Chapter 557: Peace talks (on)

Timoshenko’s telegram caused an uproar in Moscow, and no one would have thought that the Soviet Red Army would lose another battle against Romania.

Then someone needs to be responsible for this, so in a conference room in the Kremlin, someone expressed their views on this.

"This time I lost the match against the Romanians. I think Timoshenko, as the commander, has an inescapable responsibility."

This one pointed the finger at the commander as soon as he came up, because the decision to fight the Romanian was a decision made by Moscow. First of all, the central government was right, and the Soviet officers and soldiers fought bravely, and it was right. That's not the commander's problem, who else's problem.

And this committee member's words immediately drew Voroshilov's question. "Then what are you going to do with Timoshing Brother?"

Of course, the committee member who was asked would not give an answer. This decision can only be made by Comrade Stalin. So he had to turn the topic to this leader who was in charge of the Soviet Union.

"This needs Comrade Stalin to decide. I unconditionally support Comrade Stalin's decision."

Following this committee member's words, all eyes turned to Stalin. I saw Stalin holding his corn pipe and asked. "Comrade Voroshilov, what's your opinion?"

Facing Stalin's inquiry, Voroshilov, who had long been confident, said calmly. "Our opinion is that in this battle, Timoshenko and political commissar Moklov did have an unshirkable responsibility for command. I think they need to be removed first, and wait until the military committee selects a suitable candidate. To take over the work in their hands. But before that, two people are required to sit in the Kiev Military District to ensure the order of the army during this period and deal with the pressure of the Romanians.

In fact, this decision looks serious, and the dismissal is not easy at all. However, in the next sentence, continuing to manage the Kiev Military Region temporarily, it is very problematic. Because when the right candidate is selected, it is not Voroshilov (the participants say Stalin) has the final say. This result can not only soothe the people's emotions, but also keep Timoshing and others.

"Yes, just follow this advice."

Facing Voroshilov's obvious partiality, Stalin agreed. Since Stalin made the decision, how could other people stand up against him against his will, so the words about the responsibility for defeat ended like this.

I saw Stalin speak. "Then let's talk about the negotiation with Romania."

At this time, the members present all started to cheer up, because this issue is more important than dealing with the responsible person.

At this moment Molotov stood up and said. "I think the current war has caused great losses to the people of the two countries, and it is also not conducive to the current peaceful international environment. Therefore, in line with the policy of good-neighborliness and friendship, I think this peace negotiation initiated by our side can also gain the international community. Understand."

After Molotov said the peace talks proposed by the Soviet side, he continued. "However, although the proposal for peace is ours first, I think we need to adhere to a few conditions. First of all, this conflict was initiated by Romania. However, in a peaceful manner, we will not pursue the issue of responsibility. And in order to reflect With our peaceful sincerity, both parties will not be able to propose compensation to the other."

"The other two sides caused the conflict on Mount Hermek. We can make concessions to admit that the area is owned by Romania, but it is only limited to this area. In addition, the two warring parties should exchange captured and captured weapons, and both must be returned. The national border before 19319 before the conflict occurred."

"In addition, the losses suffered by the people in the war..."

Molotov Lin always uttered the terms drawn up by personnel proficient in diplomacy. In general, these are the main conditions for the Soviet Union not to indemnify the country, and to recognize that Mount Hermek belongs to Romania.

After listening to Molotov's terms, the committee members present talked with each other and exchanged their views. Generally speaking, these diplomatic conditions are in line with the wishes of those present. In any case, I lost this battle by myself. Although it is possible to mobilize troops to continue fighting, this is not in line with the current overall environment of the Soviet Union for peaceful construction.

And this battle also made many committee members see that the current Soviet army still needs to be strengthened, otherwise it is not enough to ensure the security of the homeland. So no one objected to Molotov's proposal.

After seeing that there was no objection, Stalin spoke. "Since no one has spoken, then we will show our hands to vote whether we agree to implement according to Comrade Molotov's suggestion."

"If you agree, please raise your hands."

Swish, everyone present raised their hands.

"Then the opinions of this peace talk are passed by unanimous votes.

After the resolution was completed, Stalin told the Chairman of the State Planning Commission of the Soviet Union V. V. Kubyshev. "Comrade Kubyshev, stay for a while."

"Okay, Comrade Stalin."

When everyone else was gone, Stalin spoke. "Your Planning Committee, can you add a military industrial plan to the five-year plan."

Although Stalin was only using a negotiating tone, Kuibyshev, who was in charge of the First Five-Year Plan, naturally knew that this was giving an order to himself.

"It is absolutely possible, Comrade Stalin. I just don't know what to add."

Stalin thought about the telegram sent to him by Brother Timusin and said his thoughts. "Mainly the research and development of aircraft and tanks, and the navy also needs attention."

A subsequent proposal to the navy is also because of the rapid development of the Romanian navy in recent years, which has made Stalin feel threatened. Although this time it only fought with Romanian land, who knows whether Romania will use its navy next time. Moreover, the Soviet Union's Black Sea coast is a wealthy area, and naturally needs to respond. In particular, being taught by Romania several times in a row made Stalin urgently increase the strength of the army and navy to deal with the surrounding diplomatic environment.

But Stalin's words made Kuibyshev wrinkle his forehead. "Aircraft and tank research and development can be added. However, if the Navy adds it again, it will affect the smooth completion of the First Five-Year Plan."

The research and development of airplanes and tanks is already included in the voluntary plan, so it doesn't matter if resources are tilted slightly. However, the Navy's investment is much larger than that. If the First Five-Year Plan is to be successfully completed, it is best to implement it in the next plan year. This is the inner thoughts of Kuibyshev.

"Then add it to the Second Five-Year Plan. The Soviet Union can not only focus on domestic construction, but also needs to strengthen its national defense."

Stalin was not an unreasonable person either. A little thought would indeed increase the difficulty of the First Five-Year Plan, so he endured it for a while.

"Yes, Comrade Stalin."