Chapter 177 176-Fallen Angel Leviathan (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 177 Chapter 176-Fallen Angel Leviathan (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

John hadn't expected the sealed Fallen Deity, mentioned by the serpent itself, to be real.

No wonder the Bone Serpent had spoken those curse-like words before being burnt to ashes by the Shadowflame.

The tremors in space grew more violent.

Eventually, Snowla couldn't even stand still, wobbling and swaying about.

Luckily, John was there to support her, just barely maintaining her balance.

The good-natured girl obediently followed John's instructions, keeping her eyes tightly shut, never daring to open them.

The saying "A deity should not be looked upon directly" was no exaggeration.

No matter how low-ranked a deity, it carries the power of ORDER.

If one without a similar level of power recklessly tries to observe a deity's true form with the naked eye, they might be directly invaded by the power of ORDER.

This is a higher level of ability than what mortals possess.

Those who get invaded by the power of ORDER might, at best, be able to salvage their lives.

But the majority of mortals who directly observe a deity have their souls completely destroyed by the power of ORDER.

John didn't know whether they, as game players, would suffer the same amount of damage.

Players can be resurrected, a natural advantage that Godslayer Continent's local NPCs do not have.

But even for players, the outcome of directly looking at a deity probably wouldn't be great...

Suddenly, the wind in the air seemed to calm down.

This vast space also became stable and ceased shaking.

Snowla, still with her eyes tightly shut, curiously asked, "What happened? Did the deity leave?"

John calmly replied, "No, it has completely broken free. It is now standing not far away, resting with its eyes closed..."

Snowla immediately fell silent, doing her best to curl up behind John.

The surrounding environment fell into an eerie calm, even the roars from unknown creatures beneath the stone bridge had completely disappeared.

John stood there with his hands behind his back, calmly observing the newly released Fallen Deity.

It was a creature that looked quite strange.

Its skin was a dark purple color, it had a tall figure, and female features were prominent.

Clearly, this was a female deity.

Her long hair floated in the air, dancing wildly without a breeze.

Strange runes covered her slender limbs, occasionally illuminating with a purple glow.

But what really stood out were the two huge wings behind this Fallen Deity.

The wings were half-curled, covered with black feathers, but with careful observation, one could see a faint white hue at the base of the feathers.

It all clicked for John.

This was an angel corrupted and fallen due to darkness.

Rumor has it that a multitude of angels reside in the Divine Realm of the God of Holy Light.

These angels serve as subordinates to the God of Holy Light, guarding the Divine Realm and the City of Holy Light.

Even the legends within the Holy Light Church contain many angelic figures.

For example, the Four Horsemen, part of the Apocalypse class inherited by Adam, descended upon the earth in the form of angels.

If John was not mistaken, this Fallen Deity in front of him likely originated from the Divine Realm of the God of Holy Light.

For some unknown reason, it fell prey to the abyssal darkness, failed to preserve its faith, and eventually became a Dark God.

Silently, John activated his Divine Talent - Eye of Artemis.

The attributes of the Fallen Deity instantly appeared before him:

[Fallen Angel Leviathan (Divine-level boss): It is rumored that in the Divine Realm of the God of Holy Light, there is an Archangel named Leviathan, who is responsible for protecting the Divine Realm. Leviathan, holder of divine authority and guardian of the Divine Realm's safety, unfortunately fell prey to the abyssal dark ORDER during a confrontation with an abyssal invasion. Despite her steadfast faith, she was unable to withstand the erosion of darkness and eventually fell into it...]

[Level: 1100]

[Race: Deity]

[Attributes: ...]

John couldn't help but sigh.

This Fallen Angel's level had reached a terrifying 1100, indicating that she had already solidified her godhood and become a true Deity.

Seemingly sensing John's scrutiny, the Fallen Angel Leviathan, who had been resting with her eyes closed, suddenly opened her eyes.

In that moment, space underwent a drastic transformation.

The light receded, and extreme darkness instantly engulfed the entire Bone Cave.

Moreover, it seemed as though all the basic elements in the air had gone silent.

Only the dark elements surged, eventually reaching a density that made it hard to breathe.

This was the power of a Deity.

A simple move could bring about a complete change in the surrounding space.

[Warning! Bone Cave is undergoing a forced change by an unknown energy. Players, please evacuate immediately!]

[Warning! Bone Cave is undergoing a forced change by an unknown energy. Players, please evacuate immediately!]

[Warning! Bone Cave is undergoing a forced change by an unknown energy. Players, please evacuate immediately!] ...

The system messages became increasingly urgent.

What was initially a bright red font ultimately turned pitch black.

[System Notification: You are now in an unknown area, teleportation, displacement, and resurrection are not available...]

Finally, after leaving this message, the system went completely silent.

John raised an eyebrow.

As expected of a Deity, even the omnipotent system temporarily lost control over this space.

He could feel that he and Snowla had been forcibly brought into another realm.

This extremely dark realm was unlike the secret regions of the Godslayer Continent.

No matter how secretive those regions were, they were still located within the Godslayer Continent.

But this, this was the Divine Realm created by the Fallen Angel Leviathan herself.

It was completely detached from the main world of the Godslayer Continent, existing independently outside of it.

John was well aware that the creation of a Divine Realm was one of the exclusive abilities of a Deity.

Once a godhood was solidified and one became a Deity, even the weakest of Deities could gain the recognition of the world's ORDER and carve out their own Divine Realm in the void.

The higher a Deity's status, the more perfect the Divine Realm they could create.

Like the God of Holy Light, a higher-tier Deity, the Divine Realm he established was almost equivalent to a complete small world.

While John was pondering this, the Fallen Angel Leviathan in the distance was also carefully observing John.

Within her opened eyes, there seemed to be an infinite number of mysteries, bizarre yet fascinating.

If a regular player happened to meet her gaze, they would probably lose themselves instantly and become her puppet.

John, however, felt nothing.

He did not flinch or avoid her gaze but looked directly back at the Fallen Angel Leviathan.

"Human, I sense the power of many Deities within you. You are special," Leviathan's voice seemed to come from the heavens.

Her voice had a naturally captivating tone that made one want to surrender to her unconsciously.

John simply smiled and said nonchalantly, "You're not the first to say that, but unfortunately, I have no connection to those Deities..."

Leviathan did not respond.

She stood still in her place, her aura visibly surging at an astonishing rate, as if regaining her peak strength.

John made no move to attack but allowed the Fallen Angel to regain her power.

Strangely, although this eerie space was engulfed in utter darkness, both parties' vision remained unobstructed, and they could clearly see each other.

John understood that this was the manifestation of the ORDER's power.

Within the Divine Realm, Leviathan was the sole ruler. She could freely manipulate the ORDER of this space...

Time seemed to have stopped.

After what felt like an eternity, Snowla cautiously peeked out from behind John, curious to get a better look, only to have John block her view once again.

"Don't be overly curious. Even if this creature hasn't attacked us, it's not something you can look directly at..." John simply shielded Snowla behind him, his voice still calm. n-(o//V/-e)(l/-b--1-.n

In the meantime, he hadn't been idle. He'd spread his Divine Power throughout the entire space, probing the strength of this Divine Realm...

As he released his Divine Power to investigate the Divine Realm, the Fallen Angel Leviathan, who had closed her eyes to recuperate, also sensed John's actions.

But she didn't prevent him, she simply allowed John to release his Divine Power.

Perhaps in the eyes of this fallen angel, even though she couldn't completely understand John, she never regarded him as a true enemy.

This was the arrogance of a Deity; everything below a Deity was nothing but ants.

Leviathan was solely focused on recovering her condition.

Having been sealed for thousands of years, even she needed time to regain her strength.

"Galewind, I thought fallen Deities were supposed to be chaotic and would attack others randomly. Why didn't this Fallen Deity attack us immediately?"

Snowla, hiding behind John, asked with curiosity.

"Could it be that this Deity hasn't truly fallen and still possesses her own reasoning?"

John sighed and said, "You're overthinking it. She's entirely engulfed by darkness. The reason she didn't attack us immediately is not because she still has her own reasoning, but because she's in the process of recovery..."

"Even Deities have to respect the ORDER of time. The long period of her sealing has greatly reduced her abilities, and it takes time to recover to her peak..."

"You must understand that fallen Deities are completely mad. Reason, for them, is almost non-existent..."