Chapter 215: Her Transformation (1)

Chapter 215: Her Transformation (1)

Kim Jong-Hoon made a shocked expression when I showed my confidence in promoting Kang Ha-Na without the plan to call reporters or hold a showcase.

"Yoon-Ho, how do you plan to make Ha-Na popular within just three months? Is that even possible without spending much money?"

I replied, "Of course it's possible. But I can't tell you how."

I knew how Kang Ha-Na would succeed based on my knowledge of my past life. With my experience added on top of that, I could easily make her known in the shortest time.

But I couldn't share those detailed stories with everyone.

I looked at Kim Jong-Hoon, who had an incredulous look on his face, and smiled. "If it takes longer than three months, you can reveal your name first."

Kim Jong-Hoon stared at me intently. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

After a moment of silence, Kim Jong-Hoon eventually extended his hand. "Okay. I'll do that."

I announced that the name 'Singer-songwriter Kang Ha-Na' would be established in just three months. Because of this declaration, everyone's faces began to fill with anticipation.

"But Jong-Hoon, what will the pseudonym be?" I asked him.

Kim Jong-Hoon answered with a proud expression. "EOD."

"You don't mean Explosive Ordnance Disposal as in bomb disposal, do you?"

"No, It means End of Day. The end of the day!"

"Ha ha. Is-is that so?"

When I smiled awkwardly, Kim Jong-Hoon clicked his tongue. "How could you think of a bomb disposal team when I said EOD?"

I raised my eyebrows. "It could happen."

Kim Jung-Hoon shrugged. "Anyway, you're really something. You're probably the only one in Korea who doesn't want to sell my name."

"I always tell you this, Jong-Hoon, but you're not as great as you think," I teased him.

Kim Jong-Hoon grumbled, "I know. And you don't need to point it out like that."

Despite his grumbling, Kim Jong-Hoon's face was filled with laughter.

Previously having preferred solitude and being a deep thinker, Kim Jong-Hoon had brightened up enough to enjoy such jokes. Being around geniuses like Bang Seon-Woo significantly lessened the pressure and resulted in this change.

At that moment, Do Ran-Hee raised her hand excitedly and said there was something she really wanted to discuss.

"Mr. Jung! What are we going to name Ha-Na's fan club? Surely not something like 'Ha-Na Family' like 'Cherry Blossom Family,' right?" Do Ran-Hee asked excitedly.

The fans of Cherry Blossom were still using Cherry Blossom Family, which was a temporary name because they had only maintained a fan cafe without officially forming a fan club yet.

"What, you don't like Cherry Blossom Family? Don't worry. We'll change the name when we turn it into an official fan club. It's not like we are going to use that name forever," I replied.

Distrust filled Do Ran-Hee's eyes. "Oh. I thought it was your taste..."

'What? My taste isn't that bad. What does she think of me?' I remarked inwardly.

"Then what would you like the fandom name to be? You go first," I replied.

Do Ran-Hee cleared her throat and said, "wanja[1]."


I wondered if I heard her correctly.

"'One' for Ha-Na[2], and the ‘Ja’ for person (者) for people who like her, hence 'wonja.' It might sound plain if we just say 'wonja,' so how about 'wanja'? Wouldn't it be memorable and fun?"

Seeing Do Ran-Hee's proud expression, I thought she was out of her mind.

"Do you want to see the fandom end up being called meat wanja or seafood wanja?" I questioned.

"Hey, who would call it that? Wanja sounds pretty good~" Do Ran-Hee insisted.

It seemed she had already settled on Kang Ha-Na's fan club name in her heart, but it was absolutely impossible.

Kang Ha-Na also made an awkward expression. "Uh, wanja is a bit..."

"Don't you like it?" Do Ran-Hee asked.

"No," I answered with a firm expression.

Do Ran-Hee asked me with a perplexed expression. "Then what about you, Mr. Jung? What were you planning to name it?"

"Me? I was going to leave it to the fans."

Do Ran-Hee looked incredulous. "You're really going to dodge responsibility like that?"

I responded, "What? What's up with that rebellious look on your face?"

"What do you mean?"

For the sake of protecting the team lead's authority, I decided to speak my mind. "If you asked me to come up with a fandom name, I was thinking of 'OnlyOne' or 'OneAndOnly,' to signify the fans are the only ones for Ha-Na."

Do Ran-Hee looked surprised.

I continued, "And if not that, following the pronunciation of Ha-Na's 'One,' calling it 'WantU' might be nice. It carries the meaning of wanting Ha-Na."

Kang Ha-Na's face brightened more than when the name 'wanja' was suggested.

Do Ran-Hee asked Kang Ha-Na. "Ha-Na, do you like any of these?"

Kang Ha-Na nodded. "Yes. I really like them all."

Do Ran-Hee pouted her lips. "Ha-Na, you always think all of Mr. Jung's ideas are good, don’t you?"

The flustered Kang Ha-Na waved her hands. "N-no, that's not true..." NewW novels updates at

But the moment I saw Ju Yung-In, I inadvertently muttered to myself. "Why is she like that?"

In my memory, Ju Yung-In had never shown signs of nervousness at any filming site. She focused more on networking with powerful staff and actors rather than practicing. But today, she was engrossed in her script with a tense expression and did not even bother looking around.

"Did she eat something wrong? She's not the type to be like this..." I remarked.

Yoo-Jin also nodded. "That's strange. Even though I haven't seen much, Yung-In's personality would normally have her greeting people around here by now..."

"Let's be careful. The atmosphere feels weird today," I said to Yoo-Jin.

Yoo-Jin nodded. "I'll go prepare my makeup and costume."

Seeing Ju Yung-In so absorbed in the script, I realized that it wasn't the time for casual greetings. For this reason, Yoo-Jin returned to the van to prepare for the shoot.

Meanwhile, it was Ju Yung-In's turn for the shoot.

"Miss Yung-In, it's time for the shoot."

Without a word, Ju Yung-In got up from her chair and followed the AD without greeting me as she tried not to break her concentration.

'Wow. Ju Yung-In has really changed,' I thought to myself.


The first scene Ju Yung-In was to shoot today involved a female prosecutor leaving the post office, spotting a pickpocket, and giving chase.

But the slow-moving female prosecutor would fail to catch the thief. Instead, the male lead, a policeman who was removing a parking violation sticker, catches the thief and the two main characters meet for the first time.

For this first scene, the two main characters, Ju Yung-In as Bang Shin-Ae and Park Nam-Cheol as Choi Kang-In, entered the rehearsal.

As soon as the check of the movement path was finished, Kim Sung-Woon grabbed a megaphone and shouted, "Alright, Miss Yung-In. This is the first scene with the adult actors, so please do your best."

Ju Yung-In nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Good. Scene 30. Get ready, everyone. Ready~ Action!"

At the moment the cue sign was given, the extra, who had been preparing in advance, started running away after stealing an old lady's wallet.

『Oh, my! My wallet! That, that thief! Someone help me! Please!』

As the extra playing the role of the grandmother slumped down and shouted, Ju Yung-In also began acting.

『Is there really no one who's willing to help and stop a pickpocket in a crowd this big? People live so heartlessly these days!』

The fuming Ju Yung-In threw off her high heels. At that moment, she suddenly ripped the side of her skirt.

The stylist's face turned pale. On the other hand, Kim Sung-Woon's face lit up with joy upon watching the lead actress fully immersed in her role and disregarding her appearance.

Simultaneously, Ju Yung-In wearing only stockings started chasing after the pickpocket.

『Huff, huff! Hey, hey! You scoundrel! Stop right there and I'll go easy on you! Hey! Ugh, that fucking son of a bitch! Why is he so damn fast!? 』

Ju Yung-In kept cursing as she ran slowly. She played the role of a rookie prosecutor, Bang Shin-Ae, who had a sense of justice but was terrible at physical activities.

Due to her slow running, the distance between her and the pickpocket grew. Taking advantage of this, the actor playing the pickpocket even looked back to mock her.

At that moment, Park Nam-Cheol playing the role of Choi Kang-In, a passionate young police officer demoted to the district after being an ace in the detective department, noticed the situation.

While attaching a parking ticket to an illegally parked Ferrori, he stretched out his arm to block the pickpocket. The pickpocket actor was hit in the neck by Park Nam-Cheol's arm and rolled on the ground.

Ju Yung-In belatedly arrived, caught her breath, and climbed on top of the pickpocket actor.

『Huff, huff. You little bitch. I'm going to kill you.』

Then Ju Yung-In raised her head and asked,

『Huff, huff. By the way, I fucking appreciate your help. Huff, huff. What's your name?』

Park Nam-Cheol replied with a dumbfounded expression.

『Why are you so damn rude? What's your name?』

『Me? Bang Shin-Ae.』

『What? What's with that name?』

『Huh? What's your name? Your name is...Choi Kang-In? Pfft. Ha ha ha ha!』

Ju Yung-In burst out laughing after seeing the name tag on Park Nam-Cheol's chest.

『A-are you out of your mind? How dare you laugh at my name!

『What? Did you just say I'm out of my mind? Hey! Watch your mouth! How dare you...』

Ju Yung-In and Park Nam-Cheol continued to bicker after capturing the pickpocket.

And just like that, scene 30 where the two characters meet for the first time was coming to an end.

Kim Sung-Woon shouted "Cut" with a satisfied expression. "Cut! Okay! Miss Yung-In, are you okay? Staff, check her quickly!"

"Yes, sir!"

The staff rushed to check Ju Yung-In's condition because she had thrown off her high heels and ran on the sidewalk wearing only stockings.

"I'm fine, Mr. Kim. It's nothing," Ju Yung-In replied.

Ju Yung-In was sitting on the ground, laughing and saying she was okay. But contrary to her words, her stockings were all torn and her feet were scraped.

In my past life, Ju Yung-In had always used a stunt double as she said her body was her asset. But now, she was performing as if she had become a true actress.

I found this change utterly unbelievable because acting had always been just a means to make money for her.

‘What on earth are you thinking, Ju Yung-In?’ I wondered.

1. Wanja ☜

2. Ha-na means one and Ran-Hee is making a word play on One and Won ☜