Chapter 548: Luosu Local War (1)

The conflict between Romania and the Soviet Union Hermek is irrelevant to the rest of Europe. Although many newspapers are worried that this may lead to a peaceful environment in Europe, this is just uncountable private rhetoric.

But when the two sides begin to gather their troops, there may be a battle. The attitudes of various countries have begun to change, and many countries have begun to express their stance to restrain both sides. Most of them are small and medium-sized countries. They are afraid that this will cause regional turbulence and affect the stability of their countries.

As for the big powers, the attitude has become a bit interesting. Among them, Italy is the most staunch supporter of Romania. Its Prime Minister Messonili made public remarks condemning the Soviet Union's provocative actions against Romania. In addition, in order to express its support, the Italian government has also supported a batch of arms to Romania. Although these arms are not of the same caliber, Romania cannot use them, but it can still be seen that this is Italy's intention.

Britain and France only verbally condemned the Soviet Union, and also called for a peaceful attitude. As for aid, there is no aid. As for Germany, there is not even a word of condemnation, only a call for peace.

As for Poland, which has formed a de facto anti-Soviet alliance with Romania, the situation is different. First of all, Poland is very wary of the Soviet Union, but Piłsudski, who currently holds the power of Poland, is also implementing a policy of reconciliation with the two countries. Because this ruler in power in Poland knows that although Poland and France have signed a treaty of friendship and mutual assistance, the establishment of Poland is actually damaging the interests of Germany and the Soviet Union, so he actively promotes reconciliation with the two countries. Basically, Poland's position at this time is neutral.

But although he is pushing for reconciliation with the two countries, he also knows that Poland needs its own strength. In addition, it also needs to establish good relations with other neighboring countries, among which the relations with Romania have become the most important.

So when Piłsudski received a telegram from Romania requesting Poland to gather troops on the Soviet border to conduct military exercises, he felt a little embarrassed. Because Romania is very important to Poland, and its own reconciliation with the Soviet Union is also very important.

Now Romania's request completely contradicts his intentions, which makes him very embarrassed.

Also felt embarrassed are other Polish military and political officials, because this is not only a modification of Poland’s foreign policy, but it will also further deteriorate Poland’s relations with the Soviet Union. However, if Romania’s request is rejected, then the relationship between the two countries will quickly alienate.

In the end, Piłsudski decided to let the Polish army gather at the Soviet border, and the reason was to use the army to adjust. As for military exercises, forget it. This not only agreed to Romania's request, but also tried not to offend the Soviet Union.

So when the conflict between Romania and the Soviet Union escalated, Poland also mobilized a large number of troops to the border with the Soviet Union.

Poland's stance that no one is guilty, Edel also implies that he knows well. It is also acceptable for him to allow Poland to gather the army on the border. After all, Poland and Romania are not good enough to wear a pair of trousers. This has been met. As for the request for military exercises, he is just trying to test Poland’s attitude. Move.

The most important thing now is Romania's own fight for this battle. Who would have thought that this provocation would lead to such a result, but it is too late to say anything. It is time to see if the Romanian military has improved over the years.

When there was a lot of discussion about this, as the commander this time, Admiral Mandiv was busy in his command post.

"Where is the Fourth Artillery Regiment?"

"It's almost arriving in Odessa. Colonel Dokel, the head of its regiment, sent a telegram, and the arrival time will not be delayed."

After hearing the staff's answer, Admiral Mandiv continued to observe the map and asked. "So how's the material transportation situation?"

"Major General Torres, who is in charge of transportation scheduling, reported that the current transportation of personnel and materials is normal. The problem of two trains causing transportation jams due to malfunctions has been resolved. He requisitioned two locomotives from the railway department. And its heat is to ensure This situation no longer occurs. He also scattered the spare locomotives at various stations, and immediately sent the spare locomotives to pull them away as long as there was a train failure."

"Ok, I get it. Anything else?"

"And that's all."

After General Mandiv dismissed the reporting staff, he continued to observe the battle map. This is marked with the current position of the divisions and the route they are traveling, etc. If this map is seen by the Soviets, then they can know the offensive location, force, equipment and other aspects of information. However, such a map showing various information about the military does not exceed three points in Romania, and one of them is in the General Staff. One is in front of the palace Edel, and one is with him. Once a force arrives at a certain location, it will report to it, and the staff officer will remark its location on the map.

However, Admiral Mandiv has already kept this in mind. Continue to look at the map is just to deepen his impression, and in addition to this, he also has his thoughts in it.

For Mandiv, this is the first time he can independently command a large-scale battle of more than 100,000 people. Before the scale was only tens of thousands, or he was a deputy to others. Especially before that, he didn't have the magnificent military exploits that could convince the public, which made him feel heavy pressure.

Although I work hard in the position of director of education, the army is the place where the military pays the most attention. And Admiral Fereit also understood his situation, otherwise he would be more convincing if he came to direct the battle.

So for Mandiv, there is nothing to lose in this battle, so he has to deal with many things personally.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a report interrupted him.

"what's up."

Admiral Mandiv questioned the incoming staff.

"We just received a piece of information that the Soviet Union has transferred troops from Most to reinforce Kiev. These troops are currently only 500 kilometers away from Kiev."

After hearing the report from the staff, Mandiv took the telegram and read it for himself. This telegram came from a Romanian agent lurking in the Soviet railway department. It says that they are required to control the railways, that all passenger and freight trains departing from Kiev on the 14th and 15th should be suspended, and that hot water and food should be prepared at the station and the agent also asked. This is a direct train from Moscow. Combined with the current situation in the Soviet Union and Romania, he is sure that this is a train to transport troops. The arrival of these Soviet troops is very threatening to Romania. So he risked being discovered and sent back this telegram.

The Romanian intelligence service also attached great importance to this and immediately sent it to the military. As a front-line commander, Admiral Mandiv naturally has the right to know the first time.

And this news did surprise Admiral Mandiv. If you didn't know the arrival of these troops, it would be a very big threat to the next battle.

So he said immediately. "Send a report to the intelligence department, asking them to find out the numbers and numbers of these coming troops."

Then Mandiv continued to preach. "Call the combat staff immediately and prepare to change the plan."

He intends to make a new plan to take these forces into consideration. It must not be allowed to disrupt Romania's combat deployment.

Following Mandiv's orders, the command center was busy again.