Originally, watching fights is the most entertaining way (11)

#13 Their Situation: The Situation of a Certain Hero

Suddenly, there was an aerial surprise attack.

I was caught off guard in ways I never anticipated.

“Indeed, it’s the senior...”

Although it doesn’t seem like Iron Bat’s style, he learned from that professor.

He surely knows how to strike from behind.

The neighboring countries were unprepared for the sudden attack.

“Worst case scenario, a Kingdom could collapse.”


“The serious expression on the side was from Shuttle, or rather, Hill.

“With the rear support no longer needed...”

“A collapse in the rear will create more enemies.” Rread latest chapters at novelhall.com

A situation where we could be surrounded from all sides might arise, worst-case scenario!

In such dire straits,

“Can’t we just eliminate them all?”

Mira tilted her head as if asking what the problem was.

“Excuse me, Lady Mira? Could you consider the common people?”

Maintaining the front line, utilizing geographical advantages, it was difficult to defend against the enemy’s strength.

With formidable power and magic resistance.

Moreover, an army of evil spirits who fear not even death and only seek destruction is nothing short of a disaster.

“Isn’t weakness the problem?”


Indeed, a Professor’s student.

He was a human lacking something fundamental that one should possess as a person, just like the Professor.

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.”

Even though it lacked humanity, there was no choice but to nod.

Because Mira emphasized strength.

If one denied it here, it would be affirmed through force!

Even if it’s not right, affirming it is the best option.

Unnecessary beliefs only lead to suffering.

It was a significant lesson learned from the Professor.

“Can we send the Imperial troops to all the Kingdoms?”

The enemies only attacked the rear unexpectedly, and their numbers were not that many.

Over time, the evil spirit’s army’s numbers might become an issue, but not immediately.

In fact, in some Kingdoms, they had succeeded in eliminating the appearance of the evil spirit’s army in their own territories, and now sending just a few Imperial soldiers to one Kingdom would solve everything.


“No, we can’t.”

Mira firmly refused.

“Why on earth?”

It was incomprehensible.

Mira’s goal is to capture the Professor and deliver her to Her Majesty, the Empress.

And the King is an obstacle to that.

Does Mira have a reason for just watching the masterpieces of the evil spirit’s army, knowing better than anyone that it’s not good if the enemy becomes stronger?

“Of course.”

“Wait, I didn’t say anything yet?”

I said ‘why on earth?’ but the response was ‘what could be the reason?’ Why the difference??

Could it be because of my mood?

“It’s not because of the mood.”

“Just say it’s because of the mood!”

Reading people’s thoughts as well? What kind of magic is this?

“It’s not magic.”

“That’s even scarier!”

The more I couldn’t understand Mira’s ability, the more fear grew.

“If you have this ability, you don’t need to use mental magic on me!”

Mixing up one’s memories is an unpleasant feeling that only someone who has experienced it would know.

Wait, didn’t this person try to torture me before?

“It’s better to be sure, isn’t it, to be sure~”

“This is...”

I wanted to say many things, but I was rendered speechless.

I couldn’t even think straight; it felt like my thoughts were being read.

“Isn’t it absurd to have such a being?”

“It’s the result of effort.”

I didn’t even want to imagine the effort required to become such a being.

“They also don’t care about the world’s crisis. They’re just doing their best to benefit themselves, with the premise that the King will fall anyway.”

Mira didn’t seem to have a particular dislike for that.

No, the Mira I know would think that’s only natural. Mira was someone who would do anything to survive.

“So they’ll manage to survive on their own.”

It was a really irresponsible statement, but Mira’s words were correct.

Other Kingdoms didn’t want to see the Empire’s influence expand.

They rejected the Empire, sought unity for strength, and are now facing the consequences of their choice.


“To defeat the evil spirit’s army and beyond that, to overthrow the King, we need to secure the rear.”

Despite my discomfort, I couldn’t simply stand by and watch the King’s plan unfold.

“Who said anything about standing by?”


“Ha... This is supposed to be the strongest Knight? Give me back my childhood fantasies...”

“You had fantasies like that?”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

“Okay. I was a naive girl too.”


What’s this? It almost sounds like you’re saying the Professor was a decent person?

I felt like I had just heard an absurd story.

“What’s wrong?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

I shook my head vigorously at Mira, who met my gaze with indifference.

“Sigh... I’m too lazy to explain it all, so I’ll say it quickly. Why did the King send reinforcements to the rear?”


“As expected, you need to be hit by Iron Bat, just like the Professor.”

“That’s too harsh!”

There are certain things you shouldn’t say, you know. I looked at Mira, who had gone beyond insults to curses, with a resentful gaze.

“You need a lesson in what’s normal. Listen carefully. The reason the King withdrew troops is simple. He’s falling behind.”

“Falling behind?”

“Yeah. He’s falling behind in every aspect right now, so he’s trying to divert attention elsewhere and buy time for an opportunity.”

Mira grumbled as if recalling a lesson from the Professor’s class.

“Turning crises into opportunities. ‘No matter how difficult the situation, as long as there’s a possibility of turning it around and people who can make it successful, that’s why the word ‘reversal’ exists in the dictionary,’ Professor used to say.”


It seemed like one of the things I learned in Howling.


“Sending a small force to attack the rear is an example of that. But it’s not about succeeding in turning the tables...”

“If you succeed, it’s fifty-fifty. Even if you succeed...”

“It doesn’t mean the crisis is over.”

Mira nodded at my words.

“Yeah. They used their best tactics to overcome the crisis. But that doesn’t mean the crisis is over. In fact, it’s become even more dangerous.”


The overall picture that hadn’t been clear before was starting to form in my mind.

“The evil spirit’s army that invaded the rear isn’t that numerous. They’re spreading across each Kingdom, not gathering in one place.”

“Right. But that’s considering the scale of each Kingdom.”

“When you look at the entire continent, it’s a significant number.”

The current active evil spirit’s army is in dozens of Kingdoms. And there are over ten Kingdoms where they’ve failed.

Assuming there were a hundred evil spirit forces in one Kingdom, that would mean over a thousand evil spirit forces in ten Kingdoms.

“The Kingdoms with fewer evil spirit forces have hundreds of them. The Kingdom with the most has thousands.”

And if you add them all up...

“It means there are more than ten thousand forces held in the rear, and that means the King’s forces have seriously weakened.”

Indeed, Commander. Thinking about all this by yourself...

“Professor used to say that we should learn from the enemy’s successful methods. The King’s methods, we should use them too.”

Since the evil spirit’s army attacked the rear, the King would think we’ll send reinforcements to the rear. They’ve divided non-existent forces into the rear, so the logic goes that they’ve sent a large number of forces to the rear.

So, “Tell the rear to fight, and let’s move to the sky and attack the King!”

The sky... the sky...

“Easy to say, but is moving to the sky not difficult?”


Mira, who smiled for a moment, took out a small metal badge from her pocket.

“What’s that now?”

“It’s an Imperial Mage Pass! It allows you to always have access to the highest level of mages on the continent!”

Looking at Mira boasting about receiving it to capture the Professor for the Princess, I couldn’t help but sigh.

Professor, it feels like I made a mistake by making this person an enemy.

This person is the scariest, no, the scariest girl!

“I’m not that scary, you know?”

“I got goosebumps from how scary you were!”

Professor, did I make a mistake?