Chapter 427: Communist Party of Romania (Part 1)

After the continued war between Romania and Soviet Russia may be reduced, other problems appeared in the government's priority plan.

In Oradea, newly captured from Hungary, a secret rally is being held here.

In Oradea, there is a Manor called Meroka, where an old couple named Meroka lives. According to the local people's understanding, the Melokas are polite to others and like to help others very much. Whether they are Hungarians, Romanians, or other ethnic groups, they all have a good sense of the couple. That's why the Romanian government let them go in several purges.

Not long ago, the son of the Melorca couple, who had been studying abroad for many years, returned. This made the old couple very happy and extremely enthusiastic to everyone. Let the surrounding neighbors feel that this couple is really a rare good neighbor.

A few days ago, the old couple said they planned to travel, leaving their son to continue to take care of the family affairs. Then people nearby saw that the car in which the Melokas had left with their luggage left here. Now the manor is taken care of by Little Meroka.

I heard that Little Melorca was going to entertain a few friends from afar, so there were lights and festivities in the Melorca Manor. And because the neighbors are not familiar with Little Meroka, no one wants to join in the fun.

Several vehicles came one after another, and they all stopped in the Meroka Manor. Several well-dressed guests got off the car, and the host, Little Meroka, personally greeted his friends at the door, everything seemed so calm and relaxed.

But when I walked into the manor room, everything looked different.

A group of people sat together and talked seriously, not like a gathering of friends.

"Our conditions are very clear. In the future, the new government can let the Hungarians decide for themselves whether to stay in Romania or vote to return to Hungary. But before that, our party needs you to provide at least 600,000 lei a month for future Hungary. People choose the cost of power."

At a long table, a young man is making their offer.

"This is too much. You must know that the Hungarians in Romania are not too wealthy. Many properties have been confiscated by your government. We can't spend that much money."

On the other side of the long table, a well-dressed middle-aged man retorted the other party's condition.

Hearing the opponent's rebuttal, the young man immediately said loudly: "You are not sincere in this way. It is impossible to bargain over this matter. Do you know how much loss this decision will cause to our party? Many people in the party now I don’t understand this proposal very much. It took us a long time to appease, so this condition cannot be changed."

The middle-aged man pointed out the other party's shortcomings sharply: "But your hope of seizing the leadership of the government is too slim. We can't put too much money on a very unlikely organization."

"But besides us, who else can you find. Budapest? They dare not make any small actions at all, otherwise it will be a disaster waiting for them. I believe you understand the attitudes of other political parties in the country to you. Ignore you. Who can help you, my friend."

Negotiations between the two were going on fiercely, while the others exchanged opinions in whispers from time to time.

Yes, this is a secret negotiation, and the middle-aged people are Hungarians in Romania.

They finally chose to counterattack in the face of Romania's oppressive policy. Of course, this counterattack is not to stand up against Romania's rule. They are not stupid to know that this will only add to their losses, and Bucharest’s attitude towards them knows the result with their knees.

They chose to fund the secret parties opposed to the Kingdom of Romania more secretly, but the vast majority of secret parties dismissed the demands of the Hungarians.

Just kidding, getting involved with the Hungarians, how can I develop in the country, I am not afraid of being accused of traitors. Even pretending is not good, this will make the party members detached, and politics is not like that.

So these Hungarians repeatedly hit a wall in this matter. However, there are always people who are not afraid of death, and this time a party finally took over the goodwill of the Hungarians.

It's just that this party makes these Hungarians feel a little uneasy. Just listen to the name and you will find their uneasiness. The Romanian Communist Party, yes, it is the Romanian Communist Party. This newly established Communist Party has nothing to do with Soviet Russia, a communist country. Nor is it the political party it supports.

This is formed by a group of progressive young people who love Romania. Their idea is to establish that everyone has a job, enjoy free medical care and education system, so that all Romanians can lead a happy life.

So this is a negotiation between the Communist Party and the oppressed Hungarians to resist the reactionary government headed by Edel.

And among the crowd around this long table, we found a familiar figure. Carl Morley, the former senior member of the YMCA, sits at this table, and judging from the attitude of others around him, it is obvious that he is the main person in charge of this negotiation.

Seeing that the two sides have been arguing about the amount of funding, Karl Morley felt a burst of irritation in his heart.

Ever since Edel chose to suppress the YMCA, Carl Morley felt different emotions in the meeting. Many people in the YMCA believed that they were suppressed because of the excessive propaganda of Carl Morley, so his status in the YMCA has been reduced since then, which aroused his own anger.

And it was the wise and powerful king that caused all this, which made him think of overthrowing his rule. However, his wish could not be fulfilled in the YMCA, and other parties that had such a wish did not have that great ability, so he could not find a way. If things continue like this, then Carl Morley has no choice but to end in depression and let go of his dissatisfaction.

Fortunately, the Russian Revolution broke out.

When Lenin finally took control of the Russian power through a series of actions after the outbreak of the Russian Revolution, Karl Morley immediately learned a lot of good things from this revolutionary teacher. He also resigned from the Youth Party and established its Romanian Communist Party.

In his view, the Communist Party and the former Youth Party are highly consistent to some extent. Except for the extreme left wing and the extreme right wing, the two sides are very similar in other places. They all advocate putting the people under their own control, controlling every family and even everyone, and they all advocate for the country,

So Carl Morley learns fairly quickly, because a lot of it is consistent. And through his influence on the people around him, he slowly established the organization of the Romanian Communist Party, and he assumed the position of chairman of the party.

However, since it is a political party, it must have funds to maintain its operations, and when the Communist Party was small in its early days, Karl Morley could be alms from other places. When the number reaches hundreds of people, there must be a stable source of funds.

In fact, the current Soviet Russian funds are the easiest for them to obtain. As long as they dare to mention it, the Soviet Russian government must be very happy that its neighboring country has established this fraternal party.

However, in Karl Morley's view, the Romanian Communist Party is too weak and it is best not to accept funds from Soviet Russia at this time. Besides, regarding the current relations between Romania and Soviet Russia, accepting their funds is self-defeating.

So when the Hungarians found them, the Romanian Communist Party immediately agreed. As for whether I can do it later, my own survival is the most important at present.