"Roar." The lion headed eagle let out a low, frightened roar.

The woman in the night nodded and looked at the desolate temple in shock. She felt that the desolate Temple suddenly seemed to be alive. The strong breath made the woman's mind tremble.

The owner of this voice is not mentioned in all the records of his sect.

This deserted temple has been standing here for many years.

Constantly, people want to enter the deserted temple and find the secret hidden in it.

But, countless people enter, countless people die.

The people who rush into the deserted temple are only faced with countless waves of monster attacks.

No one can really go into the depths of the desolate temple and see the real secret of the desolate temple.

Countless talented heroes come to the deserted temple to improve their strength. As long as they can go out alive, they are the strong.

Not to mention, countless cattle have come here, died and fallen in the desolate temple. Only one equipment, magic weapon and artifact can be found, which is the one that makes a lot of money.

The temple of desolation is a place where countless strong people have fallen, a place where you can greatly increase your strength, and a place where countless treasures have been left behind. This is why so many talented heroes from the emperor star are attracted here.

The woman in the night is one of them. In order to resist more waves of monster attacks in the deserted temple and improve her strength, the woman also brought her own mount, the lion headed eagle.

I didn't expect that because of the appearance of Chen Sanqiu, things went beyond my expectation.

Chen Sanqiu is more depressed than the woman in the night.

To be reasonable, I just came to look for food, right?

I didn't want to come here to look for the treasure left here by the strong like those genius heroes on the emperor star, and I didn't want to come here to fight against the wave after wave of monsters to improve my strength, right?

Be reasonable, right? I'm the one who came to go shopping.

You beat me down from the dune, didn't you?

"Wake me up, do you want to go?" The voice in the deserted temple sank and said coldly. I could hear that the existence in the deserted temple was very angry at Chen Sanqiu's words.

Chen Sanqiu, who turned around and ran away, immediately stopped. The whole person almost cried. Who did he provoke?

How did you suddenly provoke such a big boss?

With a grin, Chen Sanqiu turned his head bitterly to the existence of the deserted temple and said, "I'm just passing by. I'm really passing by. I just came here to find something to eat. I didn't want to disturb your old man's deep sleep. You can just keep sleeping. I, I really don't want to disturb you. I'll go first."

Chen three autumn one face helplessly finish saying, turn round to still want to walk.


All of a sudden, there was a loud bang from the deserted temple on the ground.

The huge stone gate, which had been closed, opened in the roar, and the whole earth trembled violently. The fox in Chen Sanqiu's arms turned his eyes and fainted.

Chen Sanqiu looks at the fox in her arms, which is so scared that she faints. She looks helpless.

He took a look at the edge of the sand dune in the distance and immediately reached out to throw the faint fox to the edge of the sand dune.

"I hope you can climb up and escape as soon as possible. If I die here, you can accompany me by Yaya's side." Chen Sanqiu sighed and took a look at the fox that he had fainted at the edge of the sand dune.

Turn around and look at the huge stone gate suddenly opened in the deserted temple.

The stone gate is about 100 meters high. Originally, there should be exquisite stone carvings on it. However, after years of erosion, wind and rain, it has become slightly inaudible.

When the huge stone gate was opened, there was a sudden cry of surprise around the deserted temple.

A shadow from the night rushed out, gathered in the outside of the stone gate, vigilant looking inside the stone gate.

Chen Sanqiu


He swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Especially, when I was just cursing at this deserted temple and pretending to be a monk, there were so many eyes looking at me in the night?


Rao is Chen Sanqiu's face and thickness. He can't help but feel that his face is red. Look at the number of people, there are hundreds of people, but there are some differences.

There are Tauren bodies, people who are as dark as iron but extremely short, people who have a pair of meat wings on their back, and a giant who is seven or eight meters tall and strong, but there are not many of them.

Most of them are people in robes.

However, they all have one common characteristic, that is, they are all staring at themselves angrily.

Chen Sanqiu suddenly became extremely embarrassed.

I'll do it. It's a shame.

"You son of a bitch, human boy, you deliberately pit us, don't you?" A young Tauren with a Tauren body, holding two huge axes, angrily rushes at Chen Sanqiu.

"Damn, according to the records of our goblins, the gate of this deserted temple has never been opened in the dark." That dark as iron, short figure goblin youth also pointed at Chen Sanqiu and said: "if it wasn't for this Terran boy, we wouldn't encounter such strange things."

"This is the disciple of which sect of your clan? Can you take care of it? No matter what, we'll put him out. " A young nuomi boy with a pair of meat wings on his back and a bow and arrow in his hand asked the Terran people in a loud voice.

The woman in the night also stood in the crowd of the human race.

Hearing what the boy said, he looked around and saw that no one knew Chen Sanqiu.

I had a pause.

"I met her. On the way here, I passed an oasis. This person seemed to be a scavenger in the desert of natural disaster, but she just came in by mistake." LAN Xinyue looks at Chen Sanqiu and says to the people around him: "although he wakes up the sleeping existence in the deserted temple, he doesn't mean it. It's our Terran. Let him come here."

Hear blue heart month say so, those human race around originally a face anger of looking at Chen three Qiu's facial expression, immediately a change.

One by one immediately nodded in agreement with what blue heart month said.

After all, we're all human, right?

Help each other.

When Chen Sanqiu heard that the beautiful woman she met in the oasis talked for herself, she was so excited that she almost cried. She ran to lanxinyue with excitement. In everyone's shocked eyes, she rushed to lanxinyue, jumped up and hugged lanxinyue: "thank you, I sincerely thank you for saving me, thank you."

Blue heart moon

I almost cried.

Son of a bitch, thank me for thanking me. Why do you hold me?

And when you thank me, can you keep your hands off my ass?