Chapter 386: Intervention in Hungary (4)

.., Romanian Eagle

On the Tisza River, there was a lot of people, and a large number of Romanian soldiers were passing the pontoon bridge built by engineers. In Szeged, Szolnok, and Eger, the Romanian three-way armies crossed the Tisza River and swept towards Budapest, the capital of Hungary, with the summit of Mount Tai.

Among the three armies, the right armies, led by Lieutenant General Ankodar, the commander of the 1st Guards Division, planned to capture the cities of Szeged, Kecskeméd, and Szekszád and overthrow the Soviets in southern Hungary. regime. The main force of the Central Army was led by Admiral Salamik. After the capture of Szolnok, it slowly approached Budapest, leaving it incapable of dissolving the offensive in the north and south.

The North Army, led by Lieutenant General Mandiv, commander of the Third Division, captured the northern cities of Eger, Miskolc, and Sorgotarjan. Then join the army in the middle road, waiting for the southern line of troops, ready to encircle Budapest.

The three armies are equipped with enough radio stations to facilitate communication between the various ministries at any time. And in order to prevent the group charge that has appeared in the Russian Civil War, the machine gun has been equipped to the company platoon level, so that the Romanian soldiers have enough firepower to block the enemy's crowded tactics.

Facing Romania's three-way army, Szeged and Szolnok, two cities close to the Tisza River, immediately felt tremendous pressure.

"The Romanian is here."

In Szolnok, the city by the Tisza River that is the closest to Budapest, many people were panicked by the news of Romania's attack. What these hateful imperial doglegs did east of the Tisza River has been widely circulated in the city through the fleeing Hungarians. They drove out the local Hungarians and drove all these innocent people away, and they can only carry their belongings with them, which is really pitiful.

So when they learned that the Romanian army had attacked, a large number of people took their belongings and salutes from their homes, and got on horse-drawn carriages and other means of transportation to flee. The people who could not get on the transportation, and proceeded along the road to Budapest and Szekeshiba Castle, which are farther away from the Romanians. They planned to hide to the west of the Danube to take shelter from the limelight.

So from Szolnok to the west out of the city, the crowd was slowly moving. Only the few children who do not know anything are looking around with their family members. They feel that all the strange things in front of them are so strange.

And around them, many Hungarian People's Army soldiers are maintaining order. A large conscription banner was hung beside the road, with a slogan of protecting one's home and the country. From time to time, some people walked out of the fleeing team despite the opposition of their families and came to the recruiting office under the banner, becoming a recruit about to enter the battlefield.

Everything looks so helpless, but it's all a personal choice, some people want to avoid tranquility, some people go to the battlefield to fight.

On the side of Szolnok close to Romania, a large number of Hungarian soldiers hid in trenches and other fortifications, waiting for the Romanian army to attack. It can be seen from their nervous look that they clenched their weapons and kept looking around, that many of these people had experience on the battlefield. Judging from their age, they are all under 18 and over 35. These people are generally not accepted by the army, and now they are forced to take up arms and fight in order to defend their homeland.

"I'm coming."

The Hungarian soldiers who were waiting anxiously tortured, after waiting for some time, someone suddenly noticed that the Romanian army was wearing a dark green uniform in the distance.

The soldier's mood became more tense, but at this time the officer leading the group appeared in front of everyone. I saw these officers speak loudly to them: "Don't be afraid, the enemy is nothing terrible, and you will die if you are shot. Holding the weapon in your hand, as long as you remember the essentials of shooting, you will definitely defeat the enemy's offensive. "

The officers repeated these words of comfort in the trenches.

In fact, these Hungarian officers, who were promoted by FireWire for less than a month, were all soldiers and ordinary people before. Moreover, this defensive combat mission is their first battle, and they can only resign themselves to the result. However, the higher-level commander is still a real officer, so he knows what the soldiers need most at the moment. These officers took the words handed over to them by their superiors, repeatedly pacifying the soldiers on the ground, and it seemed that the effect was not bad.

"Boom, boom, boom."

At this moment, Romanian artillery from the attacking side landed on the trenches and their surroundings one after another. In the face of fierce shelling, this caused a commotion among the Hungarian soldiers in the position.

"Get down, all get down to avoid the shells."

The conscientious officer bent over and covered the choking gunpowder, and probably killed them with shrapnel, and shouted orders to the soldiers in the trenches. For some soldiers who were frightened and at a loss, they just kicked them into the trenches when they went up. Although they knew this was wrong, they could at least save these soldiers.

Hungarian soldiers avoiding shell attacks in various positions must not only endure the shells that might be hit. The screams of soldiers after being wounded came from around the trenches, and from time to time, the hapless guys who were blown off their hands and feet flew to their sides, all of which made them pale in fright.

It seems that for the cruelty of the battlefield, these people who are encouraged to go to the battlefield are not yet mentally prepared.

The incoming shells are always finished, and when the Romanian army stopped the artillery, the Hungarian soldiers who endured the torment felt that they had finally come alive from hell. But before they could breathe, the officer had an anxious look on his face and hurriedly shouted to them: "Get up all, get up quickly. The enemy is about to attack."

The soldiers looked up and looked out of the position. The situation outside shocked them. The Romanians had touched them only four to five hundred meters away.

"Remember to teach you the basics of shooting, and get ready to fight."

The words of the officers heard in the ears, causing the soldiers to take up the weapons in their hands and aim at the enemies that appeared in front of them.

When the Romanians were close to only three or four hundred meters away, the officers immediately shouted: "It's now, open fire."



Amid the command of the officer, many soldiers who fought for the first time pulled the trigger.

The continuous violent gunfire caused the attacking Romanian soldiers to immediately lie on the ground. This made many soldiers who had fought for the first time shouted loudly: "I hit it."

At this time, they would often be reprimanded by the officers behind him. "What are you happy about? This is just the enemy's response. Continued firing will not give the enemy a chance."

Sure enough, the fallen Romanian soldiers were basically still crawling forward, and the results of this battle were not satisfactory.


With excellent training and good shooting skills, a counterattack from Romania also came to them. Many Hungarian soldiers fell silently in the trenches during the enemy's counterattack. And the comrades around them can't worry too much at all, and can only continue to exchange fire with the enemy.

The combat performance of the soldiers on the two sides on the front line was captured by their respective commanders. Different from the performance of the Hungarian commander in a hurry, Major General Foktor, the commander of the Seventh Division, who was in charge of the battle, watched the messy counterattack firepower of the Hungarians, and said to Admiral Salamik who was also observing the battle. : "The enemy's combat ability is very poor this time, but the morale is much higher than before."

Your admiral, who went to the front to check the enemy's situation personally, put down the telescope in his hand and replied: "You are right, these enemies are really tough. If they are given enough time to train, they will be our strong enemy."

But will Admiral Salamik give the enemy time?

I saw him tell Major General Foktor: "We have already observed the state of the enemy. Maybe the troops in other parts of Hungary are not the same in training as the enemy in front of them, but some of them are still the same. Then you will be responsible for taking it. Go down to Szolnok."

"Okay, Lord Admiral."

After watching General Salamik leave, Faulktor ordered the staff around him: "Immediately order the troops to increase their firepower and concentrate their superior forces to break through the enemy's position in one go. I will spend the night in Szolnok."

"Yes, Master."

With Fauctor’s orders, the roar of Romania’s artillery became more violent. And the frontline troops, which were still tentative attacks before, also became fierce. More importantly, a regiment-level force appeared at the junction of two defensive forces, which was the inevitable result of testing out the enemy's weakness.

A Hungarian battalion-level unit defending the area changed its face when it saw a regiment of Romanian troops in front of it. The battalion commander pulled the messenger, who was only 16 or 17 years old, and ordered hurriedly: "The telephone line was blown up, and immediately ask for reinforcements to the regiment commander. If the reinforcements arrive late, we can only collect the bodies."

After being let go by the battalion commander, the young messenger immediately threw his legs and rushed to the regiment headquarters. The lives of hundreds of people in the battalion would be lost.

Seeing the messenger rushing away, the battalion commander picked up the phone next to him and said eagerly to his commander: "Commander, the enemy has launched a fierce attack on my position, and now I need reinforcements. Yes, please don't worry. People are on the ground. I hope the reinforcements can come quickly, otherwise you may not see me."

After putting down the phone, the battalion commander took out his last cigarette and started smoking. As a veteran who has been fighting for many years, he still doesn't know the current danger. This time the enemy has four or five times the superior force, and it is also well-trained with superior firepower. And he has less than four hundred people in his early years, and most of them are recruits. And the only support weapon in the battalion was only a 57 gun.

This battle is hard to fight. After the Hungarian battalion commander smoked his last cigarette, the girl he liked in the village flashed in his mind. Sighed and said to herself: "Liana, this time I will go back alive and marry you."

Artillery fire was even more intense than before, and it fell on their position. And the reinforcements sent by their regiment commander could not get close to this position under the bombardment of these artillery fires.

The positions that were bombarded by artillery fire were like plowing over the ground, and the remaining Hungarian soldiers remained here. However, the Romanian soldiers who came from all directions like tides would not give them a chance to defend.

After a brief exchange of fire, a cruel hand-to-hand battle started on this position. At this time, the weakness of the Hungarian soldiers' lack of training was infinitely magnified. Many soldiers fell into a pool of blood without even touching the corners of the enemy's clothes. The few soldiers and officers who can contend with the enemy have to face the attack of many people. So this hand-to-hand battle was a disaster for the Hungarian soldiers.

Hungarian officers and soldiers fell one after another on the position, and the position was gradually taken down by the Romanian army. Until only the last short position was left, the Hungarian officers and soldiers were almost killed by this time, and the battalion commander was one of the surviving members.

He was holding a bayonet-mounted rifle and confronted several Romanian soldiers. From the corpses of several Romanian soldiers that fell beside him, you can see his hand-to-hand combat level. The confrontation between the two parties without squint also declared mutual fear.


At this time, two screams affected the balance of the opposing parties. Seeing the Romanian soldiers confronting him with joy, the battalion commander's heart felt a little, and it seemed that his comrades were all killed.

At this time, a Romanian soldier observed the distraction of the enemy in front of him, and immediately took a big step forward, a stab trying to solve this difficult opponent.

When the battalion commander slammed the enemy sideways, he passed the bayonet rifle, and at the same time he waved the **** of the rifle and hit the enemy's face. The attacking soldier immediately covered his face with his hands and uttered a terrible cry. The battalion commander raised his rifle to solve the opponent, but at this time he felt a sharp pain in his waist, a sense of powerlessness rose in his heart, and the weapon in his hand fell on the battlefield. He slowly turned his head and found that he had two bayonets stuck in his waist, and his blood was flowing down the wound to the feet.

At this time, the two bayonets that stabbed his waist were retracted, and he fell to the ground without support, his eyes gradually felt heavy and weak. But at this time, his beloved girl Liana appeared in his eyes, and she looked at herself smiling so sweet and charming. The battalion commander, who gradually entered the dying, also showed a smile. It was his sincere smile when he missed his beloved girl.

After the Romanian army seized this position, it immediately widened the gap between the positions on both sides. At this time, the Hungarian commander made a big mistake. After seeing the enemy's breakthrough, he ordered the troops to withdraw to the city in an attempt to use the terrain and houses in the city as fortifications to continue to resist Romania's attack.

This cannot be said to be a wrong decision It's just that he overestimated the quality of his army. The retreat order was issued, and these Hungarian soldiers, who had just entered the army, immediately graze the sheep. Yu Qi said they were retreating, rather than saying they were fleeing. It's completely different, and the leader of the team is also dumbfounded, and doesn't know who to chase after.

The Romanian army behind them, of course, would not give the enemy a chance to regroup, and immediately caught up. Seeing the enemy's pursuit, the Hungarian soldiers ran more happily. Along the way, various weapons were discarded by the roadside, and even some military uniforms were abandoned by the owner on the road.

Major General Foktor's request was fulfilled ahead of schedule. He moved into Szolnok in the evening and had time to travel around the city.

The Central Army quickly captured Szolnok, and the Southern Army was not slow, and they captured Szeged, which was also on the Tisza River, that night.

The Beilu Army failed to make breakthrough progress because there was no city by the river. However, they have also cleaned up the Hungarian army along the Tisza River, which can be regarded as eliminating hidden dangers.

When the Romanian army sent troops and showed strength, some people were talking about them.
