Chen Sanqiu was shocked to see that he was lying at his feet, licking his fur, a pair of human and animal harmless foxes, and said in surprise: "is this foxes so valuable? Cough, I forgot to ask, what is the concept of tens of thousands of emperor star gold coin? "

Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality, rolled her eyes and said to Chen Sanqiu, "a spaceship is less than 10 million emperor star gold coins. Now a living fox on the black market has sold about 100000 gold coins, which is enough to buy a luxury house in the capital of mankind."

Chen Sanqiu took a breath and rolled his eyes.

I didn't expect the value of this thing.

Look at the eyes of the fox can not help but get a hot.

Ten thousand emperor star gold coin.

Damn it.

Although not much, compared with their wealth on earth, that is a drop in the bucket.

But now I don't have hair. My pocket is cleaner than my face.

Ya Ya ran out at this time, saw the red fox, immediately eyes a bright, immediately smile toward the red fox ran in the past, a hug the red fox's neck.

Yaya's action scared Chen Sanqiu and Sisi.

However, what's more shocking to both of them is that, in the face of Yaya's intimacy, fox seems very happy. It sticks out its tongue very intimately, and Tian smiles with Yaya's face.

"Dad, this little dog is so cute." Ya Ya said to Chen Sanqiu with a giggle.

Chen Sanqiu grinned and said, "Yaya, this is Firefox."

"Do you enjoy playing with it?" Chen Sanqiu asked Yaya with a smile.

Yaya immediately nodded: "I feel it by my favorite breath, like to play with it, and, it looks so cute."

Chen Sanqiu laughs, thinking that before the battle between foxes and Gobblers, foxes also vomited fire toward Gobblers. It seems that there should be fire energy in the body of foxes.

And think of Yaya's powerful fire power.

Chen turned to Sisi and said, "is there a kitchen? I'll boil the water and boil the rest of the meat that devours the beast. "

expression to describe the fineness or thinness of things

"Fox, fox." Sisi extended her finger to foxes and stamped her feet anxiously, with little stars in her eyes: "100000 gold coins."

Chen Sanqiu grinned: "since Ya Ya likes it, let it play with ya ya."

Sisi couldn't help rolling her eyes and said to Chen Sanqiu in silence, "that's 100000 gold coins. Can you use your brain? Moreover, don't you know that it's not only because it's beautiful, but also because it's an extremely sensitive creature. It can search for ancient monuments left by sages and find countless treasures from monuments. More importantly, it's not the same strength, but it can continue to grow. "

"Can we look for the historical sites left by ancient sages? Can we continue to grow? " Chen Sanqiu heard Sisi say so, can't help but stop, surprise asked: "have such good ability?"

expression to describe the fineness or thinness of things

He rolled his eyes: "what's good? This fox is so close to human beings. At first sight, it's raised by the human race. Moreover, you don't think that now it can be close to you. That's because you are stronger than it. When it is stronger than you, it will kill you without hesitation. When it grows into a seven Tailed Fox, it is only a 3S level cosmic power, Only in this way can we eliminate it. "

After hearing what Sisi said, Chen Sanqiu laughs. His eyes are excited to see the fox playing with ya ya. He squints, turns around and carries the meat of the devouring beast to the kitchen to cook.

Sisi goes into the kitchen and stands by watching the meat brought back by Chen Sanqiu's stew. Then she finds out that the meat Chen Sanqiu brings back is actually the general body of a phagocytic animal. She is surprised again.

Just now, as soon as Chen Sanqiu came back, Sisi's eyes were on the fox. She just wanted to sell the fox and earn 100000 gold coins.

Now I see that what Chen Sanqiu brings back is actually the body of the devouring beast. A small mouth suddenly grows big and looks at Chen Sanqiu in a daze.

"You, you killed a gobbler?" Sisi was shocked to ask Chen Sanqiu.

Chen Sanqiu immediately gave a hum and nodded: "yes, what's the matter?"

"This is a phagocytic beast that has reached the C level of cosmic strength. It has the blood of a glutton beast, and you killed it." Sisi was shocked to ask Chen Sanqiu.

When Chen Sanqiu heard that, he was very happy.

When this phagocytic animal meets itself, it's also a blame for the bad fate of this phagocytic animal.

When you meet someone who is not good, you meet yourself. You know, there is a complete gluttonous beast core in your chest.

When you meet yourself, it's no different from when you meet a powerful animal.

Only the energy released from the core of Taotie beast is enough to frighten this phagocytic beast to urine.

Shrugging his shoulders, Chen Sanqiu boiled the meat of the devouring beast he brought back, and asked Sisi: "Sisi, I feel that after I lost my memory, I seem to have forgotten a lot of things. Can you tell me something about the situation of emperor star, such as the division of strength?"

She stamped her feet angrily. She was very dissatisfied with Chen Sanqiu's wrong answer. However, she was even more confused about Chen Sanqiu's identity.

A person who can come here in a spaceship is definitely not an extraordinary one.

And it can kill the phagocytic beast, which shows that its strength is not weak.

Toot toot small mouth, oneself before how didn't see out?

"The strength of emperor star is the universal strength division of the universe, the most powerful is s level, followed by a level, B level, C level and D level."

"Each level is divided into three sub levels."

"The most powerful existence of emperor star is SSS level existence."

With a small mouth, Sisi said to Chen Sanqiu, "the gap between each level is just like a gap in the middle. Only by crossing that gap can we reach the next level."

"Most of the strength of many people stay at level C, and a small number of people reach level B. after reaching level B, they are already powerful and powerful. However, when they reach level a, they are the elites who will be attracted by the major forces in Dixing."

Chen Sanqiu said, "what about the s level?"

Sisi turned a white eye and said to Chen Sanqiu, "don't think about the s level. It's a master level person. If you can achieve A-level strength in your life, it's already very powerful. If you live well, your descendants will benefit."

Chen Sanqiu gave a smile and a sound.

"It seems that it is not easy to reach SSS level." Chen Sanqiu said with a faint sigh.