Wang Jinlong just looked at it casually, then gave a cold hum, closed his eyes again, and said sarcastically, "what if I get these residual information and images from my mind? You still can't decipher it. "

In his mind, the dragon group has loaded a biological lock that can encrypt memory information in the heads of every member of the dragon group, including the senior staff of the National Security Bureau. In addition, it has also incorporated magic like Yuanshen control. Therefore, even if the agents of the dragon group or the senior staff of the National Security Bureau are captured by foreign spy organizations with advanced technology, even if they can pass through All kinds of secret means to explore people's memory, it is impossible to decipher the memory information loaded with biological lock, it is impossible to read completely, so that the information is invalid. This is also a confidential work done by the dragon group to prevent the disclosure of core secrets.

It is because of this that Feng Yuanzheng confidently let Wang Jinlong fly away, instead of directly destroying him.

Sure enough, at this point, the man's eyes obviously narrowed, and there was an angry light inside. After staring at Wang Jinlong for a long time, he said coldly, "you don't know the advanced level of our science and technology. Maybe we can decipher the information from your mind in a short time. By then, you will have no value at all. "

"Bluff. If you can really read this information, I'm afraid you won't spend it with me. " The king turned his lips.

"It seems that you have to pry your mouth open." That person language voice suddenly cold down way, diagram poor dagger now, soft of don't work, begin to prepare to come hard of.

"Whatever. But you should have had such experience before, that is, our dragon team has planted a micro bomb here, and connected with the pain nerve. Once the pain value of punishment exceeds the limit, then my head will bang and explode to pieces. At that time, you will still get nothing. " Wang Jinlong pointed to his head and said with a smile. It's also a special technology of dragon group, which combines magic. It's to prevent ordinary employees from being tortured and confessed to the secret of dragon group. It's inhumane, but it's very practical.

"Wang Jinlong, are you really not afraid of death?" The man growled, but there was nothing he could do.

"Of course I'm afraid of death, but I'm afraid it's not me who's afraid of death, but you." Wang Jinlong laughs happily, but he shows his true colors.

"Wang Jinlong, don't be complacent, don't think we can't deal with you..." The hologram gradually faded away, and then the room was calm again.

Looking at the wide space in front of him, Wang Jinlong sat quietly in the solution pool, his eyes seemed empty, but his heart was never calm.

He knew that as long as he was caught in District 51, he would never be spared. However, for the sake of an organization that has expelled itself, especially the organization where there are still his bitter enemies, is it worthwhile for him to insist on what they are still here?

His eyes became ferocious, confused and dejected. He slowly closed his eyes. In fact, at this moment, his heart was also struggling, but his reason and the traditional education he had received since childhood still had the upper hand.

Deeply spit out a long breath, Wang Jinlong slowly closed his eyes, as if to fall into a deep sleep. Around him, countless hidden cameras capture the emotional changes on his face bit by bit, and then use them to analyze his innermost thoughts.

In the dark and claustrophobic space, a group of Yingguang is flickering slightly. After a long time, the group of Yingguang is gradually dimmed, and then the space is restored to darkness.

A long sigh came, and the space was bright again. Two men and a woman are sitting around a beautiful woman, looking anxiously at the woman in the middle.

"Emperor, have you failed again?" Asked the masked thinker, frowning at the woman in the middle.

"It did fail. I can't expel this hateful curse. If I merge with the soul of this little girl, I will inevitably be entangled by this hateful curse. With the fragility of my soul now, I really dare not take this risk, otherwise, my soul will dissipate together with the original soul under the power of the little girl's desperate attack and curse His Majesty the fifth holy Empire, who was sitting in the middle, frowned and said helplessly. Then, her face became solemn again. "And this last attempt just now, because of the strong resistance of the little girl's soul and the release of a very strong signal, I can't suppress it completely. I have a premonition that if not unexpected, I'm afraid Lin Yu has sensed her position and is coming. Last time, it was this girl who suddenly released the signal that led us to be attacked by Fusang Xiuzhen and Lin Yu at the same time, and destroyed our base. This time, Lin Yu came with anger. I'm afraid we can't rob him as well. "

The Emperor gave a long sigh.

"What should we do then?" Extremely explodes to still have the king of gold at the same time to startle anger to add ground to ask a way.They have learned Lin Yu's power. This guy seems to be more and more powerful. The last time he was in the underground base in Hong Kong, he seemed to be very powerful. Together, they managed to escape. But the second time, Lin Yu not only destroyed Fusang's practitioners, but also destroyed their base, which was even more terrible. They are afraid of being beaten by Lin Yu. If we face it this time, I'm afraid it will be the end of our life.

"Are you afraid? If you're afraid, you go first, and I'll stay to deal with him. " Instead, the next thinker looked at them with disdain, light tunnel.

"No, we're all going." The emperor shook his head and said.

"But don't you say that you can't suppress the little girl's soul signal now? If so, can't Lin Yu find us wherever we are? " The king asked anxiously.

"Finding us is not necessarily a bad thing." But unexpectedly, the emperor said faintly, looking at the past, her eyes, revealed a strange smile, also don't know why.

"Thinker, use your power for me." The great said to the masked thinker.

"Good." Without hesitation, the thinker stretched out his hand. It was a hand as white as jade. Just look at it, you can see the whole leopard. How beautiful the master would be. , the fastest update of the webnovel!