Chapter 554: Luosu Local War (7)

The fate of the 17th and 51st Divisions of the Soviet Union was thus determined. In a field with no position, encountering an unkind Romanian armored unit, the outcome is already expected.

In the uncovered wilderness, the dead Soviet soldiers can be seen everywhere, with corpses and weapons everywhere. Teams of Soviet prisoners with their hands high, head down frustrated, escorted by Romanian soldiers, walked towards the Ukrainian card behind.

On the other side of the battlefield, the tanks, armored vehicles and other vehicles that ended the battle were parked aside, and the crew members were sitting in twos and threes, smoking and chatting together.

Soldiers can rest, but officers naturally cannot. It is also one of their tasks to allocate fuel and ammunition and direct maintenance personnel to repair damaged tanks and other vehicles.

As the commander of the first division, Lieutenant General Hoffman was not much better, even though the following officers did these things. But tasks such as marching assignments and battle plans still need him to make decisions.

This is not a new battle plan placed in front of him.

"These staff officers were fascinated by the results of the battle before them, and they wanted to take Kirovograd with us and the Fifth Division."

After reading the battle plan, Hoffman couldn't help complaining.


Guderian, who was surprised by Hoffman's words, couldn't help but ask. "Isn't the Soviet army just a division in Kirovograd? I don't think it is a problem to win Kirovograd."

"That was yesterday. Today’s aviation reconnaissance found that two Soviet divisions were quickly approaching Kirovograd. We were held back by the two Soviet divisions for too much time. I rushed to Kirovograd before."

Hoffman said regretfully. In fact, there is no regret. The armored division has annihilated two Soviet divisions and maimed one division. More importantly, it has tore a big hole in the Soviet defense line and made Timothy passive everywhere. However, Hoffman may not know the idiom "Long Wang Shu", but he must understand the meaning because of his current state of mind.

"Then what do we do next?"

Facing Guderian's question, Hoffman spoke. "These two battles cost us a lot. Seventy-eight tanks were damaged and broken down, and twenty-three armored vehicles were unusable. The self-propelled artillery also lost thirteen. Let our combat effectiveness drop by 30. Now only We can reorganize the intact tank and continue to march towards Kirovograd to help the army behind. However, the goal of capturing Kirovograd is nowhere for us, so we can only fight for help."

In the previous battle, Guderian also knew that tanks played a smaller role in the city. "It seems that this is the only thing."

Subsequently, the armored division reorganized its troops, leaving some personnel to repair the damaged tanks and vehicles, as far as possible to remove the equipment for those that cannot be repaired, and also let them wait for subsequent supplementary tanks and armored vehicles. Then Hoffman took the remaining troops and the Fifth Division and continued on to Kirovograd.

When Hoffman set off for Kirovograd, the 29th and 37th divisions that had marched all the way finally arrived at Kirovograd within the stipulated time.

At this time, Kirovograd was completely busy before the war, and sandbags were erected on many streets. Others, led by the army, were busy digging trenches and hanging barbed wire. And outside the city is a busy scene. A large number of traffic trenches stretched around in seven turns, and the machine gun fortress also exudes the smell of fresh soil, towering at various points.

These are the results of all the residents of Kirovograd for two days and two nights. Under the mobilization of the Soviet army, almost all of them went to battle to build fortifications.

As for the officers and soldiers who arrived in the two divisions of Kirovograd, many people were tired and sat on the side of the street to rest. The garrison officers and soldiers on the side who were responsible for them were busy giving them water and food, which made the reception scene busy.

As the commanders of the two divisions, Major General Rodker and Major General Toromanv, naturally, ordinary officers and soldiers would not be crowded together. Under the reception of Major General Diktov, the defending commander, they first went to Major General Diktov's headquarters to find out the specific situation.

"Thank you two for leading the team to support Kirovograd. Without the support of the two, I would not know how to fight when the Romanian soldiers approached the city."

Although the 29th Division and the 37th Division were ordered to be reinforced by Timoshenko, Major General Diktov only gave him an unreasonable attitude, and he politely said thankful words to Major General Rodker and Major General Toromanev. .

"Where is the enemy now?"

As the commander of the 29th Division, Major General Rod Kerr was the most anxious. He asked about the military situation as soon as he came up.

"According to intelligence, the first armored division of the enemy's vanguard unit and some units of the 5th division have appeared in the Domke Division west of Kirovograd. This is the intelligence 15 minutes ago."

Under the guidance of Major General Diktov, everyone quickly found the small village on the map.

I saw Major General Rod Kerr frowned and said. "Then the enemy will arrive outside the city at the earliest tonight."

"It's impossible to march at night. I think I will arrive early tomorrow morning."

Major General Diktov spoke his own judgment, and when he saw the questioning gaze he was looking over, he continued to explain. "At night, the enemy’s guard range will be reduced to a minimum, and the Romanians already know that there are three divisions in the city, they are not afraid of our surprise attack. Moreover, the enemy’s vanguard troops are exhausted physically and mentally in continuous combat, and they need a night’s rest to supplement. Physical fitness."

The applauding eyes around had already explained everything, and Major General Diktov continued to speak. "About the defensive area of ​​the two troops I arranged this way."

Under the narration of Major General Diktov, Dolly Hill in the south of the city was defended by the 29th Division to Bussol Street. Major General Diktov sent someone to familiarize them with the topography of this side. The 37th Division will defend the northern part of the city from Toldor Avenue to the Snoval River, and send people to familiarize them with the terrain.

And the west of the Romanian city will be defended by his troops, this is not the case of Major General Diktov. It is that his troops are most familiar with this place, and are more adapted to the use of terrain.

In the east of the city, armed militias will be responsible, and the city east, which is the farthest from the enemy, will be handed over to the militias. After all, these people are locals. With the blessing of defending their hometown from the Romanians, their defensive ability is still trustworthy.

This is not the time of the Great Famine in Ukraine, and the Ukrainians at this time still have patriotic enthusiasm for Soviet Russia. There must be a leading party, but a large number of requests to join the invaders are definitely impossible.

After Major General Diktov assigned the task, he said again. "Next, we need to fight together. For the great Soviet, we will definitely defend this city."

"For the Soviets."