Chapter 17: Leader of the Logistics Team

Name:Rome Must Fall Author:
Chapter 17: Leader of the Logistics Team

Me! two young slave boys immediately shouted excitedly at the same time.

You two have answered the most questions in the past. Today, let others have this opportunity, Maximus said as he looked around.

There are quite a few people who want to answer the questions! Spartacus, who was peering at everything from outside the courtyard gate, whispered in surprise.

Thats because Maximus set a rule. As long as they study seriously and can correctly answer the questions he asks, they can have an extra piece of meat or an additional cup of wine for dinner on the next day. So these guys are more focused when learning what Maximus teaches, Hamilcar explained quietly on the side.

Your Logistics Team must not take advantage of the convenience to feed yourselves extra meals, Spartacus reminded with a serious tone.

We have no other choice, Hamilcar immediately complained. Now that we are acquiring more and more supplies, the people you assigned to us can handle physical work, but most of them are illiterate and dont understand arithmetic. Maximus and I have to check the supplies until late at night. Maximus said to me, Our group is still small, but were already so busy. If the number of people exceeds 10,000 in the future, wont we be worked to death So he suggested using the spare time every evening to teach everyone arithmetic and literacy. Once they all learn, we wont be so overwhelmed.

Hamilcar continued, I agreed with his opinion, but the actual implementation is not that easy. Many people are unwilling to use their brains to study. Thats why Maximus came up with the method of using food as a stimulus. He also added storytelling and even came up with such simple symbols to represent numbers. Thats why our brothers are so actively gathering in the courtyard after dinner, lighting bonfires, and earnestly studying. Look, they even attracted people from other teams

Why do you let the newly joined brothers speak publicly about their experiences? Spartacus curiously asked.

You know, these slaves who join our team come from all directionsAsia Minor, Northern Greece, Iberia, Greece, Egypt, Numidia, Gaul, Germania, Italy, Illyria Hamilcar counted on his fingers, listing them one by one. Their customs and habits are different, their personalities are different, and their languages are different. When they gather together, conflicts are inevitable. Its easier here since we have fewer people, but Ive heard that fights often break out in other teams. I imagine you and Crixus must be troubled by this, right?

Spartacus nodded, signaling Hamilcar to continue.

Maximus found a solution to this problem! He told me: Although our brothers come from different backgrounds, they all share the common experience of being oppressed by the rich and patricians, as lowly slaves under Roman oppression. They all have tragic experiences. If we let them publicly share their past experiences, it will easily evoke resonance among everyone and promote mutual acceptance, making them close comrades in the fight against a common enemy I followed his advice and let him implement this method. So far, the results have been excellent. You can see that our Logistics Team is the most united team, and so far, there have been no fights or brawls.

This method seems good and can be implemented in other teams. After you take over the military affairs, you can be in charge of this, Spartacus pondered and said, As for the candidate to replace you and become the leader of the Logistics Team

Upon hearing this, Maximus felt ecstatic inside. His efforts over the past month had not been in vain after all!

Maximus surveyed the room: Spartacus looked expectant, Artorix showed enthusiasm, Crixus had a cold expression, and Oenomaus brows were slightly furrowed

Finally, his gaze fell on Hamilcar:

The gladiator who had the closest relationship with him was smiling and nodding towards him

He suppressed his excitement and put on a concerned expression as he asked, What about Hamilcar?

He will be in charge of managing the military affairs and assist us in organizing our growing army. Tell me, do you have the confidence to handle the Logistics Team on your own? Spartacus looked at him and asked seriously.

Of course, no problem! Maximus confidently replied in a loud voice. He knew he couldnt show any weakness at this moment.

Humph, whats the use of empty words? Well see if you can do it in due time, Crixus interjected coldly.

Maximus pretended not to hear the sarcastic remark.

The supply of food and other resources is crucial for us. Therefore, in the future, when we discuss matters concerning our entire army, you will also participate and provide us with information about the reserves. Of course, you can also give us suggestions, and we will discuss them together, understood?

Understood! Maximus could no longer suppress his joy and smiled: Now, I have finally become one of the leaders of this uprising! Even though I have the fewest number of people under my command, Im still one of the six key figures of this rebel army!

During this time, under the proposals of Spartacus and Hamilcar, a Military Commanders Assembly was established to manage the growing team and handle various complicated matters. The military commanders in charge of the meeting were Spartacus, Crixus, Hamilcar, Oenomaus, and Artorix, the five gladiators who had initially led the revolt. Additionally, when encountering important matters that concerned the entire armys life and death, a soldiers assembly had to be held to make decisions.