Chapter 621: The storm is coming

Kelsteff estimated that he was right, and on the second day the word that he wanted to change the king was spread out. Many people expressed strong opposition to Kelsteff's remarks that he wanted to oust Boris III and support Romanian King Edel I.

For example, the chairman of the People’s Party Bolidoev made a public statement, condemning Kelsteff’s remarks on supporting King Edel I of Romania. He said that Kelsteff's idea was unrealistic, it was an open act of treason, and the Social Democratic Party should be disbanded.

In the face of surging opposition, Kelsteff not only failed to curb his speech, but publicly said it at the Social Democratic Party. "For Bulgaria, changing the king is the only opportunity for Bulgaria to rise." This further confirmed his own remarks.

In the face of Kelsteff's complete ignorance of criticism and condemnation from other parties, the voice of criticism has been further intensified. And many people in the party were disappointed by the remarks and chose to withdraw. However, these people who withdrew did not affect Kelsteff at all, but they also reduced the majority of the seats of the Social Democratic Party in Congress to about 40%. However, it is very interesting that the officers' alliance and the link alliance, which are the military's political group, have not expressed any opinions in this. And no one in the caretaker government has made any statements about his remarks.

This makes the political situation in Bulgaria bewildering, but many people don't understand it at all.

The political chaos in Bulgaria also involves the eyes of Europe. The reason is very simple, because this Bulgarian chaos involves its neighbor Romania. Not only Greece, Yugoslavia, and Turkey, which are next to Bulgaria, are paying close attention to it, but also major European countries.

From the perspective of the general public opinion in Europe, they are basically not optimistic about it. And some newspapers are worried about this, thinking that this will increase tension in the Balkans, and it is likely that the region will become a new round of powder kegs.

Compared with the worries of European countries, there has been an uproar in Romania. Many people are happy to build this, because if His Majesty Edel becomes the King of Bulgaria, then Romania's rule area can be expanded, and the expansion of territories is also a happy thing for Romania.

However, some people are worried about this. They think that after His Majesty Edel becomes the King of Bulgaria, he will spread his energy to Bulgaria, which is not a good thing for Romania. In addition, Romania will need some support to Bulgaria at that time, which will hinder Romania's development.

These people's remarks are not at all what Bulgaria is unwilling to do. They are all about the attitude that Bulgaria will elect His Majesty Edel as king.

As for the focus of the party, Edel's own feeling is like a dead dog. That's right, Edel is this kind of bad feeling like being on a dog. Because he didn't know anything about Kelsteff's remarks that he should be the king of Bulgaria. It was Kelsteff's own decision.

Although Romania provided financial assistance to the Social Democratic Party, it was never expected that the party chairman would do this. Originally in Edel's plan, he planned to find a chance to annex Bulgaria during the period from the Italian invasion of Ethiopia to the merger of Germany and Austria.

This can alleviate Romania’s external pressure. At that time, at least Italy or Germany will disperse the energies of Britain, France, and the Soviet Union.

And what is it now?

Counting Romania's attitude to Italy and Germany to test Britain and France, it became an early bird.

So he was a little angry at this bold Mr. Kelsteff. The party chairman was completely using himself and the Social Democratic Party to persecute Romania to follow up. This behavior of being led by the other party made Edel very upset. . But it had to follow up, because Edel did have ambitions to annex Bulgaria.

So Edel had to find the current intelligence chief Holmonkman to listen to his investigation of Bulgaria. As the head of the Romanian intelligence agency, Holmonkman has excellent work ability and has expanded Romania's intelligence network many times before and after. After Milok retired, he took over the job of the Romanian king of intelligence.

Speaking of Millock's retirement, it can be said to be the top priority for Romanian intelligence agencies in the past few decades. As Milok who was trusted by the two kings, he was able to spend his old age peacefully thanks to him being right, and retreating without resigning for rights. The most difficult thing to retreat is the person in charge of the intelligence department, who knows too much, and it is easy to become the target of the superiors.

Just look at how many people doing intelligence work in history have had a good end, and you know that doing this business is the most reassuring. Many people have worked on it until they die. So Milok can enjoy his old age, in addition to his own response, Edel does not care about it. If you change to a loving father, Milo's grave will grow taller.

"Your Majesty, at present, nearly one-third of the people in Bulgaria oppose His Majesty's succession as the King of Bulgaria. Nearly 40% of the people are willing to see success and are in favor of this. The remaining people have not yet expressed their views and are considered neutral. Among them, they agree. Many of the people come to Romania to work, do business, study, etc. There are also those who are more closely connected with our country’s economy.

The opposition to is mainly the scholars and cultural circles and the radical national elements influenced by them. These people are more strongly opposed to His Majesty's taking over the throne. As for those who have not expressed a neutral attitude, they are mainly moderate national elements, as well as patriots who are more aware of the reality. They are not only dissatisfied with the current situation in Bulgaria, but also envy our country, and many people are very concerned about this. Tangled. So non-committal is the attitude of these people. "

After Edel listened to Holmonkman's narration, he had already thought about it. It seems that the economic ties to Bulgaria have increased over the years, and many people have changed their attitudes. But after all, Bulgarians, there are still so many people opposed to taking over. It seems that it is difficult to rely on Bulgaria to promote it, and it needs to be promoted by itself and Romania.

It's true that Edel must follow Kelsteff's rhythm now, but he has his own ideas and will not follow the other party's ideas completely, so where is his breaking point?

He already has some clues, but he plans to discuss with the government and the military.

For this reason Edel called a guard. "Let the Prime Minister Mihalaki, and Fereit come forward, I have something to discuss with them."