General Fereit asked with great interest: "Why, you must know that the enemy is laying heavy troops here?"

"Because only this direction is suitable for us to give full play to our strength."

Hoffman first said affirmatively, and then gave a specific reason. “Don’t look at the number of enemies on the northern line, it’s actually not suitable for us to attack at all, because we are very disadvantaged in the terrain. From Deva to Cluj on the northern line, to the enemy’s main point, Oradea, all the way Mountain and hilly terrain. Oradea to Békéscsaba and Budapest are all plains. This will make us lose to our opponents in terms of material transportation and personnel replenishment. In modern times, wars have been fighting morale and Replenishment, and on the northern route, our replenishment occupies an absolute disadvantage."

"On the southern line, instead of looking at the enemy’s heavy forces gathering for defense, the railways and rivers can keep us from being too far behind in this respect. Moreover, compared with the enemy, our morale and training are much higher, so the South The line is the best choice."

Facing the various reasons given by Hoffman, Lieutenant General Fereit nodded and praised: "That's good. It seems that you are well prepared for this battle."

Facing the lieutenant general’s award, Hoffman replied: “It’s just because of the difference, everyone can see it. But I just described it in more detail.”

Lieutenant General Fereit didn't care about Hoffman's humble words, he said directly. "Since you have guessed our plan, let me talk about the mission of your brigade."

As soon as he heard of the topic he cared about most, Hoffman immediately energized himself.

"The task of your armored brigade is to immediately form an assault group with the 1st, 3rd, and 7th Cavalry Divisions after the 1st, 5th, and 19th Divisions of the Guards and Guards opens the gap for you to break into the enemy territory To intercept reinforcements and disrupt the enemy's deployment, I want you to smash the enemy into a mess. In order to support the main force of the group army to destroy the enemy's resistance, occupy the territory east of the Tisza River."

The words of Lieutenant General Fereit excited Hoffman's heart. This is the opportunity he has been waiting for. As long as you can accomplish this task beautifully, the rumors about yourself will be wiped out.

"Your Excellency Lieutenant, please rest assured that the armored brigade will be able to complete this mission outstandingly."


Facing Hoffman's answer, Lieutenant General Feleit patted him on the shoulder He was very satisfied with this, and the soldiers had to have enough confidence in themselves.

At this time, Lieutenant General Fereit asked what he was concerned about. "How many days will it take for your armored brigade to assemble?"

Hoffman immediately replied: "According to the arrangement of the traffic management office, it will take three days for our brigade to arrive at Deva."

Hearing Hoffman's answer, Lieutenant-General Fereit said directly to him: "You still have some time, so make more preparations."

Hearing these words from the lieutenant general, Hoffman knew he should leave, but he couldn't help asking when he took him away:

"Can you ask, what is the code name of this operation?"


It seemed that it was the meaning of a thunder strike, and Hoffman got the answer and left with satisfaction.

After Hoffman's departure, Lieutenant General Fereit said to himself: "The ability is good, it is no wonder that he can get the respect of His Majesty."