Chapter 634: Follow-up impact

"Are you confirmed?"

Edel asked Holmonkman in a very serious manner, and the sincerity of his eyes made the intelligence chief feel a bit of chill. The reason was that he had never seen such a serious look in His Majesty's eyes, and even made him feel scared.

"Your Majesty, this news was sent by our secret intelligence personnel after repeated confirmations from Leningrad. There is absolutely no possibility of error."

Listening to Holmonkman’s answer, Edel's heart was relieved.

He can't help but care about this. It's not that he has hatred with this Kirov, but a future event that will be extremely beneficial to Romania, which is triggered from here.

The term   Purge is believed to be familiar to anyone who knows the Soviet Union, and Edel was also a keyboard man in his previous life, and it is normal to know this. The consequences of the Great Purge were also very serious for the Soviet Union, and it is also very important for Romania at present. The power gap between the Soviet Union and Romania has been widening with the implementation of the Soviet Union’s Second Five-Year Plan. If this continues, Romania will not have the strength to compete with it.

Now through his understanding of Stalin, Edel believes that the Great Purge is indispensable. The reason is very simple. At present, the pace of industrialization in the Soviet Union cannot be slowed down. However, the domestic people complained about the continuous and heavy tasks. This is not among the people, and even the voice of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union against Stalin has not stopped.

In the 1934 Central Committee election, Stalin received the most 292 votes against. Politburo member Kaganovich ordered the ballots to be destroyed, announcing that Stalin and Kirov got 3 votes against him, and Stalin was able to succeed as general secretary.

It can be seen from this how loud the voice against Stalin in the party was at that time. Among the voices of opposition, the heavy tasks from the Five-Year Plan accounted for an absolute majority. I believe Stalin also knew this.

If you want the Soviet Union to successfully complete the implementation of the Five-Year Plan, then you must give it substantial rewards, such as official recognition, but this method can only increase people's enthusiasm to a limited extent. After all, humans are not machines that can work hard and stubbornly. Humans are complex and emotional animals that have happiness and disappointment, and they can't keep working. No matter how high the reward is, it can't be like a machine.

So what method can be used to make people forget their sleep and food?

Only fear can.

When the fear of death looms in the heart, it will make everyone waste the work of sleeping and forgetting food, and let everyone give out infinite motivation in order to complete their own efforts.

So it doesn't matter how Kirov died, at least not in Stalin's heart. Even if he was assassinated by someone who was dedicated to making big news, then Kirov's death must be made worthwhile. Therefore, expansion has become inevitable, and it must be done by a small group of anti-Party elements in the country. These people can be those who oppose industrialization or those who oppose Stalin.

As for why the Great Purge will enter a new stage starting in 1936, the reason is very simple. The Second Five-Year Plan will be completed ahead of schedule this year. , This method is very practical, so you need to continue to use it.

To let everyone know that if you don’t work hard and don’t love the Soviet Union and Comrade Stalin, then he is an anti-Party member and he needs to be tried. Of course, not every anti-Party element needs to be shot. Shooting these people is a waste of bullets and precious manpower. Let them go to the most difficult areas of the Soviet Union, contribute to the construction of the great Soviet, and use labor to atone for it.

As for whether he will be overturned after death, as long as the Soviet Union becomes stronger, as long as the Soviet Union is not bullied by other countries, then all this is worth it.

This is Edel's perception of Stalin's next series of actions. In a sense, Stalin is the most staunch patriot. He loves the Soviet Union, the motherland, and he does not hesitate to take the lives of his son and others. At the same time, he is also a very suspicious person. He doesn't believe in any one person, so the power must be concentrated in his hands.

Stalin, who is affected by these two special characteristics, possesses his unique charisma. Every leader has his own unique charm, and no one is the same.

And as the opponent, Edel is actually lacking compared to it. If it were not for the memory of previous lives, he could not be his opponent, even if he was destined to be a king at birth.

However, he has the memory of his previous life and knows the habits of the major opponents at the table.

Of course, it is not enough to have confidence. You need to have enough strength to get your own position in the future, and this is what Edel is most concerned about.

For this, it is necessary to accelerate the integration of Bulgaria and Romania. For this reason, he has prepared a plan to start with education and increase the integration of education between the two countries. Let Romanian schools learn Bulgarian, and Bulgarian schools learn Romanian, so that students from both countries can understand each other's words, at least so that the two parties can communicate smoothly. After all, education must start with dolls, so communication must also start with dolls.

For this, he called the Bulgarian Prime Minister Kelstef over and talked to him about his plans.

"Your Majesty The whole method is very good, it can deepen the ties and exchanges between the two countries. In the long run, this can eliminate the gap between the two nations, which is beneficial to us."

Prime Minister Kelsteff forgets that he had asked the Minister of Education and Health to do the question of adding Romanian to the teaching materials, and said with the flow. "Then strengthen the exchanges between the schools of the two countries and organize the interaction between the students of the two countries, so that the two sides can learn more about each other. This plan serves as a supplement. I don't know what your Majesty thinks?"

"very nice."

After hearing Prime Minister Kelsteff’s words, Edel answered with satisfaction.

"Then I will let the Minister of Education and Health come up with a plan for your Majesty to look at."

After sending away the prime minister, Edel asked his own chief guard. "Horia, what are the plans for the next few days."

"Your Majesty, next you need to meet with the representatives of Bulgarian industry and commerce. And while visiting the largest factory in Bulgaria, the Yero Minerals Smelting Company, and tomorrow you will go to Plovdiv to meet with the local representatives and conduct inspections at the local school. The day after tomorrow, we will inspect the agricultural production in the area and give condolences to the local farmers. It is best to eat at the farmers’ stand, and..."

"Okay, don't talk about Horia."

Looking at a head guard who was serious about his next trip, Edel felt his stomach upset. He had already visited many places in Bulgaria before, and the process was basically the same, and he was a little tired of it.