Chapter 182 181-The Truth of the World, The Fall of the Deity (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 182 Chapter 181-The Truth of the World, The Fall of the Deity (2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

This incredibly beautiful and enchanting Fallen Angel, at this point, was completely lost in despair.

As the former angelic leader under the god of Holy Light, she had fought countless battles with The Devil of the Abyss.

Naturally, she was no stranger to the Abyssal Prison.

This was the signature move of the Jailor of the Abyss, which had trapped and killed countless powerhouses on the battlefield of gods.

Once entrapped, one would lose control over the ORDER, becoming vulnerable to attack.

Fallen Angel Leviathan let her arms fall in despair, and the runes that were lighting up on her body faded one by one.

She laughed bitterly, "I didn't expect even the high-ranking Jailor of the Abyss to have fallen at your hands. It seems my defeat isn't unjust."

John floated in mid-air not far from Leviathan, hands behind his back.

Now that the Abyssal Prison had trapped this fallen deity, it was too late for her to escape. Hence, John's demeanor relaxed.

Upon hearing the sigh of the Fallen Angel Leviathan, John shook his head and said calmly,

"You're overthinking it. I have never even met this Jailor of the Abyss you speak of. I merely learned this ability by chance during a fortuitous encounter..."

Leviathan closed her eyes, still trying to feel the changes in the surrounding ORDER.

She was still holding onto hope, attempting to dismantle the Abyssal Prison from within by deconstructing the ORDER.

But could she really break through a Divine Skill of such a high-ranking The Devil in a short period of time?

Flame Dragon Fias had once harbored the same idea, only to give up after numerous attempts.

Although Leviathan was a true deity who had condensed her divine essence and was significantly stronger than Flame Dragon Fias, breaking through the Abyssal Prison single-handedly was nearly impossible.

Therefore, John simply floated quietly on one side, allowing Leviathan to do whatever she wanted.

After a while, Leviathan eventually chose to give up.

This Fallen Angel, with an exhausted face, sat down cross-legged.

After the battle following her escape, her divine power was nearly depleted.

To decipher the disrupted ORDER of the Abyssal Prison, she would need her own authority as a reference.

However, Leviathan's remaining divine power simply couldn't support such a complex task.

She looked up at John, her deep eyes filled with a hint of desperate madness, "I admit defeat. How will you dispose of me?"

John spoke in an understated tone, "You have completely fallen into darkness. Letting you return to the Godslayer Continent will only bring disaster, so..."

Even though John didn't finish his sentence, the murderous intent implied was clear as day.

Leviathan, her eyes filled with an endless lure, cooed: "If I promise to return to the abyss and never set foot on the Godslayer Continent ever again, would you spare my life? After all, I'm just an ordinary deity, and there's nothing about me worth devouring for you... If you let me go, I can do anything for you..."

The Fallen Angel, desperate to survive, had cast away all dignity and faith, even resorting to seduction.

Unfortunately, John remained unmoved.

"Drop your pathetic allure, it only disgusts me... Don't think I'm not aware of what really hides beneath your beautiful facade. Fallen into darkness, serving evil, your divine essence has long been distorted. There is nothing about you that I appreciate," John calmly examined Leviathan, who was desperately attempting to beguile him.

Underneath his mask, his eyes showed only disgust.

To the uninformed, Leviathan, the fallen deity, may indeed seem endlessly tempting.

Her form combined elements of sanctity and evil, her figure was enchanting, her demeanor was enticing, and her face was mesmerizing...

But in John's eyes, she was merely a monstrous amalgamation of chaos and evil, a twisted creature under a beautiful disguise.

Leviathan fell silent.

She had tried everything, even seduction, but the Godslayer before her remained indifferent.

She knew that her doom was inevitable. nove-1B(1n

So, this Fallen Angel suddenly spread her wings, reverting to her original proud demeanor.

The look in her eyes was nothing but madness ensuing from her fall into the abyss.

"Well, well, such a cold-hearted human," she giggled with an air of insanity.

"It seems I'm undoubtedly going to die today... Such a dramatic end. I thought once I broke the seal, I would be as free as a bird. Little did I know I'd run into you..."

Leviathan's face bore a smile of resignation and despair, and she laughed manically.

John blinked, unsure what this madwoman was rambling about.

Unfazed, Leviathan continued her insane rant, her laughter growing louder.

She ran her sharp fingers down her ample chest, leaving two bloody streaks on her dark purple skin, "The lord I once revered to the core, who personally created this perfect body, which I took pride in. But when I uncovered the truth of the world, her kindness, her love, they all seemed so hypocritical..."

"Godslayer, do you want to know the nature of the world, the truth of the deities?"

John remained cold, letting this insane deity spill her guts out.

"Higher level deities need faith to maintain their divinity... They perform miracles in the mortal world, choose followers, let believers spread the faith, hence the saying that gods love mankind. In name, they educate, but in reality, they're all competing for the power of faith..."

"Only the power of faith can stabilize their divinity. Everything they do in this world is for themselves..."

"The world will eventually fall into ruin. In fact, the day the world ends is not far away... One day, we will collide with another world, all order will turn into nothingness, only darkness will last forever..."

John's gaze hardened.

This Fallen Angel's seemingly mad claims were actually based on reality.

As far as he knew, the Godslayer Continent was indeed about to collide and merge with the real world.

This was why players like them were appearing on the Godslayer Continent...

"What do you mean by 'another world'?" John asked casually, as if the answer didn't matter to him.

Fallen Angel Leviathan revealed a bitter smile, bleakly saying, "That's the truth I'm talking about. Our world isn't unchanging... It's drifting in the void, about to collide with another world."

John remained silent for a while, then asked indifferently, "When will this day come?"

Leviathan shook her head slowly, stating candidly, "I don't know... but I can feel the changes in the ORDER. The day isn't far off..."

"Everything will cease to exist when two worlds collide. Darkness is the ultimate destination."

"Godslayer, you were born to slay deities, which marks you as an enemy of all deities. Deities are invincible, and you're headed for destruction..."

John stood up slowly, no longer willing to engage in a lengthy conversation with this fully crazed Fallen Angel.

Perhaps it was because Leviathan had noticed the truth of the imminent merging of the two worlds, she resolutely abandoned her faith and plunged into the endless darkness...

This behavior was nothing but a display of cowardice.

She chose to avoid the collision and fusion of the two worlds.

But John didn't see it that way.

Since the collision of the two worlds was inevitable, he would make arrangements for the aftermath of the fusion.

As for Leviathan's claim that everything will vanish when the two worlds collide, that's just the Fallen Angel's speculation...

The world's leading scientists have already determined through research that when the Godslayer world and the real world collide, they will only merge together.

The real challenge for players like John is the invasion of the real world by the otherworld, not the so-called world destruction...

John glanced at Fallen Angel Leviathan with a touch of pity.

What a foolish creature...

With a flick of his finger, a trace of Shadowflame flew directly into Leviathan's forehead.

Leviathan didn't avoid it, and even her internal divine power didn't make any adjustments.

It's clear that this Fallen Angel has come to terms with her upcoming fate.

The moment Shadowflame entered Leviathan's body, it set her remaining divine power on fire like dry wood meeting flame.

With a "boom", the whole Abyssal Prison was lit by a black fire.

In the raging black flames, Leviathan's face showed a strange smile.

"Godslayer, I'll be waiting for you in the darkness... Enjoy your fleeting peace... Once the high-ranking deities finish their current tasks and refocus on the Godslayer Continent... What awaits you will be the fiercest deity siege..."

Leviathan's divine form shattered, disappearing completely in the Shadowflame.

Only her most malicious curse echoed in the Abyssal Prison...

John was expressionless, his eyes shining with an inexplicable light.

After a long while, he murmured to himself, "The world against me? Since I embarked on the path of a Godslayer, I was prepared for this... It's a matter of who ends up being the hunter and who's the prey..."