Chapter 375: Germany defeated

Edel was right to lament that Germany is currently not ready for the punishment of the Allies.

After Kaiser Wilhelm II issued his abdication and took refuge in the Netherlands, the German empire collapsed and millions of German troops on the front line lost their allegiance.

At home, Friedrich Ebert, who was preparing to take over as head of government, asked Max von Baden, the last prime minister of the German Empire, to sign an armistice treaty with the Allies before he could take over the post of head of the reorganized government.

Because signing the defeated armistice agreement is completely a disaster for a politician, which will ruin his political life. For Albert, who aims to integrate the political power of Germany after the war, this is an impossible condition.

Therefore, in the face of this obviously ruining action, only Baden, who was pushed to the stage specifically to do this, did it. So on September 16, the Prime Minister of Baden, who was introduced to the top package, took the few government officials to France to discuss the truce. When the German peace talks car arrived at the station in the Forest of Compiègne, northeast of Paris, at this time, the train that Foch, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, passed by.

Prime Minister Baden hurriedly boarded the carriage where Foch was riding in a hurry for the peace talks and in order to facilitate the peace talks.

"How similar all this is to Russia in March 1917!"

At 5 o'clock in the morning, after having eaten breakfast, Fuchs, commander-in-chief of the Allied forces of the Allied Powers, who was waiting for the German delegation to surrender, was in a good mood. Standing in his command train at this time, he said to his chief of staff, General Wei Gang: "If we reject their surrender, then the People's Committee in Berlin will collapse in a few weeks!"

Some small, skinny Admiral Maxim Weigang looked old, had experienced the Franco-Prussian War, and was determined to take revenge on Marshal Fuxi. Say in a hoarse voice, "If the People's Committee in Berlin collapses, they will probably be replaced by the Spartaks... They are the real Bolsheviks, just like the Russian Bolsheviks!"

It seems that Admiral Wei Gang is a little worried about Germany's situation. He is worried that Germany will be as red as Russia.

"so what?"

Philip Fuchs touched his white beard and said nonchalantly: "We can beat them! The Bolsheviks in Germany and the Bolsheviks in Russia! Now is the weakest time for these two countries, do you understand? This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. !"

In Fuxi's view, the Allied Forces currently have millions of soldiers armed to the teeth, and the United States has returned weapons and supplies. The Bolsheviks in Germany and Russia are so weak. If you fight for another year or two, you can crush them all, so that France can dominate Europe, and peace will be a real guarantee.

Facing Marshal Fuxi's warlike words, Admiral Wei Gang replied earnestly. "But in this case, our people will not agree. For this war, we have sacrificed too much. In fact, France is already standing on the edge of the cliff!"

Indeed, among the Allies currently participating in the war, except for the collapsed Russia, France has suffered the most. Apart from the loss of millions of young adults, its northern territory was completely scorched.

If it weren't for the Americans to take action in time, France must have collapsed now. In addition, the United Kingdom and the United States will certainly not accept the continued fight and the pursuit of France's dominance in Europe. Therefore, Marshal Fuxi's idea was totally unworkable.

"But with such a light sparring of Germany, what we get is not peace at all, but a truce of twenty years!" Marshal Fuxi reiterated his views once again. "Twenty years later, we will regret our shortsightedness today."

The reason for Fuxi to say this is that he thinks the armistice agreement is too benevolent. In Foch's view, it is best to dismantle Germany back to the state it was in before the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. Only in this way can the German threat to France be eliminated.

And Fuxi's request for the dominance of the French family cannot be accepted by the United Kingdom and the United States. They don't want to let France get the most benefits after playing Germany. Therefore, this decision, which seems to be the most beneficial to France, cannot be accepted by the two countries.

Facing Fuxi, Admiral Wei Gang could only helplessly shook his head. In fact, in Wei Gang's view, the current armistice clause can be said to be too harsh for Germany.

He had already read the clauses, which required that the German army should withdraw from the left bank area of ​​the Rhine and the bridgehead on the right bank within 30 days and be occupied by the Allied forces. This one will kill Germany, and the left bank of the Rhine is the famous Ruhr area. This is the iron and coal base in Germany. The region produces 80% of the country’s hard coal and 90% of the coke, which accounts for 65% of the country’s steel production capacity. It can be said that just this one will allow the Allies to pinch the seven inches of Germany and make it immobile.

In addition, the German forces are also required to withdraw from the occupied Belgium, France, Luxembourg and Alsace-Lorraine within 15 days. Yes, the Alsace-Lorraine region, which France never forgets, is finally returning to the embrace of France. This is about the disposal of the Germans on the western front, and then it is the turn of the eastern front.

All German forces that remained in the territory of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Turkey and East Africa before the war should immediately withdraw back to the German borders on August 1, 1914. All German troops stationed on the territory of Russia before the war should also return to German territory when the Allies deem it the right time. Yes, for the German forces on the territory of Russia before the war, the Allied Powers do not think that it is time for them to withdraw. The hatred of Soviet Russia made the Allies temporarily need German troops in the former Russian territory to continue to be stationed.

The next step is that the prisoners of the Allied forces should be repatriated immediately, and the German prisoners of war should be resettled by the Allied forces in whatever method it deems appropriate, and the "Bucharest Treaty" should be abolished.

Last but not least, the German army should completely hand over the main equipment and transportation tools of its army, navy and air force. This is an intention to disarm the German armed forces, which will also mean that as long as Germany signs the armistice agreement, its destiny will be completely in the hands of the Allied Powers.

While Fuxi was talking with Wei Gang, the guards came up to report. "The German delegation is here."

"Let them in."

After Fuxi said a word and spent ten hours on the road, the German government representative Chancellor Baden, who had just arrived in the Compiègne Forest, immediately boarded the carriage.

"We already know your intentions."

Marshal Fuxi took out an armistice treaty and handed it to Baden. "This is our request. If you agree to it, sign, and if you don't agree, we will continue to fight."

Facing Fuxi's cold words, Baden didn't care to immediately pick up the armistice treaty and look at it. As a result, his face became uglier as he looked at it. Finally, he put down the treaty and said. "This armistice treaty is too harsh."

Facing Baden’s words, Fuxi took a sip from his pipe and said: “You don’t need to tell me this, you just need to sign or leave.”

Fuxi's words caused some commotion among the German representatives. They did not expect the Allied Powers to be so tough. So a group of people were talking quietly, but the result of the exchange was frustrating. At present, Germany is completely unable to oppose the armistice agreement, so in the end, after more than ten minutes of struggle, Baden signed the name on the agreement on behalf of the German government.

The war is over.
