Chapter 3: Uprising (II)

Name:Rome Must Fall Author:
Chapter 3: Uprising (II)

Some of the training instructors knelt and begged for mercy, but unfortunately, the Batiatus gladiator school was known for its harsh training. Over the years, many gladiators had died on the training grounds. There was no bond of affection between the instructors and the gladiators, only endless resentment. This was one of the main reasons why they were willing to join Spartacus in this rebellion. Therefore, without mercy, they stabbed the begging guards to death one by one.

Batiatus has run away! someone shouted.

Maximus subconsciously looked up and indeed, there was no sign of Batiatus on the balcony of the three-story building.

Forget about that wicked wolf. Its getting dark, and we need to escape from here quickly, Spartacus said in a deep voice. Hamilcar, take some of our brothers to the kitchen and pack up all the food we can take.


Crixus, you are in charge of selecting some of our brothers who are capable of fighting and equipping them with the armor and weapons of these people.

Got it.

Oenomaus, you bring a few strong brothers with me to break open the main gate, Spartacus continued. Artorix, you take the others and help bandage the wounded brothers. After the gate is opened, take them with you to leave.

The gladiators in the school had been planning the rebellion for some time now. Several leaders had emerged, with Spartacus at the forefront and Crixus, Artorix, Hamilcar, and Oenomaus as his aides. After Spartacus assigned the tasks, they immediately went to carry them out.

Maximus was worried about being seen by Crixus, who might publicly accuse him of betraying everyone, causing anger and harm to himself. So, when he saw a wounded gladiator lying not far away, he immediately crouched beside him and pretended to be concerned, asking, Brother, how are your injuries?

Oh, Maximus, please help me! My right thigh was stabbed deeply by a sword, it hurts so much I cant stand, the gladiator groaned and cried to Maximus.

His face was very familiar, and in the memory of the previous Maximus, the current Maximus found his name: Phaselus, a young and former Illyrian pirate.

Maximus, thank you! Phaselus was moved to the point of tears.

Maximus felt a slight sense of shame in his heart. He was merely speaking empty words. If Spartacus truly decided to abandon these injured gladiators, he wouldnt oppose it. On the contrary, he would be relieved. After all, Phaselus, with his leg injury, would slow down their escape. Maximus avoided Phaselus grateful gaze and looked around.

Crixus had already selected more than twenty gladiators, who were now stripping the armor from the guards and putting it on themselves

Of course, the reason Crixus was moving so quickly was that he hadnt followed Spartacus instructions for selection at all. Instead, he had given all the equipment from the fallen guards to the Gallic gladiators who followed him. The gladiators in this school were mainly composed of Gauls and Thracians, and Crixus was the leader of the Gallic gladiators.

Others were taking care of their injured comrades. Among the crowd, Maximus spotted someone very familiar. His eyes shifted, and he whispered to Phaselus, Look, Pequot is over there. Thank goodness, hes not injured.

Phaselus turned to look and couldnt help but shout, Pequot!

The gladiator named Pequot had a dark skin and a muscular physique. Upon hearing Phaselus shout, he immediately walked over in large strides. Without saying a word, he forcefully tore off his own linen undershirt and began to bandage Phaselus wound.

In the memory original Maximus, Pequot was Phaselus fellow pirate on the same ship, and one of the only two Illyrians in this school. Unlike Phaselus, Pequot had been a pirate for many years. He was always silent in gladiator school, but fierce and ruthless during training which matched his fierce appearance, so some experienced gladiators didnt want to provoke him. The previous Maximus had tried to befriend him, but Pequot had always maintained an indifferent attitude towards him. However, he had a good relationship with Phaselus, his former companion.

After a while, Spartacus, Crixus, Artorix, Oenomaus, and Hamilcar gathered again in the center of the training ground.

The main gate has been smashed open, Spartacus asked directly, Hamilcar, how much food did you manage to find?

We only found five and a half bags of barley and a palm-sized piece of smoked meat, Hamilcar replied. I also had our brothers bring the copper pots and clay pots from the kitchen.

With the stinginess of the wicked wolf Batiatus, there wont be anything good left in the kitchen, Crixus said with a bitter tone.