"You're saying I'm a capitalist now, aren't you? Well, I'll let you know what the real cheap labor is. You are responsible for all the development projects I have on hand. I want to see the results the morning after tomorrow. " Mu Jiyun's gloomy face appeared at the door of Qiao te's office. The cold look made Xia Yuchen shiver. He said that he should not be so cruel! Do he know what he is talking about in all the development cases! And the morning after tomorrow, it's better to shoot yourself to death.

"The senior student, are you sure you mean the whole development plan? It's not a joke. " Xia Yuchen stealthily wipes a sweat. If he had known this, he might as well face Luo Hao's dead face to be carefree!

"Why, do you have any opinion? I find that you are the only one who has the most leisure time in the whole company. If you don't find something to do for you, how can I deserve the title you gave me?" He said, why didn't you see anyone in his office? I came here to speak ill of myself.

"Shit, who says I'm free. I still have a lot of documents waiting for approval." Xia Yuchen finally knows what it means to commit a sin and not live. Isn't he? He deliberately avoided the surrounding area of the president's office. How can he sweep to the end of the typhoon!

"I found that everyone has a job to do. It's ok if you knock your teeth here. It also interferes with other people's work. Do you think I should increase the workload to pay you a so-called cheap wage?" Mu Jiyun's enchanting smile, even if it is such a demon in the world, such as Xia Yuchen, will be dazzled by him.

"Boss, do you want to be so cruel! This is a combination of work and rest. If I just bury myself in the documents, my work efficiency will be reduced. Therefore, proper bubbling is inevitable. " Xia Yuchen argued, he was stupid to accept the boss's workload, which is to give him several times more on the table.

"Don't be so garrulous with me. I'm going out for a while now. Remember to receive the documents on my desk. Remember that I must get the results the morning after tomorrow without delay." Mu Jiyun, however, had no room for discussion this time. He gave him an ultimatum directly. Without looking at him, he turned around and walked out.

"Xiao Qiao Qiao, the president of your family is not serious! On his desk that a lot of development projects really want me to complete in two days, he this can't be a fantasy Summer rain morning is now thoroughly disordered in the wind. Do you want such a pit father! He also has work to do, coupled with a lot of his, it is better to click him off directly, and there is no need for him to sigh.

"Well! I can be sure that what he said is true. There is no joke in it, so you can continue to play cute here as much as possible, and be careful that you can't hand in the results and be thrown away in Thailand again Qiao Yuheng, this is red fruit's Schadenfreude, it seems that his own president is more powerful ah! All of a sudden let the original proud peacock into a fallen Phoenix, how to look on how gratifying, it seems that life is really to occasionally add a little seasoning will become Ziwei up.

"What, it's really heaven's going to kill me! Little Joe, if you work overtime with me, or I will die Xia Yuchen prays to look at Qiao tezhu, hoping that he can suddenly be kind and help such a person, at least not to let himself die too ugly.

"Unless my head is funny, or this situation is absolutely impossible to appear in me. If you have time to complain, you'd better do something quickly. Maybe you can be saved." Qiao Yuheng knows that in fact, the president is just a moment of anger, after which he will not be so persistent, but if you do not do it, it will be another matter.

"Well! I hate you, Little Joe. I can't help you. I'll abuse you next time. " Xia Yuchen maliciously put down his words to Qiao te Zhu, and then he walked to the president's office powerless. He had already known that he would come back and go back to the office to sit around. Instead of being unable to resist his damned curiosity, he came here to inquire about gossip. It seems that curiosity can kill dead cats! No, it's curiosity that kills people! Is there anyone else who is still miserable for him! Do you have any? It's said that this guy is a capitalist. Isn't this just starting to exploit his labor force?

Mu Jiyun doesn't have as many thoughts as Xia Yuchen. In fact, he just happens to be the object of his own vent. Since he read the investigation report of Ouyang Ruixi in the morning, he has been deeply confused, and the unspeakable sense of pain has entangled him for a noon time. Therefore, in this case, he needs to make a good adjustment Under his body and mind, appropriate to exercise, or he will feel his nerves will collapse.

Driving to the fitness club, he chose a more secluded sports event. A person wantonly expressed his inner depression on squash. Countless beads of sweat rolled down with the powerful movements in his hands, but his thoughts stayed on the words of a jerk after his wedding night.

No matter how angry he was, he felt that what he said at that time was too arbitrary, which was very different from his practical and realistic style. Before the investigation was started, he convicted her first, and even did not leave her the opportunity to refute, so he resolutely walked out of her life.This is even if, in such a long six years of years, he did not even think of her existence, which has to say that he is really cruel, and she is calm enough, in the case of a son, also adhere to his original cruel words, do not have any contact with himself, the thought of this his hand's action is more fierce, until he put himself Tired to lie down on the ground, he just closed that pair of deep eyes, quietly lying on his back and still.

Luo Hao did not disturb him. He just stood outside quietly and looked at his sad face. He knew that the young master must have fallen in love with his little grandmother, or he would not train himself to be like this for her.

The young master has always been aloof and arrogant, and has never taken women's affairs to heart. However, he is very concerned about the affairs of his young grandmother. After reading the information this morning, his whole person is on the verge of rage. From today's low pressure of the whole world, he can feel how cruel the young master is.

He had always admired the little grandmother. After learning all about her, he could describe his own over surging mood with admiration. It is really a big man that a slender weak woman can achieve today's achievements. How can a young master who has a heart for his little grandmother survive?

"Luo Hao, do you think I'm a jerk, too?" MUJI cloud did not move, but the faint words floated in the air, and disappeared in a flash.

"Young master, it can't be blamed on you. You didn't know it was such a situation at the beginning." Luo Hao is telling the truth. Who would have thought that the little grandmother was a fallen Princess abandoned by Ouyang family?

"But I should at least care about her life, shouldn't I? As a husband, up to now, I have not given her any material help, even the spiritual one is pitiful. How can I ask her to fall in love with herself? " Mu Jiyun said very quietly, after this fierce movement, his heart was much more peaceful, no longer like the pressure just as breathless.

"Young master, as long as you double the compensation to the young grandmother in the future, although there are many things that can not be solved by compensation, but I think what the little grandmother wants is just one you." Luo Hao calmly analyzed the facts he saw. Only the young master didn't notice the affectionate eyes of his grandmother. They could see it clearly.

"How do you know that all she wants is just me? Don't speculate about women's minds. They are changing very fast. No one will know what kind of thinking she will be in the next second. "

Mu Jiyun moved his four limbs and hundreds of skeletons that had been released, and suddenly stood up. Without waiting for Luo Hao's reply, he walked to the bathroom without looking back. Facing such a situation, Luo Hao, as a bodyguard, can only quickly pick up his left racket, trot to keep up with his steps, and secretly ruminate in the bottom of his heart.

What else is the woman's mind more difficult to understand? From his own point of view, his mind is much more unpredictable for women, and he still sighs about his fault one minute ago? After a minute, he ran into a woman again. I really don't know how his way of thinking jumps so fast?

When he walked out of the fitness club, Mu Jiyun had changed his haze expression. His fresh and fresh clothes made him more and more handsome. At the same time, he also attracted a lot of attention. However, he had already been used to others' hot gaze on himself. His evil light hooked the corner of his lip, and drunk all the women's hearts. He jumped into the sports car and left 。

Luo Hao looked at such a mu Jiyun and gave a sharp puff at the corners of his mouth. Did his young master start his cynical attitude towards life again! Or how to become evil spirit? Is it possible that today's stimulation is too strong for him to digest for a while, and he becomes abnormal!

but Luo Hao's doubts are only for a moment. His main task is to protect the young master's safety, not to care about his behavior. Therefore, what he has to do now is to keep up with the driving, not to worry about his personality change.

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