Chapter 398: Treaty of Trianon

The situation in Hungary became increasingly clear after Romania defeated the People’s Army to capture Budapest, and when the belated Allied forces arrived in Hungary (mainly the French army), the fate of the Hungarian Communist Party was doomed.

Although the People’s Army used this time to strengthen the army, it also sent troops to capture the Slovak region and drove the Czech army back to Prague from the region. However, in the face of the intervening army organized by a multi-nation coalition, the current Soviet government in Zell has become a dead end.

As a member of the Allied Powers, the Romanian Intervention Army commanded by General Salamik also sent 60,000 troops to participate in the final blow to the Hungarian Soviet government.

The French general, Marshal Luis Despere, who was the supreme commander of the Allied Powers in Hungary, also knew the right way. For the hard-working Romanian army, it did not arrange any important tasks, but instead let them be responsible for intercepting the possible escape of the Hungarian Communist Party.

Marshal Despere can also be regarded as an old acquaintance of the Romanian military, the representative of France's more famous offensive strategy. He performed quite well in resisting German invasion on the Western Front. However, in the later battle for the post of commander-in-chief of the French army, which Joseph Chaffee resigned, Franche Despere lost to Robert Neville.

Later, one of the conditions for Romania's participation in the war required the Allies to contain the Bulgarian army in the Macedonia region. So Paris sent Marshal Despere to Macedonia to unify the command of the Allied forces in the area. So Marshal Despere is quite familiar with the Romanian army.

Outside the city of Zell, the Allied forces of France, the United States, Serbia and other countries surrounded the last city of the Hungarian Communist Party. Among these armies, there is an army flying the Hungarian tricolor flag.

Yes, the Hungarian Republican Army participated in this final blow to the Communist regime. As the republican regime that has just moved from Kaposvár to Budapest, it will certainly not let go of these red elements. In order to show its attitude to the civilized world, the republican armed forces commanded by Admiral Horti, of course, must show their faces here.

In order to get the support of the Allies and be able to return to Budapest, the Caroli regime certainly has no room to repay the demands of the Allies. When the troops of the Allied Powers came to help quell the rebellion, Caroli could not ignore the importance of it, or they might be quelled as rebels.

Therefore, the Caroli government also hates the Hungarian Communist Party headed by Bella Kuhn. It was these red elements that gave Hungary no room for maneuver, it was they who caused Hungary to suffer the current suffering, and it was they who divided the Hungarian people into different countries. Everything was the fault of these red elements, and they and others had to make this unintentional decision just to save the country.

Sometimes I have to say that Ah Q's spiritual victory method still has some effect. Although it is the same as compensation, but putting on the coat of saving the country people is like putting a layer of syrup on the rotten fruit, at least it can barely swallow.

Therefore, after the city of Zell was captured, the Hungarian Republican government had to send people to negotiate the defeat treaty with the Allies. However, despite this, the Hungarian Republican government still imagines that through President Wilson, Hungary will reduce its losses. For this reason, his Foreign Minister Kordamek approached US President Wilson and asked him to ask the United States to intercede, and part of the Hungarian territories and compensations that were ceded to other countries would be reduced or exempted.

For Wilson, who could allow the United States to criticize Britain and France from a moral high point, and was deeply irritated in his heart, of course he would not refuse. For this reason, at the beginning of the negotiations, he accused Britain and France of not negotiating for peace, but creating new points of conflict in the region.

As soon as President Wilson opened the box, he criticized various problems in Britain and France. Slowly expand from Hungary to the whole of Europe. And he vented his dissatisfaction in Paris and the meeting, and Minister Kordamik and other representatives were stunned.

Is it just this way of venting useful? From a personal point of view, it is useful, which makes President Wilson feel relieved a lot, at least conducive to his own health.

From a national perspective, this is useless. I didn't see Prime Minister George and Prime Minister Clemenceau both listening to him with a smile, and even the Prime Minister accidentally yawned. This makes other representatives doubt the influence of the United States represented by President Wilson on Europe.

In fact, President Wilson is also confused about this. The United States has indeed made money from this war, and not a lot. It's just that the penetration of European influence is really helpless. The image established by Britain and France over the centuries will not collapse overnight. At present, the perception of Britain and France has not changed much. It’s just that I know a lot about the image of the United States, but the United States’ hands are still separated by an Atlantic Ocean, which is a bit farther away.

The results of the final negotiations have also confirmed the delegates’ predictions of President Wilson.

After more than ten days of discussions, a peace treaty was finally signed at the Grand Trianon Palace in Versailles, Hungary and the Allies. It is called the Trianon Treaty as in history, and its main clauses are as follows.

Article 1: A series of hostile acts such as the cessation of war between various countries and Hungary immediately.

Article 2: As the initiator of the war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire has an inescapable responsibility for this war, and the Hungarian government, as one of the successors of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, must accept punishment for this.

Territorial punishment; Hungary ceded Slovakia to the Czech Republic. Most of Burgenland is attributed to Austria ~ ~ Transylvania and the east of the Tisza River, and Rothenia in the east of the Carpathian Mountains are assigned to Romania. Croatia and the western part of Banat are placed under the Kingdom of Serbia.

At the same time, the Danube, as the main river in many countries, will also be co-managed by the international community. (Britain, France, Italy, Austria, Yugoslavia, Romania, and Hungary will jointly form the Danube Management Committee.)

In terms of military affairs, Hungary generally has a military service system, and its army cannot exceed 38,000 people. (Three thousand more people than in history)

Economically, Hungary, as the initiator of the war, will accept 2.2 billion francs in war reparations. Half of the compensation is paid to Serbia, and the rest is divided by other countries.

After the signing of the treaty, Hungary lost 78% of its land area, and its population was significantly reduced from 20.8 million to 7.4 million. (There are 900,000 more people than in history, which shows Romania’s efforts)

With the signing of this treaty, more than a thousand Hungarians were assigned to other countries. I just don't know if these people who were accustomed to being uncles in the Austro-Hungarian Empire can bear the scene of other ethnic groups turning over and singing. Only this time, there was no Austria-Hungarian Empire to support them.
