Chapter 603: Cut Hu (middle)

"It was acquired in advance, so let's change another batch. At present, there are so many bankrupt companies in the United States, is it not enough for us to choose?

Viktorv, who hadn't understood yet, answered casually.

Viktorv has encountered quite a few things where his chosen goal was first picked up by others. Many of these are fairly high-quality companies, so there will naturally be people who take the opportunity to start the price and grab their own fancy factories. There are not so many factories that have gone bankrupt now, so if someone is robbed of them, just look for a replacement. What's all the fuss about.

That's right, this is Viktov's attitude, so he was surprised by the staff's attitude.

Seeing that Viktov hadn't paid attention to this, the staff member said loudly. "Comrade Viktov, it is not that one or two factories were purchased in advance, but that many factories of our choice were purchased."

Hearing what the staff member said, Viktov finally took it seriously.

"How is this going?"

After the staff member's account, Viktov knew the seriousness of the problem. Many precision machinery manufacturing plants across the United States have been acquired. In addition, in industries such as aviation, iron and steel, petrochemicals, shipbuilding, and vehicle manufacturing, many of the targets they have chosen have been quickly listed. And these companies are basically factories with their own skills, or some new technology, and they are high value-added companies.

So when he heard his subordinates introduce the new situation, Viktov realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Go and find out who is preemptively acquiring these companies."

When the Soviets were shocked when they were cut off for their chosen target, the person who cut them was in Seattle to contact the Boeing Company, and they were received by the famous William Edward Boeing. Yes, Boeing is the company named after him.

And unlike the king of passenger planes in later generations, Boeing now mainly designs military aircraft. Although the current military aircraft market has become very narrow due to the peaceful era, Boeing alone still launches many military aircraft. Among them, the Boeing 83 is currently the most military aircraft in the US military. .

The arrival of the Great Depression also made Boeing's life difficult. Fortunately, they launched the first Boeing 200 monoplane postal plane, which made Boeing's situation much better. It's not like James Smith Macdonald, the founder of Douglas, who went bankrupt, but it can't be said to have been better.

So for cooperation from other countries, Boeing is also very willing.

"Hello, Mr. Felks."

As the company’s president, Boeing stepped forward to greet the leader, holding the leader’s hand after the cooperation representative from Romania arrived.

"Hello Mr. Boeing."

As one of the main persons in charge of this purchase, Felks naturally greeted Mr. Boeing very enthusiastically.

"Your country’s purchase in the United States this time has brought many companies back to life and saved many people from bankruptcy. It also hit the Soviet Union’s arrogance, just like what your country did to this Red Empire in the border area. It’s the same as the free capitalism that is defended."

Look at anyone who says that those who engage in technology can't speak, but Mr. Boeing can speak very well. Raise Romania’s purchases in the United States to the point of defending capitalism.

Facing Boeing's compliments, Felks replied casually. "Thank you for your interest in us. In fact, we want to introduce technology from Boeing this time. We are all in the eyes of your company's research and development of monoplanes. my country also hopes to reach cooperation with Boeing to jointly develop new aircrafts. More monoplanes can soar in the sky."

Yes, this time Felks came to purchase Boeing's monoplane technology. Boeing’s management began to study monoplanes as early as 1928. Although their Boeing 83 series achieved quite good results, they believed that the era of biplanes was about to end, so they focused most of their energy on monoplanes. Research.

The Romanian aviation industry is also conducting research on monoplanes under the care of Edel. The purchase of Boeing's monoplane technology this time is also to integrate the technologies of the two countries and allow the Romanian aviation industry to achieve greater development.

Faced with the outspoken words of Felks, Mr. Boeing did not refuse. "Thank you for your country’s fancy to Boeing. In fact, in the future, as the engine horsepower increases, the speed of the aircraft will inevitably become faster and faster. Only the monoplane can exert its full performance. This time your country is here. By the way, Boeing has the best monoplane technology in the United States."

If before the Great Depression, Boeing might have hesitated to sell technology, but now, naturally, it would be anxious to sell these technologies. After all, research and development needs funds, and the huge Boeing Company also needs expenses. Naturally, it can sell some. Moreover, Boeing basically has no market in Europe, and selling technology is pure profit. There is no reason not to sell it.

So the two parties then had a bargain on the technology of the monoplane. Basically one wanted to sell and the other wanted to buy, so there was a price issue between the two. At this point, the two parties are not very different. Boeing did not want to sell high prices, and Romania did not want to buy cheap, so in the end, Romania paid 1.2 million US dollars to reduce the current Boeing’s maturity in monoplanes. Mature technologies are packaged away.

While the two guests were enjoying themselves, Boeing thought of the passenger aircraft project developed by the company at this time, so he couldn't help but talk about it again. "I don't know if your country has any ideas about passenger aircraft. We are developing a new passenger aircraft. This is a real passenger aircraft with an all-metal structure and a streamlined appearance. It also uses our newly developed low-wing structure aircraft. This will be a cross-age masterpiece."

The words of Boeing made Felks interested. "I don't know about this airliner, there is no real thing at present?"

"Yes, it's on our test flight field, but it's just a prototype. As for it, it should be more than a year away from its real launch."

Boeing said that he blushed a little at the end, because the prototype of this new passenger plane was built last month, and even the test flight was conducted only once.

But Filkes ignored Boeing's expression, he asked with interest. "Then can we go and see?"


Everyone came all the way to Boeing's test flight field outside Seattle, and a shiny metallic plane appeared in front of them.

Just listen to Boeing's serious introduction. "This new passenger aircraft has a length: 51 feet 5 inches (15.7 meters), a wingspan: 74 feet 1 inch (22.6 meters), a height: 12 feet 5 inches (3.8 meters), and an empty weight of 4,055 kg. We tested it. The maximum take-off weight is 6,190 kg. According to our design, it can carry 10 passengers and fly 750 kilometers."

And Boeing's introduction made Felks couldn't help but think of the aircraft that just gained fame in Germany This aircraft can also carry two meals, but it can fly 1,500 kilometers.

But the disadvantage is that this is a freighter, and it's still a three-delivery machine. Compared with the two-engine Boeing airliner, it is indeed incomparable in terms of comfort. However, considering that Romania is currently developing slowly on passenger planes, it is good to introduce some technologies.

Thinking of Felks here, I couldn't help but say. "This airliner looks unique, so if the price is not high, we can also buy some technology."

The words of Felks made Boeing overjoyed. It is always good to be able to sell before the research and development is complete. Immediately on the test flight site, the two parties discussed the purchase of technology before the future was named the Boeing 247 passenger plane. In the end, Romania offered 800,000 yuan to purchase the drawings of this aircraft.

In order to preserve the technology of this airliner, Romania is not allowed to sell this airliner to foreign countries. Felks agrees with this, because this is only for the promotion of Romania's aviation industry. In the future, Romania will inevitably have aircraft that have already been launched.