Chapter 91 90-The Bigshots Make Their Appearance

Chapter 91 Chapter90-The Bigshots Make Their Appearance

The scene fell into an eerie silence after a brief bout of uproar.

Every player's attention was utterly absorbed by the last two legendary pieces of equipment.

They were staring, their eyes wide open, at the gear.

Isabella glanced down and couldn't help but shiver. nove)Lb-1n

The sight was unnerving.

These players resembled hungry wolves on the prairie, the green glint in their eyes revealing greed and desire.

Fortunately, the auction had a system-protection mechanism in place; items whose transactions were not yet complete couldn't be forcefully bound.

Otherwise, this horde would have rushed the stage long ago.

After all, the players present were from a wild mix of races, including chaos and evil factions such as the Demons.

For Demon players, struggles and fights for possessions were almost routine.

They were used to grabbing what they wanted by force, a distinctive trait of their chaos and evil faction.

Lawlessness, danger, and disorder defined them.

Below the stage, the group of Demon players were already raising their weapons, intending to storm the stage at any hint of disagreement.

This glaring ill-will activated the system's self-defense mechanism.

A system warning appeared above the auction hall, "Warning: Unfinalized auction items are forbidden from being seized. Violators will trigger the system's erasure mechanism!!"

The blood-red system warning lit up three times in the auction hall's airspace, forcefully suppressing the Demons' greed.

The crowd quickly dispersed, and the players from other lawful and good factions immediately distanced themselves from the Demon players, their faces showing displeasure.

The Demon players, however, seemed unfazed.

To them, honor and dignity meant nothing.

The only thing that mattered was what they could grasp in their hands.

"Ugh, a group of unruly beasts. Who would choose to play as Demons?"

From within a second-floor box, a voice with a hint of mockery echoed.

The speaker was none other than the leader of one of the world's top ten guilds, Silent Ones Guild's leader, Chillminder.

Chillminder's words had barely landed when a challenging voice erupted from another box, "Oh, you've got a problem with us Demon players? If you're not happy, how about we settle it with a real fight, instead of just running your mouth?"

Hearing his authority challenged, Chillminder became infuriated.

The floor-to-ceiling window of the Silent Ones Guild's box instantly turned transparent, revealing Chillminder's tall and imposing figure, "Which cur dares to spout off here?"

Not far from the Silent Ones Guild's box, another box's window also turned transparent, revealing an even more imposing figure.

Not only was this figure formidable, but his face was also terrifyingly grotesque.

Covered in dense tattoos and sporting a shiny bald head, his black robe was surrounded by a murky aura of death.

A huge scythe was slung over his back.

He was not a figure to be trifled with.

"Hisss~ It's him?"

Many players recognized the identity of this burly man and sucked in a breath.

"Who is this guy?"

"You don't know him? He's one of the leaders of the top ten guilds worldwide, the Shadowrealm Guild's leader, Karthus."

"The Shadowrealm Guild is the most unreasonable among the top ten guilds. Its members are mostly evil characters who particularly enjoy hunting players in the game. They often chase solo players out of the game after a minor disagreement."

"I heard that many members of this guild are gangsters. They don't believe in rules or order and do whatever they fancy." A player explained about the Shadowrealm Guild in a whisper, making many newbie players tremble.

They didn't even dare to lift their heads to look at Karthus.

Chillminder, however, remained unfazed.

After all, being from one of the top ten guilds worldwide, they were not significantly different in power.

He scoffed and sneered, "I wondered who it was. So, it's you, the freak. Instead of staying in the Demon territory, what is the Shadowrealm Guild doing in the Northern Myst Empire?"

Karthus caressed his bald head and flashed a freakish grin, "Do I need to report my every move to you? Let me tell you straight, these two legendary pieces of equipment are as good as mine. If you, Chillminder, dare to compete with me, be ready to be hunted by the Shadowrealm Guild."

Even Chillminder, a person of such stature, couldn't help but have his complexion change upon hearing these words.

As for the guild's power, Chillminder wasn't particularly afraid.

However, the Shadowrealm Guild was infamous for its ruthlessness, and if targeted by them, it could become a troublesome affair.

The guild had the highest number of rogue players amongst the top ten guilds worldwide.

They enjoyed ambushes and sneak attacks.

It was their modus operandi.

The dark attributes of Demons gave them an overwhelming advantage in stealth attacks and assassinations.

Regardless of how proud Chillminder was, he couldn't guarantee that he would emerge unscathed from the onslaught of all the assassins of the Shadowrealm Guild.

Before Chillminder could even respond, another female voice echoed from a different box.

The voice sounded sweet and lovely, yet carried a significant bite, "Karthus, you son of a bitch, thinking you're invincible? Believe it or not, I'll annihilate your entire family, you corpse-loving freak. I'll dig up your wife from the grave and blow her up like a firecracker!"

The explosive voice reverberated throughout the venue.

Everyone was stunned.

John, who was thoroughly enjoying the spectacle while munching on some melon seeds, nearly choked on his beer.

The window of another box turned transparent, revealing a petite young woman with an explosively attractive figure, hands on her hips.

Her snow-white hair fluttered in the breeze, and her delicate features looked as if they had walked straight out of a painting.

It was hard to imagine that such venomous words had come from the mouth of this adorable young woman.

"Another big shot, the leader of the Black Rose Guild, Snowla," exclaimed the players on the first floor in recognition.

It made sense if it was her.

Everyone knew of the fiery temperament of the Black Rose's guild leader, who wouldn't hesitate to curse someone's entire family if provoked.

Yet, people didn't hold too much resentment towards Snowla.

Her harmless appearance was too endearing to evoke any animosity.

Despite her penchant for cursing, she was a fair individual who never bullied the weak and often helped solo players.

Therefore, the reputation of the Black Rose Guild was surprisingly good.

Seeing Snowla siding with Chillminder, Karthus's face darkened instantly.

However, he dared not provoke Snowla directly.

His threats might work on Chillminder, but they were useless against Snowla.

She was a top-ranking player of the holy light class, and her guild, the Black Rose Guild, was filled with holy light class players, making them the natural nemesis of his Shadowrealm Guild.

"Snowla, you crazy bitch, can't you get your head checked?" Karthus cursed, "You're a holy light class, yet you're calling yourself the Black Rose. What kind of sane person does that?"

Snowla rolled her eyes, her words filled with as much venom as ever, "What's it to you? I like it. If you have the balls, come and kill me."

"Just try to lay a hand on me today, and I'll let you taste the highest holy praise of the Lord." Karthus was rendered speechless by Snowla, unable to utter a single word.

"Karthus, there's no need to engage in a war of words with this madwoman. Don't forget our purpose today," another ominous voice joined the fray.

The voice belonged to a mysterious player enveloped in dark energy.

But the fact that he could appear in a second-floor box meant his status was no ordinary one.

Snowla arched her delicate eyebrows, hands still on her hips as she continued her tirade, "So the venomous snake decided to show up? Your Dawn Guild isn't busy playing the mole underground? Now you dare to crawl out into the light?"

One of the top ten guilds worldwide, the leader of the Dawn Guild, Kingserp.

The Dawn Guild was similar to the Shadowrealm Guild, both belonging to the faction of chaos and evil.

If the Shadowrealm Guild was a beast without rules, then the Dawn Guild was like a venomous snake in the world of the game.

Their favorite pastime was torturing ordinary players in the cruelest ways possible, often leading some to quit the game permanently.

Kingserp, hidden within a cloud of darkness, sent chills down everyone's spine with his ominous voice, "After today, every member of the Black Rose will be a target for my guild. I sincerely hope your mental fortitude is stronger..."

Snowla, unfazed, shot back, "If you've got the guts, bring it on. Let's see if my Holy Light Cannon teaches you some manners!"

At this point, the leaders of the other major guilds also made their appearances.

Blue Sea, the guild leader of the Blue Sea Guild.

Adam, the guild leader of the Genesis Guild.

Iron Mountain, the guild leader of the Iron Wings Guild.

And the list went on.

The arrival of one big shot after another sent waves of awe through the players in the room, each wave higher than the last.

Finally, the mysterious guild leader of the Travelers Association made her first public appearance, igniting the vibe of the venue.

Players were shocked to discover that the notoriously elusive leader of the Travelers Association was a stunningly beautiful, mature woman.

It was the same mysterious woman who had evaluated John earlier.

Seeing this woman, the fiery Snowla, who was effortlessly holding her own against both men, immediately redirected her verbal attack.

She raised her delicate eyebrows towards the glamorous woman and yelled, "Old hag, give me back my necklace!"

The beautiful woman ignored Snowla entirely.

Her enchanting eyes instead focused on the last opaque box on the second floor.

"Galewind, long time no see."