Chapter 525: Follow-up impact

Bucharest received news of the riot earlier than other European countries. However, compared with voices of sympathy abroad, all domestic voices support the government.

As the largest private newspaper in Romania, News Times reported on this. "A shocking incident happened in Békéscsaba. Local Hungarians organized personnel to attack government agencies, killing nearly 100 people and injuring thousands."

The following is a detailed report on his riots, but the newspapers mainly say that Hungary is dissatisfied with the government, and there is no mention of his situation. In fact, this is not only reported in the News Times, but also in other Romanian newspapers. Under the propaganda of newspaper broadcasts, many people were dissatisfied with these Hungarians, and even some radical newspapers called out to drive them to Hungary.

In fact, these Hungarians who are still in Romania have long been suppressed and obedient, and those who are dissatisfied have long been expelled from Romania. However, this is because they were forced by reality, and the encounter during this period is likely to cause a backlash in the future.

And he admired the beggar's ruthless remark when he became the emperor.

Therefore, these nearly one million Hungarians have always been a concern for the government. This time, no matter if they are demonstrating peacefully or whatever, they will be charged with a crime against the government. If they do not want to stay in jail for more than ten years, then expulsion will be the best result. I believe these people are knowledgeable about the current affairs. Compared to the freedom that has been imprisoned for nearly ten years, it is better to go to Hungary, at least there is still room for freedom.

While Edel was planning a century-old plan for Romania, a fierce battle was breaking out in Békéscsiao.

"Hurry up and lead the leader to go first, and we will break it later."

Several members of the red political party were shouting loudly at others, and the military police loomed behind him. As their leader, Dokya looked at these brave soldiers with tears in her eyes. She regretted it very much in her heart now that the smuggler sold them all. Leading them to the encirclement of the enemy, the self-blaming person in charge was able to rush out with several people using human bombs to break a gap and let them escape.

However, these lackeys of the government have not let go of their plans, and have been following them in desperate pursuit.

No way, Dokya could only leave quickly with only a few people. Because she knows that staying here is for everyone to die together, and if she can escape, there is at least the hope of regrouping.

When they didn't go far, a burst of intensive gunfire sounded, and then quietly calmed down. Several people looked dimmed, this is the sacrifice of their own comrades.

"It's not a way to run like this. If you're the chief, you'll go alone, and we will stay behind to attract the enemy's attention. Our goal is too eye-catching and can't go.

A subordinate who regarded death as home made a suggestion. And his words also aroused the approval of other people present. They have been loyal revolutionaries until now, and they must make the most advantageous choice in this crisis. Obviously, Dokeya escaped is the most favorable result.

"Yes, you can't be caught by the enemy, Chief. We must ensure your safety."

This subordinate's words drew the approval of others.

"Chief, you will never expect to withdraw the enemy into the city. We will disperse and break through other places. We will fire as soon as we find the enemy, and try our best to attract the enemy's attention and create opportunities for others to escape.

The supplementary opinions were quickly implemented, and Dokya was not indecisive. She concealed it a little bit, making herself more like an ordinary person, and then took care of herself and left.

The others chose a different direction and left.

They have a good idea, but this time they are a little miscalculated. In order to capture their unexpected surprise, this time two battalions of soldiers formed a blockade on the periphery, and the police and spies who chased them were also carrying enough police dogs for tracking.

Before long, at the place where they were separated, a large group of military police, with the help of police dogs, also dispersed into several teams to pursue them.

"Stop doing what."

On a chasing road, a policeman found a man trying to hide, and immediately started asking questions.

Finding that he was exposed, he immediately took out the pistol team and shot the police. However, the shooting in the panic was not good enough and failed to hit the policeman who questioned him. The policeman and his companions who escaped the ghost gate immediately found a shelter and shot at him.

At this moment, the gunshots broke out, and it was the hope of the severed man to escape. Not long after, with the support of other military police, the man with several shots fell into a pool of blood.

Scenes like this continue to happen in this area.

These scattered and fleeing red elements tried to jump out of the sky by hiding, fleeing, and disguising, but they were all spotted one by one. The resistance of these diehard elements also caused casualties to the military and police. But the overall result is still good, but its leader Dokya hasn't caught it yet.

As a local intelligence agency, he has a deep understanding of the leader of this red organization in the area. Under its leadership, the red organization is extremely active in the region. But this time is an excellent opportunity to catch him. So the arrest this time is still not perfect, but Doerle, the director of the interior affairs who directed the arrest, believes that the main target still has not escaped this time, and she is still within the encirclement.

Director Doerle was right. Dokya was indeed still within the encirclement, but he was already close to the final blockade.

Hiding behind a large rock, she frowned as she looked at the blockade line less than fifty meters ahead. On this final blockade line, all were composed of soldiers, and they also pulled up a barbed wire fence with bells hanging on it, and they would be spotted by the soldiers as soon as they touched it.

As for attempting to confuse the past, it is equally impossible. Before, she found that someone had been interrogated by the soldiers immediately. After that, she didn't let them go, but was taken not far away to wait. It seemed that she would have to go through another interrogation.

Dokya knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to escape the two cross-examinations by chance, and the military police who were misled by his own suspicion line would soon find his real route. Can't afford it.

The voice in her heart told her that she must make a decision right away Dokeya gritted her teeth and fumbled forward with a long wooden stick. Because this was the best place for her to escape, a tree blocked the sentry soldier's gaze. As long as you are careful not to touch the bell, you can slip past quietly.

When she reached the barbed wire fence, Dokya focused her attention on the soldier at the whistle. While supporting the long wooden stick, she planned to use the tree to help herself escape.

The tension did not distract her.

It's near.

It's closer.

She has touched the trunk with one hand, and the tension in her heart is slightly relaxed. She didn't realize that one of her shoes was hung on the wire fence.

With her movement, the jingle of jingle bells rang, which immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers.

"Where is who, come out."