Chapter 452: Battle of Warsaw (3)

When the 4th and 15th Army Group launched a fierce attack on the Vistula Defense Line, Warsaw also encountered Soviet attacks.

The bridgehead located on the east side of the Vistula River is facing Soviet siege. The Soviet 3rd, 12th, and 16th Army Groups are launching non-stop attacks from the east and south respectively.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Diffuse gun smoke and flying dust enveloped the battlefield, choking people uncomfortably. From time to time, buildings hit by large-caliber artillery shells became torn apart, with screams coming from them, and even the fortifications in front of them made people feel uncomfortable.

After finally getting through the shelling, the Polish soldiers who lived like years finally breathed a sigh of relief. Even facing the enemy is better than hard shelling, at least the fate will be in his own hands. Sure enough, as they wanted, the enemy attacked, making their hands and feet more agile.

The Polish soldiers drove out from the anti-cannon fortifications and immediately relied on the terrain to prepare. You said why you didn't hide in the fortifications. If you call the blasted mud a fortification, then you can.

They waited patiently for the arrival of the enemy, and it would be even better if they had a cigarette at this time. Without letting them wait any longer, the underwhelming Soviet Russian soldiers appeared in front of them. The familiar battle is about to start again, but this time I don't know how many familiar people can't wait for the battle to end.

In the headquarters, Piłsudski and General Zheligowski, who commanded the battle at the bridgehead, watched the battle.

After putting down the telescope in his hand, Piłsudski praised: "The boys played well, better than I expected."

"This all depends on the material guarantee of the National Defense Commission. Only then can the soldiers fight with peace of mind."

Facing Piłsudski’s compliment, General Zheligowski, as the commander, slapped the other side's flattery. After all, everyone knows that Piłsudski is the leader of the National Defense Commission. To say that it depends on the guarantee of the National Defense Commission is to say that Piłsudski is well-directed.

In the face of General Zheligowski’s small flattery, Piłsudski was not proud of it. Instead, he said: “As long as the lads continue to fight like this, then my next plan will be able to unfold smoothly.”

Faced with Piłsudski’s plan, General Zheligowski did not interrupt and ask, because he knew that if he wanted to inform him, he didn’t need to ask more.

Piłsudski was very satisfied with the performance of General Zheligowski, and patience has always been a virtue of a soldier. Only the opponents who are calm enough to make mistakes, Piłsudski has always agreed with this point. However, the next plan required the cooperation of General Zheligowski, so he stated his plan.

"This is what I plan for the next plan. Because our forces are mainly concentrated on the south bank of the Vistula River, and on the opposite bank are the newly arrived 11th and 14th Army Groups and the First Cavalry Army. I intend to concentrate on defeating the enemy first. This force, in which the Third Army cooperated with Romanian reinforcements to complete this task. At the same time, after the start of the battle, with the Second and Fourth Army as the wings and the attacking corps as the core, it quickly moved from the direction of the small town of Galvolin to the direction of Sedelce. Strike into battle until you take the city."

Piłsudski took a sip from the water glass, and added another sentence.

"This is the first phase of the combat plan."

"The first stage?"

"Yes, the first stage."

General Zheligowski knew about the assault corps. This is a newly formed corps (Polish: Grupa Uderzeniowa). The corps has only more than 30,000 people, but it is composed of soldiers with the strongest will and strongest fighting ability. They also use the most. More than 700 advanced weapons are equipped with machine guns alone. This is also the most elite force in Poland at present, and Piłsudski has been holding it in his hands, but he did not expect it to be used at this time.

I saw Piłsudski put down his water cup and continued: "If both combat objectives are achieved, then the Third Army needs to rush to Sederce. And the Second and Third Army marches towards Ostrov, using the cloth The Ge River prevented the enemy’s breakthrough. The assault corps continued to march towards the East Prussian border, completely sealing the enemy’s escape. As for the Romanian reinforcements, I have already negotiated with General Fereit of the unit. Brest attacked, captured this key city, and defended against enemy reinforcements."

After speaking, Piłsudski asked again. "Do you know your mission?"


General Zheligovski replied and continued: "I need to hold the enemy, not let them evacuate calmly."

"That's right."

Now Piłsudski's intentions have been fully revealed in front of General Zheligowski. The commander-in-chief of the Polish army intends to completely encircle the Soviet Union's 3rd, 12th, and 16th armies in Warsaw, and the 4th and 15th armies on the east bank of the Vistula River. This is the strength of 400,000 people in the five armies, and he did not expect his appetite to be so good. If the plan is really achieved, this will be a big victory that will be recorded in the annals of history.

However, General Zheligowski was not dazzled by this possible future result. Instead, he thought of the most important difficulty. "Your Excellency, other things are easy to say, but if Romanian reinforcements are to attack Brest and defend here, will they make up their minds? If you know that this encirclement is really achieved, Soviet Russia will definitely break the siege at all costs. If there are casualties in it. Not small, if they back down, then this encirclement will be broken without notice."

Piłsudski was not annoyed because General Zheligowski questioned this plan but looked at him with satisfaction. So he answered this question. "You can rest assured that the Romanian army will defend Brest, because this is also the order of their king."

Piłsudski's answer made General Zhelgowski even more puzzled, but he knew that if Piłsudski didn't intend to tell him, he better not ask.

In fact, in Piłsudski's heart, he was also dripping blood for the price of allowing the Romanian army to defend Brest.

The 8% tariff is the price for Edel to order Brest. Piłsudski was also desperate to achieve the greatest result, but he felt that everything was worth it. If Poland is occupied by Soviet Russia, all conditions will be in vain. As long as the independence of Poland can be maintained and the best interests of future negotiations with the Soviet Union can be obtained, let alone the 8% tariff, as long as the core interests of Poland are not touched, what will he promise?

In this respect, Piłsudski is also a gambler. He is using economic interests to make bets and gambling to gain space for the people of the country.

And next, the armies of the two countries are required to fight for this plan.