Chapter 519: Agricultural Reform (1)

"Your Majesty, this is information from the Soviet Union."

Edel, who had just returned to Bucharest, saw the head of the bodyguard Horia rushing in with a telegram.

Edel attached great importance to the Soviet Union, his lifelong enemy, so he immediately took the telegram and read it.

This is news of the Soviet Union's decision to carry out the first five-year plan. At this time, Guoguo had no precedent for such detailed planning and construction in the world, but the Soviets saw it. In fact, the industrialization implemented by Edel in Romania is somewhat of a shadow of this kind of plan. However, Romania does not have the super high execution power of the Soviet Union, and cannot achieve the demanding ability to execute according to the schedule.

Edel can only conduct guided development in Romania, and at most introduce preferential policies to induce capital to gather in the industry.

And the five-year plan of the Soviet Union that Edel is now dealing with deals with heavy industry construction related to national strength, such as automobiles, aircraft manufacturing, chemical synthesis, and large-scale machinery and equipment manufacturing.

In this five-year plan, Edel also saw the goal of building collective farms. Edel is no stranger to the term collective farm. In his previous life, his family was born in a rural area, and he knew its essence clearly. This is just a quick way to use the scissors gap between workers and peasants to harvest farmers’ income and subsidize industrial construction.

The agricultural reform in the Soviet Union was not based on tenderness, but on sucking the blood of peasants. From the machine-gun grain requisition team, we can see the attitude of the Asian Union towards farmers, and the farmers in the Soviet Union will have some acceptance.

However, despite the discomfort of acting style, it has to be said that the speed of industrial development in the Soviet Union is also very fast. In less than five years, it turned its semi-industrial and semi-agricultural country into an industrial country that has begun to take shape. Despite all kinds of problems, this kind of development speed is unprecedented in history, and this is also the terrifying aspect of the Soviet model.

Thinking of its terrible development speed, Edel felt deep pressure. It seems that Romania also needs to make a targeted plan. Of course it is not to undermine the development of the Soviet Union, unless Romania has the idea to die with it. A large-scale war broke out with the Soviet Union. Edel didn't think this way during his civil war, nor did he think about it. Since the Soviet Union is developing rapidly, Romania cannot relax either. Don't seek to catch up, but please don't fall too much.

Thinking of this, Edel immediately called Prime Minister Caraturi to discuss the economic development of Romania. There was a problem that could not be delayed.


"Your Majesty, do you want to reform agriculture?"

When Karaturi arrived at the palace, he was surprised when he heard Edel's plan.

I can’t help but Karatuuri is not surprised, because this time Edel intends to deepen Romania’s mechanized farming, liberate more labor force into the city, and accelerate Romania’s industrialization.

Of course, Edel did not intend to achieve the mechanized farming model of large farms like the United States. Instead, they decided to use the road of industrialized agriculture according to local conditions.

It appeared in news and newspapers from time to time in the industrialized agriculture of the motherland in later generations, and Edel believed that it was only a sublimated version of Eastern intensive farming. If politicians are transformed into industrialization, they don’t need so many farmers in their country. One or two hundred million is enough.

But in that case, it will be a disaster for the country. Too many peasants entering the city will overwhelm the country’s facilities and public welfare agencies. The influx of too many people into cities will also increase the burden on the city, and there will not be enough jobs to provide.

Of course, these problems for the motherland of future generations do not exist in Romania. On the land of nearly 500,000 square kilometers, the plain terrain occupies 43%, followed by the hilly terrain occupies 28%, and the mountain occupies 29%. The vast plains gave Romania enough arable land, and the current Romanian population has just exceeded 30 million (data at the beginning of 1927).

It can be said that the industrialized population in Romania is not enough. This has caused many problems for migrant workers in Romania. Of course, every country has nationalism, especially when the national power is rising rapidly, this problem is the most serious (for example, South Korea, Japan). Fortunately, domestic public opinion has been guiding these national sentiments so that they should not focus on these foreigners who come to work.

This time, stimulated by the Soviet Union’s Five-Year Plan, Edel decided to start with Romania’s pillar agriculture.

Regardless of the fact that Romania’s agriculture is usually not dewy, the importance of agriculture in Romania is not low. It is well-known as the second food exporter in Europe (it climbed to the first place for a while), and this name alone can explain Romania's agricultural foundation.

However, although Romania has a reputation as a major food exporter, Romanian agriculture is still far from the developed regions of Western Europe. This is the premise of Edel's promotion of mechanized farming in the country. As for Western Ukraine and other newly captured territories, livestock farming is still the mainstay, and the nature of Romania’s agriculture is still large but not strong.

And now, Edel believes that it is time to change the structure of agricultural production.

So facing the Prime Minister’s inquiry, Edel replied firmly. "Yes. I plan to upgrade agriculture. At present, Romania still has a large number of livestock farming operations, which restricts too many people in the countryside. The current industry is the time for great development. These people cannot be affected by the land in this way. live."

Although Karaturi has been turning around in industry, it does not mean that he has no knowledge of agriculture, especially after he became prime minister, he needs to understand the situation of all walks of life in the country. So he couldn't help but said. "Your Majesty, the current agricultural reforms in the old territories are fortunate to say. The new territories are probably a bit difficult to handle. Especially in the former Russian territories, there are still some Russian serf styles there After joining our country, the serf spirit has faded a lot, but once there is no guarantee that there will be no voices of opposition in the area."

After hearing the Prime Minister's concern, Edel answered indifferently. "What are they dissatisfied with? Do they still want to return to Russia? Tsarist Russia has become history, and there is only the Red Soviet Union. Do these people dare to go to the Soviet Union?"

We must know that the collective farms in the Soviet Union are a big pit, which can kill the peasants in the Soviet Union.

Karatuuri heard the determination of the monarch from Edel's words. This is not hesitating to sacrifice the landowners of the original Russian territory, but also must carry out agricultural upgrades. Perhaps these beneficiaries will endure temporary pains after seeing the scene of Romania's inland agriculture. Otherwise, what else can these people do? To vote for Russia is to seek independence. To vote for Russia is to seek a dead end. It is the same if they want to be independent. No one in the surrounding countries wants to see Ukrainians have the idea of ​​independence, but then it will be suppressed by several countries.

"Your Majesty, I will go back to discuss with other ministers and come up with a feasible plan as soon as possible."

"Go ahead."

Looking at the prime minister who left, Edel wanted to see if these former Russian residents were patriots.