Chapter 629: Greetings from England and France

The news that Edel was also king of Bulgaria quickly spread throughout the world.

Different from Bulgaria and Romania, the other European countries generally held a neutral and opposed attitude towards Edel's appointment as the king of Bulgaria. Only Italy, which has a close relationship with Romania, expressed its congratulations.

The countries that express neutrality are mainly unrelated small countries, as well as Germany, which is struggling with the economy.

The main opponents are Britain, France, the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey and other countries. Even Poland, which has close economic ties, also has some opposition.

The opposition from Poland is also mainly afraid that Romania will use its energy in the Balkan direction, instead of being hostile to the Soviet Union as it did in the past.

And Turkey is because after Edel became the King of Bulgaria, he was afraid that the merger of Bulgaria and Romania would put him under greater pressure. You must know that Istanbul was originally called Constantinople, the holy place of the Orthodox Church. If the Romanians' brains become hot with the encouragement of religious forces, it will be difficult for Turkey to regain Constantinople.

As for Yugoslavia and Greece, of course it is more because of the ownership of Macedonia. After the First World War, the two countries were not afraid of Bulgaria, which had shrunk in strength, and even showed a trace of contempt. But now with Edel ascending the Bulgarian throne, leading a powerful Romania, which makes the two countries extremely nervous. I am afraid that Romania will encourage Bulgaria to retake its homeland, which will make it difficult for the two countries to fight.

Because Romania is already the leader in the Balkans, but the relationship between the two countries and Britain and France is better and there are more benefits, so they can't change their courts. This is where the two encounters are difficult.

As for the Soviet Union’s opposition, they were a little bit helpless. They were delighted and surprised at Edel being King of Bulgaria. Because with Edel taking over as the king of Bulgaria, it means that Romania will gradually infiltrate its energy into the Mediterranean, which can ease the pressure on the Soviet Union in Ukraine.

We must know that the Kiev Military Region is currently the military region with the largest number of troops stationed in the Soviet Union, and it is also the military region with the most mission. Its peak reaches more than 500,000 troops, although it is as small as more than 300,000 troops. Currently, more than 400,000 troops have been permanently stationed here. Its main purpose is to keep an eye on Romania, the most stubborn anti-Soviet activist.

As Romania’s eyes shift, it will inevitably make the western border of the Soviet Union safer, and it will also allow the Soviet Union to reduce its pressure and better serve its Second Five-Year Plan.

What is shocking is that the Balkan Peninsula has always been an area that traditional Russia is going to contend for. For this reason, Russia suffered a discolored fate in World War I. After the Soviet Union recovered its strength, it also wanted to continue to invest in it for its own benefit.

But as Bulgaria was turned into a country by Romania (actually not, but the Soviet Union thought it was a matter of time), then Romania took the lead in the region, which is still very detrimental to the Soviet Union.

For this reason, the Red Star newspaper of the Soviet Union has repeatedly commented on this, sternly accusing Romania of destroying the peaceful environment in the region. He even organized several military exercises in Ukraine, one after another on a larger scale. But Romania remained unmoved, and did not express anything about the fierce reaction of the Soviet Union.

Britain and France are much simpler. In order to prevent Romania from appearing in the Mediterranean, this already lively sea area becomes more intense. Moreover, the two countries are the big brothers of Greece and Yugoslavia, so naturally they are obliged to help them avoid losses. Of course, the deeper reasons for these two countries are also that Romania, which has grown stronger, is seizing the market, which has damaged the interests of Britain and France.

Of course, Britain and France, which are still in charge of the European order, did not intend to stop after Edel became King of Bulgaria. On the one hand, they increased their support for the opposition forces, and on the other hand, they said that Bulgaria was a defeated country. It is required that the Kingdom of Bulgaria must abide by the Nai Peace Treaty, especially that Bulgaria must not challenge it.

Its main purpose is to require Bulgaria to still recognize the territories it ceded to Yugoslavia and Greece and not to raise objections. In addition to the 20,000 army reserved by Bulgaria, the size of the army must not be expanded. In addition to reassurance of Yugoslavia and Greece, the British and French requirements also have the intention of creating trouble for Edel.

This is because with Edel's arrival in Bulgaria and the return of Southern Budoruga and other places to Bulgaria, the self-confidence of the Bulgarian people has been unprecedentedly improved. Some media have already chanted in the newspapers that the Macedonian people should return to Bulgaria.

And if Edel agrees to the requirements of Britain and France, then his status in the Bulgarian people will be greatly reduced. If Edel does not agree, he will be hostile to both Yugoslavia and Greece, and the two countries will suffer a huge blow to the economic, trade, and diplomatic relations between Romania and Bulgaria. And it will also affect neighboring countries such as Hungary and the Czech Republic, because people are willing to see an ambitious country around them.

Moreover, this problem is not so easy to solve for Edel. The Versailles system after World War I was recognized by all countries. If Romania turns against the water, Romania's diplomacy will suffer a heavy blow. And for Romania, he is a vested interest group, or a vested interest group that has obtained huge benefits.

So Edel's opposition is to disappoint the Kingdom of Romania, and if he agrees, it is to disappoint the Kingdom of Bulgaria, and he has to express his stance.

After careful consideration, Edel chose the attitude of approval. Because he knows where his basic set is, and in terms of strength, he must also give priority to the attitude of the Kingdom of Romania. In addition, Bulgaria still needs a slow recovery in the country. The internal affairs are uneven and the national strength is weak. It still has not been integrated with Romania, so it can challenge Britain and France.

Moreover, he is very satisfied with the "Nayi Peace Treaty" that restricts the Bulgarian army to 20,000, and has no plans to amend it. Although the Bulgarian Army expressed neutrality in the chaos and did not oppose Edel's admission, he was still dissatisfied with it. The Bulgarian military's involvement in politics is too deep, making Edel very jealous of it. Take a look at the chaotic situation in Bulgaria. The military's several moves are all exacerbating the chaos of the situation.

And Edel had long thought of purging the Bulgarian army, especially since the current Edel Guard is in an awkward position in Bulgaria. The guards that have completed the **** mission should be disbanded logically, but Edel is not willing to disband them. The Bulgarian military's resistance to accepting him made Edel angry. I have become kings The Bulgarian military is still in its own right.

The threat of Britain and France this time gave Edel the opportunity to limit the number of troops, leaving the military with nothing to say.

Then the guards were streamlined and incorporated into the newly formed armed police force. These backbones are officers and soldiers of the Bulgarian nationality in the Romanian army, and they just make it work. Moreover, this armed force is a policeman, even if it is equipped with a tank, it is a policeman who drives tanks. Britain and France have nothing to say.

This can also leave an armed force loyal to itself in Bulgaria, which is also very important for consolidating its position.

As for the indemnity being paid long ago, Edel even ignored it, could it be possible to return.

And the cession of the territory currently has no strength to get it back, so there is no loss to Bulgaria, the only loss is the inflated self-confidence. In this regard, Edel believes that being suppressed can make Bulgaria a little worse for the British and French senses, and there is nothing wrong with it.

So in the end, the Bulgarian government made a public statement, declaring its willingness to abide by the Nai Peace Treaty and has no intention of revising the treaty.