Chapter 119 118-Cholera Land, Poisoning(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 119 Chapter 118-Cholera Land, Poisoning(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Once Adam and Blue Sea realized this, the pressure in their hearts was greatly relieved.

They looked at John together and said in unison, "Since Brother Galewind says so, let's get moving. We can't wait to see your dragon-slaying skills."

John smiled slightly and strode toward the peak where the dragon was circling.

Everyone else followed closely behind.

As they progressed, Adam couldn't help but express his amazement, "Honestly, this is the first time I've seen such a dragon in Godslayer. I've only ever heard about their existence..."

John replied nonchalantly, "Dragon? This creature hardly counts. True dragons are at least demi-god level. This thing is just a hybrid product of dragons and abyss creatures."

This revelation startled everyone following behind.

Adam gave a dry laugh, "So, did the dragon sleep with the abyss creature, or did the abyss creature sleep with the dragon?"

John shrugged, "Either could be the case. Dragons are quite lustful and can mate with just about any species. Otherwise, how could there be so many dragon bosses in Godslayer?"

Adam was astounded, "Even though that makes sense, I still can't understand how dragons could be attracted to those bizarre-looking abyss creatures."

John smiled faintly, "In the eyes of creatures like dragons, there's no distinction between beauty and ugliness. They're driven by an instinct to reproduce and are attracted to any strong creature of the opposite sex."

"Given the pitiful reproductive ability of dragons, if they didn't resort to such measures, their race would have already become extinct in Godslayer."

John suddenly turned his head to look at a high-level Dragonkin player from the Genesis Guild.

The player was a Spellblade, with two noticeable horns on his head.

John jested with a light laugh, "In fact, the Dragonkin of Godslayer also have a trace of dragon blood..."

The man's face immediately turned as black as the bottom of a pot.

The others exchanged looks, their gazes on the Dragonkin player becoming quite different.


The group chatted and laughed, soon arriving at the entrance of Sunset Mountain.

Without a second thought, John stepped right in.

[You have entered Sunset Mountain (Undeveloped Area)]

The system prompt appeared.

As soon as they stepped in, the scenery in front of them changed drastically.

The space swirled as if they had passed through a thin energy barrier.

The land that came into view was scorched and barren.

The soil was soaked in red.

It seemed as though every speck of dust here had once been soaked in countless drops of blood.

The air was filled with the scent of burning, and even the wind did not blow normally but swirled around on the ground.

Everywhere you looked, this was the scene.

"This... why is it different from what we saw outside?" The group was stunned. The sudden change in scenery caught them off guard.

John casually stated, "Exactly, this is the real Sunset Mountain. What we saw outside, the lush scenery, was just how Sunset Mountain used to be..."

Blue Sea took out the parchment.

After carefully identifying the directions, he revealed a bitter smile.

"It seems Brother Galewind was right. The dragon must indeed be Corrupted Dragon Beyvis. The location marked as Cholera Land by Shadowcrawler Matriarch is right there, in that mountain."

John lifted his head, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Indeed, one had to truly enter this mountain range to feel the majesty of Sunset Mountain.

Even the peaks of this outer area were towering and cloud-kissing, at least ten kilometers in height.

Such mountains do not even exist in the real world. n/-0VeLbIn

Unfortunately, the mountains were bare, without trees or flowers.

It was all a wasteland.

While walking, Blue Sea suddenly frowned, "Strange, according to the game time, it should be night now. Why is it still as bright as day here?"

John chuckled, "Finally noticed? Yes, the most unique feature of Sunset Mountain is that it never experiences darkness. For hundreds and thousands of years, it has been perpetually bathed in this dusk light."

Everyone's faces were filled with shock.

Adam even cried out, "Could it be that the order of time here has failed?"

John shook his head, "It's not just about time. Rumor has it that this place was the main battlefield of the Gods' War. The eruption of divine power has disrupted all the orders in this area, creating this state."

"That's why when we look from the outside, Sunset Mountain appears vibrant and full of life. Under the distortion of divine power, what we see from outside is how this mountain range looked thousands of years ago."

Adam and others' eyes were filled with longing. What kind of tremendous power could affect the entire space-time order? Indeed, gods are the true rulers of the Godslayer continent.

"If these gods are so powerful, why haven't we seen any of them?"

Someone curiously asked this question, immediately drawing scorn from everyone else. Adam scolded, "How can you still ask such a stupid question after playing this game for so long?"

"The game has only been running for a short while, even for gods, they can't possibly appear so soon. We probably won't see beings of that caliber until the late stages of the game."

John added, "The main reason gods can't descend to the mortal world is complicated. What you mentioned is just one part of it."

"The primary reason lies in the influence of order. Gods can't directly descend to the mortal world anymore. They can only interfere with the mortal world through incarnations or minions..."

After confirming the direction, the group didn't stop, continuing their journey deeper into the mountain range.

Before long, they arrived at the first destination of their journey.

[You have entered Sunset Mountain — Cholera Land (Restricted Area)]

This area was different from the place they had initially entered.

Steep mountains were riddled with gigantic caves, each exceeding a hundred meters in diameter.

There were some pools of water on the side, but the water within was pitch black.

Occasionally, bubbles would burst on the surface, releasing a nauseating stench.

"Cholera Land... it certainly lives up to its name," said John, extending his hand and feeling an intense sting on his skin.

Without hesitation, he circulated his internal energy and cast a skill.

[Divine Guardian (Divine Skill): A protection bestowed by the gods, purifying all impurities. Upon activation, it forms a defense barrier that can be expanded to cover a maximum radius of 100 yards. Within the Divine Guardian barrier, one remains untainted, all curse effects are nullified, and it can resist a full strike from any demigod...]

A soft glow spread out from above John's head, enveloping everyone within.

In the few seconds that John was casting his skill, the team behind him had already begun to wane.

Numbers indicating health loss due to poisoning kept popping up above their heads.

Although the numbers were small, the frequent HP loss was worrisome.

Everyone looked horrified and quickly pulled out their antidotes.

However, after drinking them, there was no effect.

They could only slow down the rate of health loss due to poisoning but couldn't fully clear the toxins.

Even the purification skills cast by the priests and paladins were unable to completely eradicate the poisoning effects.

It was only after John activated Divine Guardian that their HP loss ceased.

"Don't try to use your skills to remove this poison. It's not an ordinary poison. The purification skills you possess now won't have any effect on it," John said calmly.

"As long as you stay within the boundary of this barrier I've cast, the toxins in your bodies will be slowly purified. Don't worry too much."

Adam looked up abruptly, his eyes wide with excitement as he stared at John, "Brother Galewind, what is this skill of yours?"

As a "Divine Favored Knight," Adam believed his understanding of Holy Light had reached the pinnacle among players.

While the priests and paladins in the team hadn't noticed anything unusual, he had sensed a familiar energy.

It was clearly the power exclusive to Holy Light.

John said lightly, "This skill of mine is called Divine Guardian. It does have some connection with the God of Holy Light. In your Holy Light Church, it has another name. If I remember correctly, it should be: Holy Light Guardian."

Adam's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Holy Light Guardian? That's the ultimate defensive skill that all priests aspire to when they reach the end of their Class. Brother Galewind, how did you... Could it be that you're also from the Holy Light Class?"

John shook his head, "You're overthinking it. My Class is a bit special, so I know some skills from each Class, but it has nothing to do with the Holy Light Class."

Adam fell silent.

This was somewhat beyond his understanding.

John wasn't a believer in the God of Holy Light, nor had he been Class-confirmed in the church, yet he could use the ultimate defensive skill of the Holy Light Class.

Adam's curiosity about John's Class suddenly piqued, but he could tell that John wasn't inclined to elaborate.

So, he had no choice but to bury his curiosity deep in his heart.

At this moment, perhaps because the toxins in his body were gradually being purified, Blue Sea on the side was also slowly recovering.

He patted Adam's shoulder, "Why are you dwelling on this? Everyone's Class is their biggest secret, especially for a big shot like Brother Galewind. You shouldn't aim to pry into others' privacy."

Adam wore a bitter smile on his face, "I didn't mean it that way, I was just taken aback for a moment, hence the presumptuous question. I apologize, Brother Galewind."

John waved his hand generously, "It's alright. After all, this skill is related to your Holy Light Church. Your curiosity is normal. But rest assured, I'm not some heretic stealing the power of the Holy Light. So, there's no conflict between us. Learning this skill was purely coincidental."

Adam nodded in agreement.

He knew what kind of person John was, so he didn't dwell on it anymore.

Just as everyone was busy recovering, John lifted his head, his eyes suddenly sharpening.

"Watch out, something's coming."