Chapter 446: Unapologetic Desire

Name:Rosie's Games Author:
Chapter 446: Unapologetic Desire



A gasp of pure bliss escaped her lips, her fingers instinctively seeking solace within the tangled sheets. His skillful kisses trailed a path of untamed passion, igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume her entirely. Waves of pleasure surged through her, building with an intensity that threatened to shatter the very foundations of her existence.

Her mind swirled with a symphony of emotions, her senses overwhelmed by the decadent symphony he orchestrated upon her flesh. With each tender brush of his lips against her most intimate depths, her body quivered with a fervent ache, craving more of his tantalizing touch.

In a breathless moment, Rosalind's body arched with a primal need, responding to the electrifying touch of Lucas's tongue tracing the slick entrance of her desire. Her eyes fluttered shut, shutting out the world as waves of pleasure crashed over her, threatening to drown her in their intoxicating depths.

A shudder of bliss reverberated through her, amplifying the sensations that coiled within her core. Her fingers instinctively tangled in his hair, gripping tightly, as if clinging to the edge of sanity.

The boundaries of their passion blurred, a tempestuous storm of desire and vulnerability swirling around them, drawing her closer to the edge of surrender.

As his skillful tongue continued its dance of seduction, her moans spilled forth, unabashed and unrestrained. The air itself seemed to crackle with the potent cocktail of their shared yearning, an electric current charging the atmosphere. She was teetering on the precipice, a fragile balance between indulgence and self-control.

However, Lucas was not content with just teasing and tormenting her.

A growl of determination rumbled from deep within his chest as he introduced a finger into the velvety folds of her core. Rosalind's eyes snapped open, pupils dilated with desire as the intrusion unearthed a hidden trove of pleasure, sending her spiraling into a realm of sensation she had never before experienced. New novel chapters are published on

A chorus of moans spilled from her lips, punctuating the room with the symphony of their intimate connection. Her body pulsed with an exquisite ache, the exploration of his skilled finger coaxing her towards an ecstatic precipice.

The room seemed to shrink around them as their gazes locked, the air heavy with anticipation.

Their lips collided in a desperate union, a fervent tangle of desire and longing. Lucas's arms encircled Rosalind's still-quivering body, pulling her impossibly closer as the world around them faded into insignificance. The taste of him mingled with the intoxicating heat of their shared passion, fueling the flames that engulfed them both.

A tremor of anticipation coursed through Rosalind as she parted her legs, granting him access to the depths of her being. Knowing that Lucas's considerable size promised both ecstasy and the potential for a slight discomfort, anticipation tinged with a hint of unease surged inside her.

As Lucas pressed the swollen head of his manhood against her entrance, a surge of desire rushed through Rosalind, igniting her nerve endings with a fervor she had never experienced before.

"I want you," she whispered breathlessly between heated kisses, her voice a desperate plea laced with urgency. Her words were fueled by a hunger that could no longer be contained, a need that transcended rationality. "And I want you now."

The surrounding air crackled with electric tension, heavy with the weight of their shared desires. Time seemed to pause, each heartbeat echoing in the silence as Lucas's gaze bore into her own, his eyes a smoldering testament to his own longing.

In that suspended moment, Lucas relinquished any semblance of control, surrendering himself to the call of their desires. With a primal growl, he positioned himself at the precipice of her entrance, ready to plunge into the depths of their shared passion. The world around them faded into insignificance, the room shrouded in a haze of anticipation and vulnerability.

He entered her, inch by agonizingly delicious inch. Almost immediately, a symphony of sensations consumed Rosalind. A mixture of pleasure and a twinge of discomfort coursed through her, a reminder of the boundaries she was pushing against. But she refused to waver, embracing the intensity of their connection and trusting in the transformative power of their desires.

The rhythm of their bodies merged into a dance as old as time itself, their movements synchronized in a symphony of ecstasy. With every thrust, every retreat, they soared to new heights, their connection deepening with each impassioned embrace. Pleasure ignited within Rosalind, spreading like wildfire, erasing any lingering discomfort and fueling her hunger for more.


A/N: Sorry it took me too long to write this one. I really wanted to but I just finished writing Lycan's Sin and the r18 scenes in that book was a bit heavy. I wanted Rosie's Games to be not as... dark? I don't know how to say it. hahahahahaha