Chapter 159 158-The Mysterious Stalker in the Shadows(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 159 Chapter 158-The Mysterious Stalker in the Shadows(1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

John's eyes were sharp, a hint of contemplation shining through.

It seemed that he would need to find an opportunity to visit the werewolf's Holy Mountain.

After all, with this blessing in effect, the Holy Mountain, a place where other races were never allowed, would no longer be forbidden to him.

He had been pondering about how to find suitable equipment for himself, and the treasure vault in the werewolf's Holy Mountain seemed like a good place to explore.

After administering the blessing to John, the old werewolf, Likexei, looked significantly weaker.

His weathered face, already lined with wrinkles, looked even more aged.

It caused some concern among the onlookers, who felt the old werewolf might follow his grandson's steps in serving the Moon Goddess at any moment.

Fortunately, their concerns did not come to fruition.

After a brief rest, the old werewolf regained his strength. He spoke to John, his voice weak, "Honorable traveler, I hope this little blessing can assist you. Now, I must pray to the great Moon Goddess. Please take your leave."

Without hesitation, John turned to leave, and the others followed suit.

As everyone exited the chapel, the heavy wooden doors closed abruptly.

Emma, holding John's arm, cooed, "What's this old man's blessing like? What are the effects?"

Not just Emma, but everyone else seemed curious as well.

All eyes were on John, sparkling with curiosity.

John merely smiled, nonchalantly responding, "See for yourself. The effects are alright..." He casually displayed the information of the blessing.

Everyone gathered around and gasped in disbelief after reading the details.

"Holy moly, is this for real?" "This support skill is so powerful, it'd be invincible on the battlefield, right?"

"I feel only a Paladin's ultimate skill could compare to this werewolf battle cry in terms of amplification effects."

Whether it was Adam and Blue Sea or anyone else present, all wore expressions of envy.

Strictly speaking, while the werewolf battle cry was a bit irrelevant to John, it was a kind of area support skill that every guild dreamed of having. No wonder they all looked so envious.

If someone in a guild could boost their teammates with a werewolf's battle cry during a battle, it could potentially change the entire course of the battlefield.

After all, who wouldn't want their combat power to suddenly increase by 20% in battle?

And that 10% bleeding effect from the War Passion was also a rather overpowered effect.

"Had I known the blessing was so overpowered, I would have paid any price to buy this blessing from you, Galewind," Blue Sea said, filled with regret.

Adam, who was by his side, nodded in strong agreement.

After thinking for a moment, Adam seriously said to John, "Galewind, if you're available during a guild battle, I'd like to invite you to help us out. The price is set at 10 million per time. You wouldn't need to do anything else, just release this support skill on the battlefield once..."

The moment Adam's words left his lips, Blue Sea promptly raised his hand, "Count me in too! When our guild goes to war, we could also use your help. The price is the same as what Adam just offered."

A series of black lines dashed through John's mind.

Damn, these two really pulled out all the stops for victory.

10 million for a single use of a skill, how extravagant did one have to be to pull off such a feat?

Emma, on the other hand, was flabbergasted.

To date, she had just over 10 million in her account, largely due to a stroke of luck that had her auction off a legendary item.

Was money that easy to make now?

If she had this skill, wouldn't she be a billionaire just by activating it a few times?

Blinking her innocent, watery eyes, she stared at John enviously, wishing she could accept the offer on John's behalf.

However, John didn't immediately respond.

He calmly said, "We'll see. If it's convenient, I might help out, but I'll be the one to decide."

John's hesitancy stemmed from the fact that he didn't know which guild would be going against Blue Sea and Adam in the guild wars.

If it turned out to be a guild he was familiar with, it could get a bit awkward...

Despite not getting a definitive answer, Adam and Blue Sea were still somewhat satisfied.

They didn't really expect John to blindly side with them.

These two were quick thinkers.

The moment John finished his sentence, they understood his position.

John paused for a moment, a strange grin spread across his face. "Speaking of which, if both of your guilds end up in a guild war, who should I side with?"

Adam and Blue Sea exchanged glances and fell silent.

This wasn't an impossible scenario.

The current friendly relations could change anytime.

Large forces valued interest above all, and emotional ties were worth next to nothing.

If a conflict emerged between the two guilds over similar interests, a guild war was entirely possible.

With a soft smile, Adam gently said, "If it ever comes to that, we certainly won't put Galewind in a tight spot. Either you sit on the fence, or it's every man for himself, whoever pays more gets the service..."

Blue Sea echoed Adam's sentiment in an equally nonchalant manner, "Exactly..."

John shook his head in resignation. These two could be ruthless when it came to their guild's core interests, discarding all familial ties like cold-hearted businessmen.

Yet, when there was no conflict of interest, they acted like the best of buddies.

Well, all leaders of top ten guilds in the world had their masks...

The group continued their light-hearted chatter as they headed towards the Werewolf Village's teleportation point.

The game's recent update brought major changes, like the increase in the number of teleportation points.

Now places like Werewolf Village, with a relatively high player density, had teleportation points that could directly transfer players to the nearest town.

This was a system enhancement to facilitate players in exploration and monster hunting.

However, as soon as they started moving, John abruptly stopped.

He turned around, his eyes as cold as ice, sweeping the shadows on both sides of the road.

"What's up, Galewind?"

Adam, somewhat curious, turned his head and asked. John slowly shook his head, responding softly, "I just remembered that there are some matters I need to attend to. I won't be heading back to Silverglow with you. You guys go on and handle your guild affairs, and while you're at it, take Emma back with you."

Everyone seemed confused.

They had already left Sunset Mountain; what could he have forgotten?

Adam and Blue Sea, however, those two with their finely tuned senses, noticed something unusual in John's gaze.

Blue Sea wiped the smile off his face, asking softly, "Do you need us to stick around and help?"

But John refused directly, "No, you guys go ahead. This matter might be harder to deal with if there are too many people involved..."

John wore a faint smile, but his eyes were void of any humor.

Instead, they held a chilling iciness. Blue Sea and Adam exchanged glances, following John's gaze into the shadowy corners.

Despite their meticulous scrutiny and even the use of their detection spells, they found nothing...

Both of them suddenly felt a chill run down their spines.

They reluctantly said to John, "Alright then, Galewind, just be careful..."

John nodded slightly, then turned to Emma, speaking softly, "Emma, you go back with the two guild leaders first. I have some things to sort out. Once you're back, if you don't know what to do, train with White Feather and level up a bit. Your level is too low, you can't spend all your time just fishing."

Emma, slightly bewildered, nodded her head.

She too had sensed something off about John, but trusting him as she did, she didn't worry too much.

After all, Johnny was invincible...

As everyone continued towards the teleportation point, John stood in place, deep in thought for a moment.

Then he suddenly changed direction, slowly heading towards the open plains outside the old village.

It wasn't until John's figure had completely vanished that the shadowy area, which John had been intently staring at, suddenly emitted an almost undetectable spatial fluctuation.

A dark, muted voice arose from nowhere, "Did he discover us?"

Another voice followed, "Impossible. Our concealment spell, even someone a level above us couldn't discover it. This young man definitely doesn't have that ability..."

"But he looked this way just now..."

"Perhaps it was luck, or some sort of innate sense of danger, but there's no way we were exposed!" nOvE(Lb(1n

"So, this kid has an extraordinary sense of perception..."

"There's no other explanation..."

"What do we do now?"

"We notify the old guys, continue following him. Since we've accepted the mission, we must complete it. AGHHO does not tolerate any failure in assassination missions."

"Darkness is eternal, the killing never stops!"

"Darkness is eternal, the killing never stops!"
