Lyn sat on her seat in the throne room as the council arrived and took their seats. She had called a full council meeting, so even more chairs were set up behind the seats of each person for their various underlings.
"Excellent. Let's get started." Lyn said in Shereldian as she stood up, "First off; I have made Khrelardia bend the knee. They will be going through the same efforts of vassalization as Trisk is. However, I will not be raising walls or coastal forts."
She looked to Marshal Remora, "Valagonia and Khrelardia are preparing for war, and I don't want to tip our hand to Cecily that we will be supporting Khrelardia. We have until Spring. Seven months. Our defenses along The Rill will be manned by Trisk's forces, and The Dragon's Maw will be manned by our own. I do not plan on engaging Valagonia with all of our forces...instead, I will take to the battlefield alongside King Marshal's armies. The job of our military will be to protect what we already have."
Marshal Remora stood up, "Forgive me, Empress. But why would you step on the battlefield yourself?"
Lyn grinned, "I wish to avoid bloodshed if possible. If I show my full power on the battlefield, we can end this war and force capitulation." She looked over to Spymaster Velenna, "Your information gathering efforts will be focused internally. I don't want to risk an agent being caught up in Valagonia. Instead, root out dissent amongst our own ranks; throughout Trisk and Khrelardia itself." She looked out across every person in the room, "Lastly, at the advice of the Knowledge hero, there is a change to be made to how this council functions."
At this, every person sat up a little straighter than before. Lyn took a deep breath, "Ari and Duskari will have a senior-advisory role in their position. So, for example, Chancellor Vehenna would fill that position. Races that are less long-lived will fill in a junior role. The two will be of equal standing in my eyes, and both will be granted the same amount of consideration when they provide insight. In this fashion, we will not only acquire the wisdom of age in decision making, but also the insight of a fresh perspective."
She looked to the Duskari in the room, "You will, of course, be allowed to retire should you choose to do so. However, it is unfair of me to force you out of a position you find yourself well suited for." Lyn sat down and gestured to the table as a whole. "This is my decree. You who are already in those positions will prospect suitable candidates from the shorter longevity races. Now, report out."
Chancellor Vehenna stood up and bowed, "Our efforts abroad are going very well. Diplomat Rashanna has successfully brought the Foskor into the fold, especially since news of King Skir of Trisk bending the knee spread throughout the North. She is on her way to Raptol, then Vharthos after." She gestured to Thomas as she sat down.
Thomas stood up and cleared his throat, "The Elenthir primer is finished, and is translated to every language. Distribution plans are ongoing. I will have the schooling system finished by the end of the month, thanks to the efforts of Stellas, my assistant. We can then start to package materials and send them off to cities, towns, and villages. I'd like to require some type of teacher certification program, but that's a ways off. For the future, we should implement such a requirement. But for now, this will do." He sat down.
Trisha and Brad both stood up. Trisha began, "The healer school has received many new applicants, and we are still working on figuring out the best way to accommodate all of them. Progress is steady. We've been working alongside the Duskari smiths to create prosthetics of all variety to have stocked up, so that we may help fix people's injuries."
Brad nodded, "And the pharmacy has begun producing medical supplies. Purple Patches are being prioritized so that we may properly equip our troops for battlefield first aid. Other medicines are in the production pipeline with Trisha's advice on what to prioritize."
The two sat down and Lyn nodded, "Thank you. Next, Steward Mol."
Thane Mol stood up and cleared his throat, "Yer coins are bein' spent correctly. Tha Free City o' Bashinol sent word tha' a few ships are on course. We're going ta need a bank o' theirs to be here."
Lyn tented her clawed hands, "The Free City of Bashinol will not be the arbiter of trade. I will see to that personally." She looked directly at Thane Mol, "I want you to begin the efforts to the establishment of our own banking system and coinage. I'll dredge up the raw metals you need, and make the facilities you require."
Thane Mol bowed slightly and gestured to Lawrence who stood up. "Lynhold is expanding still," He said with a smile. "The citizens are all getting along, and we are not wanting for any resources. Thanks to Brad's ability to use flora spells, we can grow crops at a pace where we can easily stock up for winter with plentiful excess. I've instituted a crop rotation to ensure we have variety. The herding pastures in Trisk are doing well, and the flocks grow. A group of Ari arrived from Trisk and have been settled in. Overall, population wise, we have ninety-thousand people living in the Valley of the Volcano." He looked to Lyn and frowned slightly, "We are coming across an issue where people are aimless and feel a need for...something to fill their time."
Lyn nodded, "Well, they are always welcome to join the military."
Lawrence shook his head, "When everything is provided, people grow restless. And many do not wish to fight. They need purpose."
"Thoughts?" Lyn asked the table at large.
Vael raised her hand, "How about an improvement project? Something where skilled labor isn't necessary."
Thomas stood up, "She has a good idea. We should provide materials appropriate to painting, sculpting, writing...any creative avenue we can provide. Make the whole city a canvas for expression. It would also serve doubly as promoting to the vassal kingdoms that we value creativity, and over time Lynhold would become synonymous with cultural advancement and enlightenment."
Lawrence nodded, "Great idea. I'll get that up and running."
Antiquarian Menora stood up next, "Lady Rivers, my recent expedition to the coast has borne fruit." She waved her hand, and a group of two Duskari brought forth a sealed, wooden crate. They cracked it open and produced an inscribed jar the size of a tree stump. "Thanks to Scholar Thomas, we know that this jar can produce an endless supply of honey. After speaking with Thane Mol, I request that this device be gifted to the Sloren who are working on a brewery project."
Lyn nodded, "I do not wish to be like Cecily and strip away some of the luxuries of life like alcohol...but we will need drunkenness laws. I don't want anyone in the Empire to fall into alcoholism." She looked over to Thomas, "It would seem we need a Keeper of Laws added to the council. Would you mind mantling that responsibility for the time being until we find a suitable candidate?"
Thomas nodded, "Sure."
Minora took her seat, and the two Duskari took the crate and jar away. Thane Mol stood up once more, "We dun' have an Architect."
Lyn looked over at Lawrence, "Weren't you in an engineering class back on Earth? How would you like to take a crack at city planning?"
Lawrence smirked, "Happy to give it a try."
"Make sure you find someone who is interested in training up under you," she said as Thane Mol sat down. "Lastly, Spymaster Velenna."
The Spymaster stood and bowed, "We will begin withdrawing our spies from Valagonia as per your directive and redistribute them throughout Trisk and Khrelardia. Reports are coming in that some of the people being imported by our contract with the Free City are being paid to do so, in addition to being those who are down on their luck. Apparently, we are also receiving criminals in part of that population. This has not caused problems yet, but we will need to have appropriate facilities should they begin to cause trouble."
Lyn stared at the table for a few moments, tapping her clawed fingers on the obsidian slab. She looked up to Velenna, "How bad are the criminals?"
"Primarily thieves. As we are supplying all their needs, I believe that many will not act as they once did. However, there are some who were put into jail for rape and even murder."
Lyn frowned, "What are our options?"
"For the rapists and murderers, we could consider mind external spells to fix their behavior, but I do not know if such a thing has been tried or if it is even possible. There is also the general taboo against mind spells by the populace."
"It is possible," Thomas replied. "I'll write the spell, Lady Rivers can make an inscribed item, and we can have any hero, Duskari, Ari, or multi-tailed Varthon utilize the object to cure the criminal element."
"What of the aspect where mind spells and forced changes being seen by the populace as a way to control them?" Gael asked quietly.
The Spymaster looked at the bodyguard, "It would need to be done quietly. Those who are identified as violent criminals or who have committed some terrible deed can be quietly approached and altered." She waved her hand dismissively, "A strong Empress will need a strong policing force to keep the dissidents in check. It is, I'd argue, better for the person to have their mind slightly altered, instead of locking them up in a prison."
Lyn looked across and nodded before turning her attention to the Spymaster, "This also provides us with an opportunity. A way to grow our population even faster is by offering to remove undesirables from Khrelardia and Trisk. Ensure we contact each monarch directly and instruct them to send their most violent criminals to us under guard and escort. We can reform them with this item I will create."
She looked to the heroes who were present and saw the discomfort in their faces aside from Thomas. She switched to English, "I know it sounds bad, but I would rather reform these people with a spell instead of incarcerate them. Minor changes to fix the bad behavior. We aren't making them thralls." This seemed to satisfy the heroes whose expressions shifted. She shifted back to Shereldian, "Continue."
The Spymaster nodded and sat, as Finala stood up. "Lady Rivers, the ravens have all been upgraded with your new spell as per your instructions. The next generations are continuing to flourish, and we have enough to begin your next task."
Lyn nodded and saw the questioning glances from around the room. She reached into the nape of her armor and pulled out her amulet, "These will allow our citizens to communicate, but we also need a way to deliver items. Ravens will fill that need; able to transport small quantities of items. Ideally, we will eventually use a spell that can increase the size of our feathered friends, so that larger deliveries may be facilitated. But until then, a raven postal system will serve our needs well."
Finala sat, and lastly Bolvon approached from behind the throne, hidden in the shadows at the back of the room. He walked up next to Gael alongside Lyn's chair and bowed slightly, "I have finished my efforts of breaking into every possible location along the Valley's exterior. Flaws have been forwarded to Marshal Remora for remediation." He looked to Lyn and smirked, "Praise the goddess, it was a very small number of flaws. The troops are well trained."
Lyn nodded, "Excellent. Your next task will be to travel to Khrelardia and shadow King James Marshal. Valagonia will doubtless try to eliminate him, and they would never expect a Duskari Shadowstalker protecting the man."
Bolvon nodded and stood in a relaxed stance as Marshal Remora stood up and bowed. "My lady, the military has grown. We have volunteers who are forming the equivalent of a levy core, but we will be training them much more extensively. Newen have been incorporated into the Duskari Squadrons to enable stealth-spells in the field. Advisors, your turn."
Her friend wasn't dead. Misty wouldn't be trying to use spells on her anymore. And this is the perfect chance where she won't mind. Lyn placed her on the nearby desk and glanced at the door. It was still closed. Keeping an eye on it just in case, she withdrew a dungeon core and the inscribed core-swap device from her storage choker. Socketing the dungeon core into the sphere, she placed the tube against baby-Misty's chest. She'll be incredibly strong, growing up with a dungeon core. An asset to the Empire one day.
Misty began to cry, but Lyn felt the device go thunk in her hands, signaling the process was complete. She opened the chamber and pulled out the swirling, prismatic Mage hero core. She knew what it would do, thanks to a prior conversation years ago.
"I have perfect mastery of Elenthir, just like Thomas," Misty had said as they sat around a table in Kor's Hold. "And I can use every spell type." She had lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned into Lyn, "It also lets me combine spell types, basically temporarily making brand new spell types that no one else could use."
Lyn squeezed the Mage core and felt it travel down her mana channel. It splashed and swirled around in her torso before being consumed by the Destroyer core. I'll have to test out spell types again, just like with the Knowledge core...but later. She put away the device in the storage dimension and picked up Misty. "Now...time to get you home."
Despite her resolve, Lyn felt sorrow for her old friend. I...I wanted you back as a friend.
Trisha was just about to sit down on the couch on the first floor of their house when she heard a knock at the door. Who is it at this time? She thought as she groaned and stood up. "Coming!" she said decently loud in Triskol – but not too loud, as the children were upstairs. She opened the door and saw Lyn holding a bundle of cloth. "Oh, hi Lyn. What's up?" she asked swapping to English.
Lyn pushed her way in and nudged the door shut with her foot. "Something happened," she said gently as she pulled away some of the fabric she was holding, revealing a little baby's face. "Misty suffered backlash."
Trisha's eyes went wide, and she looked between Lyn and the infant, "She tried a time spell?"
Lyn nodded, "She wanted me back to how I was, and was trying to revert me to a point where I would be 'Scout' Lyn instead of who I am now." She looked up to Trisha with a sad expression, "I know it's a burden to ask...but you're a mom and have a baby already."
Trisha nodded, "I have to talk to Ben. He should be home soon. Want to sit?"
Lyn walked over to the couch and gently rocked baby Misty as Trisha sat next to her. She began speaking quickly, in a detached, almost clinical way. "I took away her mage core. She has a dungeon core, so she'll still be an incredibly powerful mage – especially with this new education system, and mana circulation training. But she'll have to re-learn Elenthir. I don't know if she'll remember anything from being Misty, but she had a shitty home life also-"
Trisha gently put a hand on Lyn's back and rubbed it reassuringly, "Calm down. It will be fine."
"I'm fine," Lyn replied. "I know. She did it to herself."
Trisha gestured for the bundled baby, and Lyn handed her over. Trisha looked down at the sleeping infant and rocked her slowly. The front door opened after the two had sat in silence for some time, and Ben walked in. "Ben, honey, Lyn's here visiting."
Ben took off his boots at the door and walked over to the couch, flopping down into a cushioned seat opposite it. "It's only been a few hours since that council meeting. What's up?"
Lyn gestured to Trisha, who slowly revealed the baby Misty. Trisha then explained what Lyn had told her.
Ben scratched his beard, "Well, we already have a baby. I suppose one more wouldn't hurt." Trisha met his eyes and there was a silent agreement between them. They would give Misty the childhood she should have had on Earth – with loving parents and not wanting for anything. He stood up and rolled his shoulders, "I need to take a bath before bed." He trundled off upstairs.
Lyn stood up and glanced at Trisha before walking to the door. She looked back as she opened it, "Thank you...truly. If you need anything, you tell me."
Trisha nodded as Lyn left. She looked down at the infant Misty and sighed. Sorry for this, she thought as she whispered an incantation. An incantation she had memorized at Cecily's behest.
"What better way to be a healer than to also take away the pain of memory?" The Ruler hero had said.
It was how Trisha and her husband had dealt with their own trauma – mind spells. Not to wipe or repress, but to relive in a non-dangerous re-enactment; just like how some veterans with PTSD were able to confront their trauma through video games. She and Ben had spent years, slowly and gradually reliving those moments within their minds...and coming to terms with them.
As the spell took effect, Trisha felt a pang of regret...but knew she was doing the right thing.
She'd name the child Misty...but the mind spell she had just used ensured that this would be a new person. A blank slate. All memories that might be locked away inside her incapable-of-currently-processing-them mind were locked away...unless a very specific spell was used to reverse and unlock the memories. Now you'll have a chance for a happy, new life. She took Misty upstairs and placed a vertical partition in Gina's crib, laying Misty on the other side. You'll have everything you want. The life you should have had back home. Before she forgot, she pulled out her notebook, jotted down the reversal spell, and put it into her pocket to give to Lyn at a later date.
She went upstairs to their bedroom and walked into the restroom, sitting next to Ben and holding his hand. He looked up at her as she did so, "We always wanted a big family," he said with a chuckle before shaking his head and splashing water on his face. "This might be the best thing for her, honestly."
Trisha nodded silently as she rubbed her thumb along Ben's hand.
Lyn made a beeline for the archives. She channeled mana and muttered a variety of spell types she did not yet have access to and found to her minor satisfaction that she could now use illusion spells. Useful until interacted with, they were great for veiling locations, sounds, features, and anything else one could interact with using the senses of sight, hearing, and smell.
Thomas was finishing with a final pile of books in the neatly organized room. Stellas stood, stretching next to a table with layers of parchment and several books opened in the center. "Thomas, Stellas, a word with both of you," Lyn said in Vharthonian – knowing that Stellas' racial language was spoken by very, very few outside of that race.
Thomas looked up, wiped his hands on his pants, and walked over, "Yes?"
Stellas also walked over as Lyn took a deep breath, "Misty is gone. Sort of." She went into a detailed explanation of the verse on the board, re-writing it on parchment for Thomas to evaluate. She also explained that Misty was now a baby that Trisha and Ben had taken in. Lyn ended with, "And I find myself in an odd position. Misty's students expect her to still be there...but she's gone. And having to explain what happened to them-"
Stellas cut her off, "Forgive me, Empress Rivers...but this could be a great experience. Teaching them the dangers of trying something they aren't prepared for." She looked at Thomas, "I think the best thing would be to have you speak to them, Thomas. You helped make that building, so that should garner some respect." She looked to Lyn, "I'd be happy to take over her role. I've learned a large amount from Thomas."
"I'm good with that," Thomas replied. "It lets you focus on the upper-level Elenthir curriculum so I can focus on the education system."
Lyn nodded, "Then let's get to it."
The trio left and arrived at the mage school. Thomas placed his hands on an inscription along the outside and channeled mana into it. "Attention," he said in Triskol, "This is Thomas Harrow, co-founder of this establishment. Please report to the exterior of the school." He stepped back and joined Lyn and Stellas as they stood in front of the building.
The students filed out, groggy, and many wiping sleep from their eyes as they wondered aloud what was going on. Lyn cleared her throat and dropped her tone to the draconic low growl. "Misty Misery, your instructor, attempted a very dangerous spell – attempting to alter time." Lyn gestured to Thomas who stepped up.
"If you need proof of these words, then go to the second-floor lecture hall. You will see the inscription Professor Misery wrote. Time is treacherous. The only external spell type which causes backlash when you fail. She is not dead, but the spell has reverted her to a state of infancy. She has been adopted by the Baxter family, so if you wish to pay your respects, you may visit them during the day. Take this warning to not meddle with time. If the Mage hero was unable to do so, then you have no hope of doing so, either." He stepped back.
Stellas stepped up, "You may remember me, one of the first classes at the school. Stellas of Vharthos. I have traveled with and trained under Professor Harrow, the Knowledge hero. Empress Rivers has granted me the title of head instructor. I will be continuing your lessons on the morrow."
There was some discussion amongst the students, and a few stated their intent to leave the school. Lyn nodded curtly and shifted her tone, "You may leave if you desire. Lynhold will always welcome any who wish to study Elenthir and grow in their mastery of spells. Go through the North entrance to the Valley...but be aware, you will have no finer education than what can be provided here."
A few students did end up leaving, but most stayed. As Lyn began to leave, Stellas caught her attention. "Thank you...Empress. I will not let you down."
Lyn nodded and grinned, "Good. See that you don't." She looked over to Thomas and raised an inquisitive eyebrow as she swapped to English, "You sure she is trustworthy? I'm really following your lead on this."
"Yes," he replied. "If I didn't trust her, I wouldn't be making her a clone. Did you want one?"
Lyn chuckled and shook her head as she gestured for Thomas to walk back to the fortress with her. "I want to make sure that you're not offering that to everyone."
"No. Just the heroes and Stellas."