Chapter 413: Rosso conflict (4)

Time slowly comes to December, and the Ukrainian region has already entered a snowy winter for thousands of miles. In this season of dripping water and ice, the Romanian and Soviet armies in West Ukraine are preparing for each tens of kilometers apart.

In the port city of Nikolayev near the front line, a group of Romanian soldiers were pushing a Lefh18 105 howitzer into the position.

"Everyone, work harder."


This is the new 105 howitzer battalion of the 15th Division of the Romanian Army. It is entering the position (now the Romanian Infantry Division has four artillery battalions, two 75 mountain artillery battalions, and two 105 howitzer battalions).

The cold wind in the winter did not make the soldiers feel cold. Instead, the work of pushing a lot of artillery and moving ammunition made everyone look hot.

As the commander of the battalion, Major Tovsk was standing on a high ground observing the placement of the position. The boys worked very hard, and the artillery placement work was also done well, and he was very satisfied.

Major Tovsk previously served as the deputy commander of the other 105 howitzer battalion of the 15th Division. This time I encountered the artillery expansion, and I was able to stand out from the four deputy battalion commanders. There was nothing more comfortable than this.

Major General Kledov, commander of the 15th Division, was deploying his forces as Major Tovsk was energetic and envisioned the future.

In the headquarters of the 15th Division in Nikolaev, Major General Kledov is giving orders to the messengers. "Order the 1504 Regiment to deploy defense in Costaf."

After sending away the messenger, Colonel Dork, the chief of staff, stepped forward and asked: "We have deployed the 1501 regiment and the 1503 regiment outside the city. If the 1504 regiment is also transferred out, there will only be 1503 regiments left in the city. If there is a case, is there a little less force?"

The Chief of Staff Colonel Dork questioned, Major General Kledov pointed to the military map and replied: "A lot. As for the Ukrainian and Russian civilians in the city, do they dare to dig out the flowers? And you see, the Nigerian we are defending Gulayev is a must for the enemy to seize Odessa. If it weren’t for considering that the city is full of Ukrainians and Russians, I would also like to send another battalion to strengthen the line of defense.

For the sake of Chief of Staff An’s heart, Major General Kledov continued: “Behind us is the Ninth Division. As long as we hold on for two days, we can be reinforced. So what you worry about is unlikely to happen.”

"Furthermore, we are not the enemy's main offensive side. Hasn't the intelligence department already detected it. The enemy opposite us has only one army. In Vinnytsia, that is the real battle."

After Major General Kledov finished speaking, he looked at Vinnytsia, and it seemed that he must be yearning for the battle over there.

As a soldier, who doesn't want to expand territory and build a career. Unfortunately, during the war with Germany and Austria, the Fifteenth Division did not make a good performance. And when they fought against the Hungarian revolutionaries, they did not get dazzling results.

Now he is at war with the Soviet Russian army, and he is far away from the place of the war. It is annoying to think about it.

Vinnytsia, whom Major General Kledov has longed for physically and mentally, is now looking like a mountain rain.

In the city of Vinnytsia, in the newly established Ukrainian Army Headquarters, all the shining generals were listening with a serious face as Admiral Feleit explained this combat mission. That's right, Admiral Fereit, who has made great achievements in the battle, is the commander this time. (Pity the two generals, Prieshan and Courtois, who were pushed back by the war because the promotion to the Marshal requires grand preparations)

"According to the combat plan. In Vinnytsia, our army is divided into three groups. Among them, the left is composed of the 12th, 19th, 23rd, and 25th divisions, and four divisions as the main left-wing group. Lieutenant Ankodar will be the commander. He will be assigned a 150 heavy artillery regiment. The combat objective is to prevent the enemy from crossing over and protect the flanks of our army."

"On the right is the Seventh Division, the Fourteenth Division, the Sixteenth Division, the 21st Division...Eight Divisions are the main divisions. It is my right-wing cluster and the commander is Lieutenant General Mandiv. The main combat objective is to prevent the enemy from turning into the offensive. , And be prepared to attack at the same time."

"The middle road is mainly composed of the first division, the third division, the fifth division...Eleven divisions, forming the middle group, and I personally serve as the commander. The main combat objective blocks the enemy's offensive, and waits for the opportunity to encircle the enemy with the right group. The main purpose is to wipe out the enemy’s viable power. The First Cavalry Division and the Armored Brigade are mobile forces, ready to attack the interspersed enemy at any time."

"Finally, the 1st and 28th Divisions of the Imperial Guards stayed behind Vinnytsia to build fortifications and are ready to reinforce the front lines at any time."

After Fereit finished laying out the battle plan, he looked at the participants in the conference hall.

In fact, his combat plan is very simple and easy to understand, as long as you know a little bit about military, you can understand it. This is a sloping deployment formation, mainly relying on the middle to block the enemy's attack, and then the right side in a roundabout way to attack the enemy's rear, and annihilate it.

Of course, this plan is not simple, it is actually arranged by Fereit according to the topography of Vinnytsia. The key point is the need to block the enemy's attack in the middle. For this reason, he reviewed the intelligence of previous operations and the organizational structure of its army after the establishment of Soviet Russia, and carefully designed it.

In Fereit's view, although the Soviet Russian army said that its morale was high, it was not afraid of death in battle. But the organization and management of its army is completely messed up. Take the Soviet Union’s favorite group charge, the main reason is that the officers’ military skills are inadequate, so this simple method must be used.

The battle between them and the White Guards looked more like a bad battle to Feleit. Both sides were fighting in a big way and full of loopholes. However, because of the higher organizational ability of Soviet Russia, Soviet Russia can laugh. To the end.

Take the Czech Legion, which was famous in the Russian Civil War. This is just a group of former Austro-Hungarian prisoners of war captured by Tsarist Russia As a result, this group of about 100,000 prisoners of war actually turned upside down in Russia, but I want to know how big the difference is between the strength of the two sides.

When Fereit held a military meeting to deploy a combat plan, Soviet Russia also held a military mobilization meeting in Berkichev.

It is true that the Soviet-Russian attack meeting has been convened a long time ago, and now it is a mobilization meeting to prepare for the war.

Since it is a mobilization conference, Comrade Stalin, who is in charge of military thinking, of course can only stand on the podium and mobilize commanders at all levels below. "Comrades, our motherland is watching us. The leader, Comrade Lenin, is also waiting for our good news in Moscow. This battle against the new imperialist Romania will open a new chapter in the revolution. Let us use full enthusiasm. With the indelible fighting spirit, come and fight this battle with Romania."

As Stalin's voice fell, all the commanders present shouted together.


The pre-war preparations of the two sides are almost the same, and the next battle in Vinnytsia is about to begin. The winner depends on the performance of the two parties.
