Chapter 533: Romanian New Deal (2)

The Romanian government’s plan stunned many people, and for such a massive investment, it attracted a lot of criticism.

Many people have doubts about the Romanian government's massive infrastructure construction plan, especially the foreign media call it a model of great success. They don't doubt the effect of this plan on Romania's economic growth, but think that the huge amount of funds required for this plan is incredible. Many people also said that in accordance with Romania's financial situation, so many construction projects were started at the same time unless they were borrowing foreign debt. With the current world economy in turmoil, foreign debt is not so easy to borrow.

These voices that question whether Romania can spend so much money are basically from foreign countries.

Domestically, the plan is generally applauded. Because of such a huge construction plan, the manpower and material resources required are bound to be very large, and many people can benefit from it.

Udinel of Galati is one of those who agrees most. As a well-known local building materials merchant, Udinel is even more excited about this. Originally this year because of the US economic crisis, his own construction products such as cement, river sand, etc. were unsalable, but the announcement of the government plan immediately attracted a slight price increase, so why didn't he applaud this?

But just applauding is not enough, and should contribute to the government's plan to be a qualified patriotic businessman. So he threw the previous layoff plan into the waste paper pile, and called his son who was in charge of managing the sand quarry at home.

"Nemore, the sand quarry needs to buy more sand mining equipment and recruit more workers. We have to make a lot of money while the government is ramping up infrastructure construction."

Udinere sat in his boss chair and ordered his son.

"Father, I will order the sand mining equipment. I will also ask the workers to recruit them. However, the company's money is only enough to buy one or two sand mining boats. Should we think of something else?"

"Don't worry about the money, I will find a way. I will order sand mining equipment first. I am afraid that I will not be able to get the equipment immediately. You must know that there are not a few people with sensitive smells. I want to go to the shipyard late. The order for the company may be scheduled until next year."

"But I heard many people say that the government's plan this time is risky, and I'm afraid..."

Udinel waved his hand to stop his son from continuing to want to say. "Nemore, doing business is like gambling. The main thing is that you don’t hesitate to spot the opportunity. You can’t do a big business after looking forward to it. This is your dad’s decades of experience. This time I’m very accurate, you go a head."

After giving orders to his son, Udinel still felt uneasy, picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, is it Director Walch? I am Udinese. This time I want to order some sand dredgers at your shipyard... Don't worry, I have prepared cash this time... I know your shipyard can At the same time, I will build the eight-shaped boat. I will order the eight-shaped boat. Tomorrow I will ask my son to pay half of the deposit... Someone has already ordered three boats, and the remaining five boats will be given to me. The relationship between the two of us will not be yours this time. Will refuse...Let’s build five ships first, then build three...That’s it, you see if you have time to gather together...No problem, wrap it on me."

After Udineel put down the phone, he secretly sighed that it was dangerous, but he didn't expect someone to be faster than himself. Fortunately, this person only ordered three ships, so he picked one cheap.

The ship booking has been negotiated, then another important matter needs to be resolved.

He picked up the phone again. "Hello, may I ask President Gandis, this is Udinese. I want to ask you a favor this time. I don't know if you have time."

After the phone call, Udineel put on his coat and prepared to visit President Gandis. The president is his old relationship. The two have known each other for many years. When he had only a sand dredger before, Gandis was just a bank clerk, and he knew him because he needed a loan. At that time, Udinel knew the importance of having a good relationship with the bank. After he deliberately approached him, he made friends with him. Over the years, he has been able to win over and consolidate, and let his development go smoothly, and this Gandis has also risen step by step from a salesman to a president.

And this time I need to borrow money, of course, I need to ask my old relationship for help.

Don't think that only in China, we talk about relations, and we must talk about relations in all parts of the world. In the same business, you can know the people at the decision-making level of the other party, and you do not know the two concepts represented by the decision-making level. People who know the decision-making level can get first-hand information, and you can make a plan in advance, but those who don't have a relationship can only passively accept it. This is very different in the market. Of course, this is a different concept from bribing the decision-making tier to hand over the business directly to oneself, one is illegal and the other is not.

"Gandis I need to expand production this time, and I need to borrow some money from you."

As soon as Udinese saw President Gandis, he said what he wanted.

"What are you going to use as collateral?"

"My sand mining site can be used as a mortgage, and you also know that there are currently twelve sand mining boats there."

President Gandis pushed his glasses and continued to ask. "Then how much do you plan to borrow."

"2.1 million lei, borrow for three years."

Udinel's money is not only for buying a few sand mining boats, but also for other purposes.

"No problem, but the current bank borrowing interest rate is increasing. The previous minimum interest rate of 5.75% is no longer possible. Now I can only give you a borrowing rate of 7.25%. This is also the lowest interest rate I can make."

"Why do interest rates suddenly increase so much."

Regardless of whether the interest rate has increased by 1.5%, it is also 4.5% in three years. This is also a lot of expenses, so Udinel couldn't help asking.

As if he knew he was going to ask, Governor Gandis said after a sigh. "This is an order issued by the head office. Not only our bank, but banks across the country have generally raised interest rates This is all caused by the US economic crisis."

Gandis’s explanation made Udinere relieved. Since the national banks have implemented this, there is no reason to let it go. So he said. "Just do what you said, I even brought the documents from the sand quarry."

"Just let the person below check the documents and sign the loan agreement if there is no problem."

"Then what do I get the money, I have to use it urgently."

"It must be too late today. Come and get the money tomorrow morning."

Thinking of tomorrow's arrangements, Udinel nodded and said. "Well, I will come over tomorrow to get the money."

After solving the problem of money and expanding production, Udinel certainly needs to pay attention to the problem of sales. Since he is a patriotic businessman, it is natural to sell these building materials to the country. So just in case, Udinel made a phone call.

"Secretary Rex? This is Udinese. Will the deputy mayor have time? I want to pay a visit."