Chapter 170 169-Snowla’s Request (3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 170 Chapter 169-Snowla's Request (3rd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Seeming to sense something was off, Emma cautiously asked, "Johnny, is there something wrong?"

John chuckled bitterly, "Silly girl, don't tell me you've shared with your teammates that you have the ultra-rare staff, Woodmist Warchant?"

Emma instantly understood why John had gone silent.

She responded with a sweet smile, her voice as pleasant as a silver bell, "Don't worry, Johnny, I'm not that silly. That gear was a gift from you, the most precious gift I've ever received. How could I share it with others?"

Only then did John relax, it seems he had been overthinking.

While Emma may be naive, she is far from being foolish. She surely understands the preciousness of the "Woodmist Warchant".

"Alright, work hard... I have to make a trip to Cloud Sea. Stay safe and contact me immediately if anything happens."

Emma obediently hummed in response.

Just as John was about to end the communication, White Feather's voice suddenly came through, "Emma, are you on the line with Galewind?"

Perhaps after receiving an affirmative response from Emma, White Feather came over, "Galewind, can you hear me?"

John responded indifferently, "I can hear you..."

White Feather asked expectantly, "Galewind, do you still need Silver Tear? We've recently produced a large batch..."

John chuckled, so that's what it was.

"Great, we'll keep the previous price, and I'll take all of it. Leave it with Emma for now and I'll settle up when we meet."

"Alright, thank you, Galewind..."

White Feather's voice suddenly became lively, as if he was very pleased.

After ending the communication, John arrived at the Silverglow teleportation point.

From here, he would teleport to Cloud Sea.

After paying the teleportation fee, a flash of light passed by, and John's figure disappeared in the light of the teleportation point.

When he reappeared, he was thousands of miles away in Cloud Sea.

Stepping out of the teleportation hall, he looked up and finally understood why this city was named Cloud Sea.

Above his head, layers of clouds churned, looking like an ocean of fog.

And the clouds here were extremely low, as if they were within reach.

John leisurely strolled through Cloud Sea.

It must be said that the layout of these secondary cities was largely the same.

The city lord's mansion was located in the very center of the city, next to the main camp of the city guards.

Apart from that, the Mercenary Hall, Guild Management Hall, Equipment Forging and Appraisal Hall...

The layout of these important buildings was basically consistent with Silverglow.

John opened the system map and looked closely, suddenly discovering something intriguing.

On the system map, almost all the second-tier cities currently open to players were located in the Northlands.

They bordered the Demon territories.

This was not just for human players, but other races as well.

John stroked his chin thoughtfully.

Clearly, this was intentionally done by the system, the aim being to better train players and allow them to grow faster through combat.

Because the Northlands bordered the Demon territories, if a war broke out between the two factions, this would be the frontline. n(-Ove1bIn

For centuries, the Northlands have always been rife with conflicts, with various monsters running rampant.

It was clearly a natural proving ground.

John shook his head, collecting his scattered thoughts, and located Bone Cave on the system map.

After thinking for a while, he first went to the trading hall to buy some consumable items.

These included the Teleport Scroll, which was added after the system update.

[Teleport Scroll (Consumable Item): After use, it allows the player to quickly return to the nearest town...]

[Value: 500 gold coins]

This item was quite useful, saving players a lot of travel time.

After all, when you're in the middle of nowhere, you can't exactly find a teleportation point...

Unfortunately, the conditions for using a Teleport Scroll are complex.

It requires the user to be out of combat. In battle, a Teleport Scroll cannot be used.

Otherwise, I imagine many players would treat this item as a lifesaver, using it to return to town whenever they encounter an unbeatable monster.

Moreover, it can't be used in various secret realms.

It must be used after leaving the secret realm. John looked at the dozens of Teleport Scrolls in his backpack and sighed softly.

It's a good item, but its limitations are too significant.

Given its price of 500 gold coins each, it's likely unaffordable for many solo players.

Just as John was about to leave Cloud Sea, his communicator rang again.

Opening the channel, an unexpected message popped up.

Snowla: Galewind, big brother, do you have time to help your little sister today?

John raised an eyebrow, the image of Snowla appearing in his mind.

What was this little lass messaging him for out of the blue?

Although he had questions, John still replied: I'm about to do a quest.

What do you need help with?

Snowla: (crying) Galewind, big brother, you're always so busy. You must've forgotten about your old love since you found a new one. So cruel!!

John was at a loss for words: Just get to the point... Aren't you the guild leader of Black Rose Guild, one of the top ten guilds in the world? When will you ever grow up...

Snowla: It all depends on who I'm with. Why would I act the same when I'm with you, Galewind big brother?

John: Just spit it out. What kind of problem can't your guild handle that you're requesting outside help?

Snowla: Hehe, I can't use the guild's power for this. You know, managing such a large guild is exhausting for a girl like me. What if there's a bad guy in the guild who stabs me in the back when I'm trying to get things done?

John furrowed his brow.

He had always known that Snowla didn't have complete control over the Black Rose Guild.

Although the guild was composed entirely of women, there were numerous factions and plenty of backroom scheming.

From what John knew, the two vice-guild leaders of the Black Rose Guild were often at odds with Snowla, especially when it came to decision-making.

This problem wasn't unique to the Black Rose Guild, other top-tier guilds had similar issues.

These guilds were usually backed by several conglomerates, so there were bound to be disputes over the division of interests.

But the problem was particularly serious in the Black Rose Guild.

Thinking of this, John's expression softened a bit, and he replied: Tell me how I can help first. Once I finish my tasks here, I'll come to help you.

Snowla: Galewind big brother should know, my basic class is Priest, and I was lucky enough to change jobs to the special class "Holy Song Priest"...

John wasn't surprised at all that Snowla had a special class.

As a top player, it was only natural that she had reached the peak of the gaming world.

"Holy Song Priest" sounded like a class exclusive to the Holy Light Church.

It should be pretty good.

John continued reading.

Snowla: During the "Holy Song Priest" job change process, I accidentally found out that this special class has a higher class, the hidden class "Divine Priest", which is also the only hidden class. And I was lucky enough to get this hidden class job change quest...

John smiled faintly. No wonder Snowla had suddenly contacted him for help.

Godslayer has roughly three types of classes.

After entering the game, players usually only choose a basic class, such as Priest, Berserker, Paladin, Archer, and so on.

Next, there are a small number of special classes.

Typically, players need to show exceptional performance within the church they chose for their base class, earning the approval of the church's deity.

Emma's previous "Pyromancer" and Blue Sea's "Sea Mage" are examples of this type.

Beyond these, there are the exceedingly rare hidden classes.

These classes can't be changed through the church; they require completion of specific questlines for class transition.

Moreover, the quests for hidden classes are incredibly tough.

The enemies players face are often formidable, and a small mistake could lead to danger.

For instance, if John hadn't been there when Emma was transitioning to the "Fire Dragon Mage", she likely wouldn't even have reached Twin Volcano...

After all, hidden classes are unique and powerful, and their scarcity makes them precious.

If everyone could acquire them, they wouldn't be so highly prized.

John pondered for a moment and then replied: Since it's a Holy Light series hidden class, why don't you contact Adam?

He also belongs to the Holy Light series and as far as I recall, you two are close in the real world.

Snowla: Humph! Adam is too weak. He can't help me at all.

John: Oh? Is the quest for your hidden class that difficult?

Snowla: Yes, it is. I need to go to a dangerous place and find the scepter left there by the previous "Divine Priest". That scepter is the unique identification of the "Divine Priest".

As soon as I mentioned the location to Adam, he immediately suggested I ask for your help.

He said that only you can help me... Humph, weak, smelly man!

John: ... Just tell me where you need to go.

Snowla: Bone Cave.

John stopped in his tracks immediately. It's the same destination he was heading to?!