Chen Sanqiu returned to Sisi's yard with foxes, plants and buckets.

Seeing the plants and water brought back by Chen Sanqiu, Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality, was immediately surprised.

Vegetables and plants are as valuable as water in the desert. They are absolutely luxurious.

I didn't expect that Chen Sanqiu brought back such a large bag of vegetables, especially when he saw the fruits, which made the girl of Tianyu feel extremely surprised.

Ya Ya looks at Sisi's happy face, and holds Chen Sanqiu's hand with her proud face. She says to Sisi with pride, "this is my father. My father is powerful."

Chen Sanqiu laughs, and Sisi takes the initiative to cook for the first time.

After the meal, and then a clean fruit, a small day Zizi.

Chen Sanqiu found a piece of paper and drew a map of the path of the sand dunes that he had traveled outside these days, clearly marking the location of the oasis.

Clean up for a while, looking at Sisi and Yaya playing in the yard, smiling, looking at the direction of the spaceship carrying her, her face became heavy.

I got up and walked in the direction of the spaceship. I came to the interior of the spaceship and looked at Chen Jiaojiao lying in the safety warehouse. I felt a pain in my heart.

"Bai Xiaobai, you said emperor Xing could cure Chen Jiaojiao." Chen Sanqiu sighed, called out the super system Bai Xiaobai, and said to the super system Bai Xiaobai.

Super system Bai Xiaobai nodded: "emperor star's medical technology can really cure Chen Jiaojiao. We need to treat Chen Jiaojiao from the genetic level to cure Chen Jiaojiao's natural defects as a human clone."

"When can I leave this desert?" Chen Sanqiu said to himself, biting his teeth.

"It's you who trapped yourself here. I didn't say you can't leave." Super system Bai Xiaobai said frankly.

When Chen Sanqiu heard Bai Xiaobai, the super system, say so, he was stunned for a moment and then gave a wry smile: "yes, I trapped myself here."


Chen Sanqiu took a deep breath and looked at the endless desert outside the window of the spaceship. Then he looked at the two suns in the sky and said with a bitter smile, "I haven't recovered my original strength yet. Let me go out now. I'm afraid I can't protect Ya Ya and Chen Jiaojiao."

Super system white little white nodded: "really can't."

"The man who made you, is there any way to make me stronger?" Chen can't help asking.

"You can buy items in the super system mall to make yourself stronger, or you can work hard to make yourself stronger." Super system Bai Xiaobai shook his head and said to Chen Sanqiu seriously: "the more strength comes to the end, the more he will not improve his strength through external forces. Only through his own efforts can he make his strength stronger."

Chen Sanqiu grinned. Chen Sanqiu didn't know about it.

However, when Chen Sanqiu met the woman riding the lion headed eagle in the oasis, he saw the huge gap between himself and the other party.

Only then let Chen Sanqiu become in a mess.

And now I have little achievement, even if I want to buy Super strengthening potion from super system mall.

Frowning, Chen Sanqiu stood up and thought that this time she would take Chen Jiaojiao's safe warehouse to Sisi's yard.

But thinking of being outside, it's probably not as safe as being here. After struggling for a long time, Chen Jiaojiao's safety warehouse was left in the spaceship. When she left, she closed the cabin door of the spaceship, sighed and walked back to the yard of Sisi, a girl of Tianyu clan.

Back to the yard of Sisi, a girl of Tianyu nationality.

Sisi and Yaya continue to play in the yard. Chen Sanqiu grins, finds Sisi and asks Sisi, "how much do you know about spaceships?"

"Why?" Sisi turns her head warily and asks Chen Sanqiu.

"I wonder if that spaceship can take off." Chen Sanqiu said to Sisi with a dry smile.

"Of course." Sisi immediately said with a proud face, "I'm a little expert at repairing spaceships."

Chen three autumn immediately a joy, ask a way: "that still can fly far place?"

"Through the galaxy, through the wormhole?" Sisi asked.

Chen Sanqiu nodded excitedly: "yes."

"No, this spaceship has been damaged so badly that it can only fly at close range. However, it is not a problem to leave the natural disaster desert." Said Sisi with a snort.

Chen Sanqiu

With a bitter smile, he nodded.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Sanqiu stood up and said to Sisi, "I'll have a rest first. I'll go out and look for food tomorrow morning."

Sisi grinned. Since Chen Sanqiu woke up, he went out to look for food besides eating, as if Chen's stomach was not full.

In the heart is quite puzzled, with Chen Sanqiu so can eat appetite, how did not eat himself into a fat man.

The next morning, Chen Sanqiu took fox out to the natural disaster desert to find the animals alive and running

For more than ten days in a row, Chen Sanqiu went out to look for food, tried to fill up, and replenished the energy of the core of the gluttonous beast in his chest. That is to say, he constantly practiced inexplicable skills in the courtyard.

Since arriving at the emperor star, Chen Sanqiu can feel that even in this desolate natural disaster desert, the aura here is many times stronger than that on the earth, and the real Qi in his body has gradually recovered to the level on the earth.

And Sisi gradually gets used to this kind of life. Chen Sanqiu goes out hunting and takes care of Yaya at home. Gradually, she has a feeling of happiness in her heart.

Sometimes I think it's a good thing to live like this all the time.

On this day, Chen Sanqiu left Sisi's yard early again and took fox to the natural disaster desert.

Looking at the map in his arms, Chen found that he had not set foot in front of the oasis.

Every time I get to the oasis, I get water, vegetables and fruits.

This time, Chen Sanqiu decided to go further to the oasis.

With the fox through the sand dunes, to the oasis, get enough water, vegetables and fruit, a fox toward the distance.

A huge sand dune in the distance blocked Chen's sight.

With a frown, Chen Sanqiu rushes towards the 100 meter high sand dune with foxes.

After consuming a lot of physical strength, I came to the top of the 100 meter high sand dune and looked into the distance.

A huge and desolate Temple appeared in front of Chen Sanqiu's eyes, and the earth changed a different look here. The ground was dark brown Gobi desert, and the grotesque stones were like ghosts crawling on the ground. The whole range was more than 100 kilometers, and Chen Sanqiu was even more shocked.

At a glance, the 100 meter high sand dune is like a cage, which envelops the huge desolation.

A sense of desolation and tyranny rushed out of the temple, which made Chen Sanqiu tremble.