Chapter 627: untitled

The announcement of Boris' abdication dropped a blockbuster in the chaotic Bulgaria. It also announced that the chaos of Bulgaria’s king change ended in Edel’s victory.

In fact, when Edel was approaching Sofia, many smart people had already seen the outcome of this situation, otherwise, not far from Sofia, at Edel in Rollier, it would be impossible for so many people to rush to see him. And Edel, who had been wandering around for a long time in Rollier, naturally received the news.

After reading the news in the newspaper, Edel couldn't help but talk to the chief guard next to him. "It seems that Boris is a clever man, knowing that he can give up his vote, but this has helped us solve a problem."

In fact, Edel, who was waiting in Rollier, was waiting for the news of Boris' abdication, in addition to meeting the visiting Bulgarian dignitaries and politicians. This is also Edel's preparation to avoid the deterioration of the situation. As long as Boris announces his abdication, he will be able to take over Bulgaria smoothly.

Of course, in exchange for seeing the situation clearly, Boris abdicated, after Edel came to power, he would certainly treat them kindly. Although they will definitely not live in Bulgaria anymore, many of the royal property cannot be taken away, and how much they can keep depends on the decision of the new king Edel.

So after Boris took his family with him, Edel was accompanied by a group of Bulgarian personnel to the palace where two generations of kings lived. This Bulgarian palace in the center of the city has a strong Austrian style, which has a lot to do with the invitation of Ferdinand I, a prince from the Saxon Kokhali family.

The inside of the palace has been cleaned up, but from the metal hooks that can be seen from time to time on the wall, it can be seen that there were paintings or other hangings before.

And Edel didn't care too much about this. He didn't pursue too much in his personal life, so he focused more on national affairs.

When it comes to national affairs, what Bulgaria needs most is a prime minister. At present, the only candidate can only be the chairman of the Social Democratic Party, Kelsteff. Regardless of Edel's dissatisfaction with Mr. Kelsteff who allowed the two monarchs to rotate with his baton, now he needs to rely on each other.

Because currently only Kelsteff has the ability to quickly calm the chaos down, and the other party also contributed the most to Edel's ownership of Bulgaria.

So after Edel arrived in Sofia, Kelsteff was always at his side. And in many meetings, Edel also emphasized Kelstef's contribution, as if the fierce king in Bucharest had never appeared before. Of course, whether Edel Shadow can finally resolve the resentment deep in his heart requires Kelsteff to show it in the next work.

But now the two righteous monarchs and ministers had a whispered exchange in the palace. "Kelsteff, do you have any good suggestions for those opposition parties."

As soon as Edel came up, he asked about the opposition. Now Edel has taken control of Sophia, under the circumstances that the overall situation has been determined. There are still voices against Edel's rule. Some of these people are out of the occupation of the Bulgarian throne by the Romanian king, some are out of Bulgaria's self-esteem, and there are people with other purposes. These people are still supported by 31% of Bulgarian people.

Therefore, Edel is naturally not at ease about this. Faced with his pre-appointed prime minister, he naturally hopes to hear his opinions. After all, Kelsteff has a long history of politics in Bulgaria, and he knows these people very well.

But Kelsteff knew his test was coming after hearing Edel's inquiry. This was the first question the king asked himself, but fortunately he was prepared.

"Your Majesty, in my opinion, it is very simple to want a quick solution. First of all, we need to make everyone feel that the atmosphere after Your Majesty takes office is different, not only politically but also economically. The domestic political chaos is not only because of In addition to the territorial loss brought about by the First World War, it was more economically and continuously extracted by other countries.

After the hard time to pay off the foreign debt, the arrival of the economic crisis has left the public with no hope. First of all, we need to give them hope, so I suggest that Bulgaria issue bonds in Romania. Use this money to carry out large-scale infrastructure construction like Romania, so that everyone can have a job. Secondly, we should..."

"These measures are the best solution to the current political chaos. Of course, we cannot rule out that there are still other stubborn elements. For these people, we need to start from two aspects. The first is to check the source of their party funds. There is external interference. Secondly, we must investigate whether these people have violated the law and discipline. We need to maintain the dignity of the law."

In Kelsteff's narration, he was obviously prepared to show tenderness to these people first, and then use means if it doesn't work. Obviously, how can political activities be a spotless white lotus, there must be a lot of shameful activities. Kelsteff has an inherent advantage over the government in his hands. Using the government's power to conduct a thorough investigation, can he find nothing? Of course, the consequences of doing this are also very serious, because after you step down, others will do the same to you.

But Kelsteff doesn't care about it, because there is no possibility of other parties coming to power in the future. As long as the Social Democratic Party clings to the thigh of the king and does not make Bulgaria complain, then no one will be able to come back.

Moreover, he not only explained the rectification of the political situation, but also comprehensively reformed all aspects of Bulgaria's economy, politics, transportation, people's livelihood, and education. Of course, Kelsteff does not intend to reach the situation in Romania in one step, at least to let the public see the changes made by the government for this purpose.

Of course, the assistance from Romania is its indispensable support. Think about it and know, how can Bulgaria be successful in issuing bonds in Romania without Romania’s bottom line.

Within the Social Democratic Party, many people are opposed to this. Because the truth is very simple, cannibalism takes shorthands. The more Romania pays, the more it will need Bulgaria to give him back. For example, the abolition of tariffs between the two countries, border jurisdiction, and even other requirements, such as adding Bulgarian education to the study of Romanian. It even made demands on Bulgaria in public opinion.

Although the two countries are currently a monarch, as long as the Kingdom of Bulgaria exists, for Romania is the goal that needs to be included in its own system.

However, Kelstef didn't take this seriously, because he knew that instead of entanglement and resistance, it attracted Romania's dissatisfaction, and he did not fit into it more cooperatively and gained a higher voice. This will help the Bulgarian people in Macedonia to return to this big family and at least get second-class status. Of course, it would be better if it could get equal status with the Romanian nationality.

Because Kelsteff found that although Romania pays attention to ethnic equality, in reality, each ethnic group also has different status. Of course, the Romanian ethnic group is the best treated, followed by the German, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian ethnic groups, followed by other ethnic groups, and the worst is Hungary. Family. Of course, these are hidden benefits. For example, in areas with a large number of Romanians, resources such as education, medical care, and transportation are the best, followed by other ethnic groups.

The goal of Kelstef is to promote the status of Bulgarians among all ethnic groups. So that the Bulgarians can gain a higher right to speak in the future, and this needs to be integrated. If you resist integration, no one wants to give it status.

As for Kelsteff's account, Edel was quite satisfied. The chairman of the Social Democratic Party, knowing what Edel needs, and dealing with smart people has this advantage. You don't know what to do without telling him.