Chapter 613: Expose

The Great Famine in Ukraine caused many people like Riltov and Solvasv's family to flee to Romania. And Romania has received so many Ukrainians who have fled, naturally it will not embarrass these poor people. Romania did not embarrass them, but also provided them with accommodation and food.

However, Romania has no plans to let go of the Soviet Union's performance in the Great Famine in Ukraine.

Mihalaki is questioning a subordinate in the Prime Minister's Office. "Are you all ready?"

"Please rest assured that the Prime Minister is already prepared. This time we will let everyone know that the Soviets are ugly and opposed. It will definitely make them show up in front of the people of the world."

"Go ahead."

After sending the subordinate away, Mihalaki remembered the words he had said when he met Edel in the palace.

"This is a great opportunity for Romania. The Ukrainian people who have fled are the best proof. As long as we expose the matter, the entire civilized society will condemn this kind of disregard for people's livelihood. But be mindful and don't talk about the topic. Guide to disaster relief to the Ukrainian people, but to firmly grasp that the Soviet Union still exports food during the famine years. It is best to guide public opinion to this is the genocide of the Ukrainians by the Soviet government, which will deepen the resentment of the Ukrainians towards the Soviet Union. Divorce their connection."

Prime Minister Mihalaki deeply agrees with the king’s ideas. The result of this has not only increased the pressure on the Soviet Union, but also undermined the European public’s recognition of the Soviet Union. Now many people in Europe regard the Soviet Union as a model of working-class ownership. And feel good about it. Now that this incident has broken out, at least many people will lower their approval.

And it can also deal a blow to the Soviet Union's exports, especially the bulk of the grain that is exported in exchange for foreign exchange, which must be linked to the lives of Ukrainians. The slogan is well thought out. Every grain of grain exported by the Soviet Union is taken from the mouths of hungry Ukrainians. Buying Soviet grain is killing others.

Although it is impossible to stop the Soviet Union’s determination to export food, many profiteers can use this excuse to lower prices, which in turn can reduce the foreign exchange obtained by the Soviet Union and increase the difficulty of its industrialization. It can be said to be the best of both worlds, so Romania must make this matter public so that people from other countries can take a good look at the Soviet Union's face.

The next day, almost all Romanian newspapers were reporting the Great Famine in Ukraine. Among them, as the largest newspaper in Romania, the Romanian Daily publishes photos secretly taken from Ukraine.

In the photo, several scrawny Ukrainian women with yellow-faced and thin children sitting on the ground numbly. There is also an old farmer looking at the dry farmland with the same skinny eyes.

The newspaper wrote below that there is currently a great famine in Ukraine, and the Soviets completely ignored the local victims and forcibly took the food from their homes and left them to fend for themselves. And in order to ensure its ambitions, the Soviet government will export a large amount of food seized from the victims of the Ukrainian disaster to Europe in exchange for the required technology and equipment.

As far as this newspaper knows, in order to cover up the disaster in Ukraine, the Soviet Union ordered the prohibition of railway stations from selling train tickets to farmers to leave Ukraine. In addition, the Ukrainians who fled to our country said that they cannot help being hunted by the military and police in Ukraine, and there are people who are too hungry and start to eat people. They first dig out those who have just died from the cemetery to eat, and then develop to attack other people. people.

The Soviet Union has always advertised itself as a country in which the people are the masters. It is ridiculous that a terrifying thing like cannibalism happened in a country where the people are the masters. Here we need to ask whether the Soviets dare to let people from other countries go to Ukraine to see it. In the heart of conscience, this newspaper urges those who buy Soviet food to stop buying food. The food you bought is for the victims of the Ukrainian disaster. Buying less food from the Soviet Union is the best contribution to disaster victims.

The Romanian newspapers reported the great famine in Ukraine, and soon spread the trend to other countries. In order to attract the attention of the people, many newspapers have sent reporters to Romania to interview those who escaped from the disaster.

And what they learned from the victims of the disaster is exactly the same as reported in the Romanian media. In order to better reflect the scale of the victims, Romania has concentrated them in residence. So these reporters were shocked to see the densely packed Ukrainian victims. The reports he sent back further enhanced the public’s understanding of the Great Famine in Ukraine.

Among them, the Times published a photo. The above is a man who is still picking up food, and it is written in the introduction below. His name is Riltov, from a collective farm called Domarkov in Zaporozhye, Ukraine. On February 16, the Riltov family (five) and their friends (six) escaped from their hometown.

They have been chased by the military and police on the grounds that they do not have a pass issued by the farm and cannot run around or they will be arrested and sent to the labor camp. (According to Riltov, he has never seen anyone released from the labor camp. ). He has also been hunted by cannibals, and it is said that they were almost caught by these people once. Finally, there was an interception by the Border Patrol, and Riltov witnessed several executions by the army. But he and his family of friends, who had gone through hardships, ran out of six people in total. (Don't think that this number is low. Many of the refugees in this refugee camp have only one or two people out of the family.)

In our interview, we found that such tragedies are very common among them. Almost everyone's experience is like this Then we can infer from this that the social order in Ukraine has collapsed, and there are both natural disasters and ***. However, there are many factors from ******, these people are basically Ukrainians. And I also learned from them that the Soviet government is not interested in the disaster in Ukraine and has no relief measures. This makes me deeply puzzled, are these Ukrainians not citizens of the Soviet Union, and now leave them aside. Why?

The Times report pushed the Great Famine in Ukraine to a new level. Many charitable organizations have asked the Soviet Union to allow them to go to Ukraine for disaster relief, but they were flatly rejected by the Soviet Union. It is better to hold on to it than to put these people in Ukraine, and the Moscow government is still aware of this.

In the face of international public opinion, on the one hand, the Soviet Union denied its domestic disaster, on the other hand, it had to provide some food for disaster relief. So how much food did the Soviet Union produce?

350,000 tons of grain.

If so much food can help millions of people, it is a pity that there are 30 million people in Ukraine affected by the disaster. This amount of food is simply impossible to sustain, and the Ukrainian famine will continue.

When people in other countries learned that the Soviet Union had banned people from other countries from entering the Soviet Union and also slandered those who fled to Romania as criminals, their disgust towards the Soviet Union was much higher. Politicians from many countries have taken the opportunity to point out to the people that this is the fate of the red party in power, and they will not care about the life and death of the people.

Some people even reported in the newspapers that this was a deliberate massacre of the Ukrainians by the Soviet Union in order to achieve an ulterior motive. Regarding this remark, it is the benevolent who sees the benevolent and the wise who sees the wisdom.

However, as the people of Europe learned about the Great Famine in Ukraine, their interest in red thoughts greatly diminished, and the guild movement in Europe also fell into a downturn.