Chapter 425: influences

When the results of the battle between Romania and Russia in Vinnytsia came out, the whole world cheered.

The Wall Street Journal of the United States made a large-scale report on this matter. Freedom defeated evil, which was the headline of the Wall Street Journal that day.

In Europe, Romania’s victory was publicized by Britain, France and other countries.

In the Times report, they introduced the cause of the war in a large chapter, and at the same time criticized Soviet Russia's invasion of Ukraine. And finally analyzed, if Soviet Russia wins this war, then its neighboring countries will surely become victims of the Soviet Russia model.

Anyway, in the mouths of various European media, Romania represents the European civilized world and dealt a violent blow to the evil red regime. Let them know that the European civilization will not ignore this evil regime, and will surely rescue the suffering Russian people from its clutches.

Like other countries in Europe, the people in Romania cheered for this victory. For them, this is another step for their motherland to defeat the great powers one after another and show their strong national strength. For this reason, many newspapers regarded this victory as a part of the great European powers, and asserted that other countries must fully consider Romania’s opinions when staying in Europe, especially the surrounding issues of Romania.

On the other side of the war, the Soviet Russian Pravda blatantly condemned Romania’s invasion of Ukraine’s territory. At the same time, the defeat to the Soviet Union was just a pass. He also declared that the Soviet Union and the fraternal country Ukraine will never allow Romania’s illegal occupation of Ulk. The Soviet army will defeat Romania and liberate the Ukrainian people enslaved by it.

Although Pravda’s proclaimed Soviet Russia would not give up, the top Soviet leaders now know that Romania is not easy to provoke. Of course they will not gather the army once again to fight against Romania as stated in the newspaper.

So when the meeting was held again, the various Soviet personnel and committee members began to resolve the issues of negotiation after the war with Romania.

In the same parliament room, the nominal Soviet-Russian military commander-in-chief Kamenev is talking about the situation in Ukraine after the battle.

"After the Battle of Vinnytsia, the Western Front has retreated to Kiev, Cherkassy and other areas along the Dnieper River. At present, the Central Military Commission has allocated 150,000 troops from the Southwest Front and Moscow to reinforce them. Stalin and Yegoro are on the front line. Comrade Husband reported that the enemy had not attacked them at present. However, the defenders in Kherson reported that the enemy had approached them."

Kamenev's words immediately drew a question from a committee member: "Do the Romanians want to rescue the white bandit army in Mlick?"

Faced with inquiries, Kamenev replied: "We do not rule out this possibility, but currently the Southwest Front Army has sent an army to Kherson for reinforcements."

Hearing Kamenev’s answer, another people’s committee said: “We cannot let the two sides converge, otherwise it will be more difficult for these white bandit armies to be wiped out.”

"The military council is making plans to prevent the two parties from converging."

"I have a proposal."

When Kamenev was talking with several people's committees, a voice suddenly intervened.

Everyone looked up, and it turned out that it was Dzerzhinsky, the NKVD who was speaking.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Dzerzhinsky said: "Since we can't take care of domestic and foreign wars for the time being, why can't we give up one side and concentrate on solving the other?"

Only Dzerzhinsky and Lenin could say this, and even Trotsky, the founder of the Red Army, dared not say this. Lenin was because of his immense prestige, and Dzerzhinsky was because of the selfless qualities known to others.

In fact, before Dzerzhinsky put it forward, all the people's commissars present had thought about this issue. And anyone with a discerning eye can see that the war with Romania cannot be fought anymore. After all, this big defeat is also a pain to the Soviet Russian army. No matter how many Russians there are, it is not possible to give heads like this.

However, none of the people present were human spirits, so he was so embarrassed to say such words to destroy one's own power. Only a selfless person like Dzerzhinz could say such a thing.

But everyone knows, but the necessary objections still have to be spoken. Otherwise, the Soviets chanted the slogan "Liberation of all mankind" every day, which would make the **** fighting Soviet soldiers and people think.

Therefore, as soon as Dzerzhinsky’s voice fell, the People’s Committee immediately stood up and said, "Comrade Dzerzhinsky, we cannot change our policy just because of this failure. Communists should not be affected by the immediate difficulties. We should unite more people to launch a just counter-offensive horn against Romania, the new imperialism. The general public in Europe sympathizes with us, and Romania’s reactionary government will be overthrown by the people. So I Resolutely oppose any contact with this reactionary government, which goes against the ideals of our Communist Party."

Following this people's committee's speech, other committee members also expressed their support for him. For a time, Dzerzhinsky's issue was in danger of being rejected.

"Okay. Everyone is quiet."

Seeing the tendency of the meeting to be one-sided, Lenin, who was sitting in the chairperson, knocked on the table and said: "I can understand the feelings of comrades, but Comrade Dzerzhinsky instructed to make this proposal. After all, we are democratically centralized. Each committee member has the right to express his or her own views. And Comrade Dzerzhinsky did not say that he wants to negotiate with Romania, but we are currently facing problems that need to be distinguished. Let’s talk about the ownership of Western Ukraine. In fact, it should not be discussed by us. This is a matter of our brother country, the Soviet government of Ukraine. And now we should only discuss the matter of the White Bandit Army and other intervention forces."

Lenin's words made the opposition much smaller. After all, as the founder of the party, Lenin has great prestige and prestige in the party, and his opinions must be fully considered.

Lenin directly attributed the current problems in Western Ukraine to the Ukrainian Soviet government. Although no one here knows the Kiev government, it is just their puppet. However, under the current situation of not having an advantage, assigning this issue to fraternal parties is also an option After all, this is a dispute between the Ukrainian government and Romania, which is in front of the party and the people. It's all the reasons for the past.

Seeing that Lenin's words were adopted by the people's committees, everyone began to punish Stalin and Yegorov who were directly responsible for the defeat. After all, more than 200,000 people were lost, and no one was responsible. This is not justified.

Anyhow, these people's committees knew where the actual responsibility was, so the punishment for them was not too serious. Political commissar Stalin was transferred to the National Economic Committee in charge of production as a member of the party, while Yegorov was transferred to the 19th Army as a commander.

As the results of this discussion came out, Pravda, the mouthpiece of the Soviet Union, immediately published an article. In this article, Pravda is all about the fraternal relationship between Soviet Russia and the Ukrainian government, and also implicitly stated that Soviet Russia is stationed here in Ukraine only at its invitation. As for their internal affairs in Ukraine, all their interventions are mainly based on the negotiation of brothers and neighboring countries.

Anyway, the meaning in the words is that Ukraine’s affairs need to be resolved by Ukraine itself.

Now Soviet Russia sends out metaphors to Romania through Pravda, and it depends on whether Romania can understand it.