Then, she shouted even more excitedly, "We're out? We can go out now... But you still can't get out of the palace, right? "

"Mistress, hurry up and change your clothes. The king said something about your clothes being in disarray, and Mistress's pole injury is just right. You can't be punished anymore." Soo Ju pulled Ling Tian Qing towards the inner hall.

The four people of the Palace had already been "brainwashed" by Ling Tian Qing's actions. They were surprised and speechless at her crazy actions at the beginning, but now, they were much calmer.

Others might say that there was a monster living in the Palace, but they didn't think that Ling Tian Qing's master had a belly full of weird stories that they had never heard of before.

Ling Tian Qing was also in a good mood. Being able to go out and look at the terrain personally, measuring her position, it would definitely be beneficial for her in the future.

He casually wore a green skirt and his hair was tied into a ball with a jade hairpin. It was convenient and refreshing.

The Palace of the Twilight was pardoned!

The sound of thunder rumbled, and instantly spread throughout the entire harem.

Oh, that witch … No, it was the youngest daughter of the General's Estate. She had brought the four dumbest court servants in the palace to tour the Imperial Gardens!

Why did that clothes feel strange on her body?

Aiya, it seems like she walked out without smearing powder or incense. Her steps are so big, and her movements are not elegant at all. She doesn't seem like a lady from a noble family. She's just like a country girl!

She was laughing so hard that her teeth were bared and gleaming under the sunlight. She was afraid that no one in the world would know that she was a fool!

Had the daughter of the general's household been raised as a man? Look at her and the maid's arms around each other's shoulders. This was too indecent!

Some of the beauties, because they did not want to be late in the night, had never stepped into the Palace and met Ling Tian Qing. They only heard stories of this girl's strange behavior from their other sisters, and thought of Ling Tian Qing as a demon.

"What flower is this?" Ling Tian Qing realized that the Imperial Garden was planted with many flowers, plants and trees that she did not recognize.

She was an encyclopedia, a child prodigy. Something that she did not know about could basically mean that this was a creature that had never appeared on Earth before.

"Rain Flower." By the side, Xiuju replied.

"Oh." Ling Tian Qing nodded before asking again, "What are the attributes of this flower?"

She was a studious baby. When she saw something unknown, she wanted to understand its composition and principles.

"A letter?" Hearing her master say something they could not understand, Xiuju quickly whispered, "Master, this flower is not a letter. Don't let others hear the joke."

Ling Tian Qing sighed helplessly as he tried to communicate with a group of uncultured people.

But today, she could be considered to have truly seen the appearance of this world.

Previously, he was either pushed into a sedan chair and packed into someone else's residence in the middle of the night, or he was walking around in the Nightfall Palace's big courtyard filled with weeds …

Now, she saw flowers everywhere, many of which she had never seen before. It seemed that there were many things in this world that she needed to learn. She could not let herself be killed the moment she escaped.

"Where is the royal study?" Ling Tianqing suddenly asked.

Knowledge was power. She first needed to find a pile of books, then flip through them and look through history. It was best to find a map so that she could get a general idea of the situation in this world.

"Head east. After two gates, we'll be there." Mai Xin immediately said.

"Let's go!" Ling Tian Qing immediately headed east excitedly.

The group of beauties at the front were all whispering to each other, purposely avoiding Ling Tian Qing. None of them was as attentive as when they came to visit her. It was like avoiding a plague, avoiding her for a long distance.

But Ling Tian Qing did not care, she did not know much from her jabbering sisters, other than how strong Ling Chen was on the bed …

Her time should be wasted on something more valuable. She had to go to the imperial study to look for information!

"Mistress, are you really going to the royal study?"

Although a few servants were not as smart as the average palace maid and were often punished for their stupidity, they still knew that the royal study was a forbidden area, and even more so, women were not allowed to enter.

Even Her Majesty had not gone to the royal study to see the King.

"Of course. Otherwise, are there any other study rooms?" Ling Tian Qing asked.

"There's a Scripture Pavilion." "No," Wagai said quickly.

"But that is a forbidden area. Without the king's permission, you are not allowed to enter." Xun Quan did not want to be punished, so he said this with cold sweat pouring down his face.

"That person said, in the future, the Nightfall Palace can freely enter the palace and no longer be restricted. Could it be that the royal study does not belong to the palace?" Ling Tianqing asked again.

"This …" Everyone was silent. They looked at each other.

"Ai, that brother!" Following the manner in which the ancient people addressed him, Ling Tian Qing saw the patrolling guards walking over and hurriedly greeted Hong Ying, who was in the lead.

"Bro, master." Walking up to Hong Ying, Ling Tian Qing asked with a smile, "Did you hear what Wang said today? Within the imperial harem, do you think I can go anywhere? "

Hong Ying had just started working with Qing Yu, and he nodded his head towards Ling Qing's question without hesitation, "Yes."

"He was also there that day. Listen, the lord said yes." Ling Tianqing turned to the four pale-faced palace maids and said smilingly.

At that time, Ling Xuanxuan had indeed said that the Palace would be free to travel back and forth in the harem in the future, and would no longer be under control.

"Master Red Toad." Several of the palace maids were often punished, and the moment they saw Ling Jin, they were immediately terrified.

"Alright, let's go, let's not disturb our lord's patrol." Ling Qing laughed brilliantly as she hummed a small tune, "Young man, China must be amazing too. After absorbing the magnetic field for five thousand years, after you get used to it, you still have to admit to your victory …"

Hong Ying frowned slightly, looking at Ling Tian Qing who was humming a strange song as he walked towards the Imperial Study, she extended her hand to stop the last person in line to escape.

"Where's Su Xiaoxiao going?"

"To reply Master Red Toad, master …" She's going to the royal study. " Hua Gai was stopped, trembling as he replied.

A strange look flitted across his eyes, and he lowered his hand and said lightly: "You can go now."

Huagai quickly ran to catch up with the "big team" in front.

The red tassel pondered for a moment, then turned around and rushed back to the Fragrant Sky palace.

In the royal study, he didn't dare to stop the little girl who had barged in furiously.

For she was full of confidence, and said without fear: 'The King said,' I can go anywhere I like.

That was true.

Ling Tian then brought Ling Chao out, who dared to stop him?

Upon stepping into the main hall, there were four words hanging on the ceiling: "The sun and the moon shine together."

Both sides were separated by a screen, and Ling Tian walked towards the east door. Just as he stepped into the room, he was flabbergasted.

The walls that were nine zhang in height were all made into bookcases made of cold jade. Every two rows, they were inlaid with Night Pearls to protect against moth and moisture, making it easier to maintain books and read at night.

The three walls were nearly ten stories high, and were densely packed with books and bamboo slips.

There were also a few large bookshelves that reached the top. Under the bright yellow curtain, they looked like they were dominating the world.

With such a high bookwall, how difficult would it be to find books?

Just by looking up, he felt that his neck was about to break.

Beneath the north wall of books, three Zhang high places were left open, and beneath them was a bright yellow soft couch with the words "Fuze world" written on it.

There were four treasures of the study on the short table beside the soft couch. There was also a luminous pearl the size of an ostrich's egg that was bright and dazzling during daytime.

The nine fist-sized Night Pearls embedded in the corners of the study room and the pigeon egg-sized Night Pearls embedded in the cold jade were clearly inferior to the treasures placed beside the soft couch.

If she could teleport back with some treasures, it would not be in vain for her to suffer here.

"Mistress, don't touch it carelessly." Behind him, the pitiful voice of Mei Xin could be heard.

Initially, they did not want to follow Ling Tian Qing in, but they were afraid that their master would smudge the Imperial study into the same level as the Dusk Palace …

When that happened, the four of them would die an even worse death.

Eh, even though her nine clans have been almost wiped out …

"So big... "It really is imposing …" Soo Ju mumbled to herself as she was intimidated by the pearls and the powerful aura of the dragon.

The royal study was specially cleaned. If the four of them did not open their eyes at this time of misfortune, they might not be able to step foot in here for the rest of their lives.

Therefore, after considering the method of death, the four court people decided to enter the 'protection' of their master. They also looked into the legendary imperial study and died with eyes closed in peace.

"I'm just looking." Ling Tian Qing embarrassedly retracted her hand and swallowed her saliva while looking at the glowing ostrich egg. There was nothing she could do about it, she just loved to hunt and collect treasures.

"Mistress, hurry up and read the book. After you're done …" "Hurry up and leave." Hua Gai was also shocked by the wall of books. How many lifetimes would it take to finish reading these books?

"Alright, I understand." Ling Tian then walked to one of the bookshelves and pulled out a book. While flipping through the book, he reminded, "When you guys are tired, lie down and rest for a while …"

She was referring to the Dragon Couch!

It's the king's resting place!

The four Palace Masters all looked at each other. Master was too crazy, but they … I want to live two more years.

With the book in his hands, Ling Tian Qing was like a sponge thrown into water, his expression changing.

The thick book in her hands was called "Heavenly Treasures". It recorded the various plants and animals in this world, and it was matched with a map.

Ling Tianqing was engrossed in the book.

She had read ten lines since she was a child. She had a photographic memory and read very quickly, but this book was about three inches thick. It took her a long time.