Chapter 199 198-Class Reunion (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 199 Chapter 198-Class Reunion (1st update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

John pondered for a bit; this arrangement seemed quite favorable.

It wouldn't disrupt his daily life and would allow the official channels to access the confidential information he had about the Godslayer world faster.

It appeared to be a win-win situation.

John quickly responded, "That's acceptable, but I have one condition..."

Seeing John finally agree, Elder Anderson silently breathed a sigh of relief.

His demeanor noticeably relaxed, "Feel free to voice any condition. As long as it's reasonable, we'll fulfill it without question."

John chuckled lightly, saying in a nonchalant manner, "It's nothing too drastic. I just wish for you not to interfere with my personal life. Moreover, I hope that you relay everything I share with you accurately to other governments around the world..."

John cast a pointed glance at Shadowswift and continued, "Because I'm well aware that sometimes, in order to have a larger say in matters, you might be inclined to withhold certain information, waiting for the right price."

John mentioned these concerns as he recalled some odd experiences from his past interactions with officials.

There's always that minority who act selfishly, no matter the circumstances...

Choosing to prioritize individual gains over collective welfare.

Shadowswift gave a wry smile, remarking with a hint of resignation, "Do you have so little faith in our government, Mr. Foster?"

John shrugged nonchalantly, "I've never doubted this nation, and I trust most of you in terms of integrity. What I question is a certain subset of individuals – unfortunately, some of these happen to be in high positions."

In truth, this wasn't a problem unique to his own nation.

Officials with such characteristics could be found in governments around the world.

It's human nature.

Even with the knowledge that the world's end might be imminent, some would choose to make what they believe are clever moves, which in reality are quite foolish.

For example, hiding secrets from the public in order to gain specific benefits...

Shadowswift's face turned solemn, and he almost thumped his chest in reassurance, "Mr. Foster, you have my word. On this matter, we will unquestionably share the truth with other national authorities, ensuring there are no omissions."

A satisfied smile appeared on John's face. "I trust in Mr. Shadowswift's promise. With that said, I have no further requests."

Elder Anderson laughed heartily, visibly elated, "Mr. Foster, you truly live up to our expectations. I'm indeed fortunate that in the world of the 'Godslayer' game, it's you who's leading the pack. This is a boon for all of humanity."

Glancing at his wristwatch, Shadowswift chuckled, "It's almost time for dinner. Secretary-General Nathan has made arrangements. Let's eat and continue our conversation."

John, having drunk copious amounts of bitter coffee, was indeed feeling hungry, so he had no objections.


Meanwhile, Emma, who had left at the same time as John, had arrived at a high-end restaurant in the city center.

Standing in front of the opulent 'Graceful Waters Hotel,' she felt momentarily overwhelmed.

After triple-checking the address shared in the classmates' group, she hesitated briefly before stepping in.

The restaurant was situated on the 6th floor of the Graceful Waters Hotel, occupying the entire level.

The impressive edifice in the prime real estate of the city center spoke volumes about the deep pockets behind it...

Guided by a waiter, Emma entered a private dining room where several familiar female figures greeted her eyes. A bright smile instantly lit up her face.

"Oh my, you all arrived so early?"

All these young women were Emma's closest friends from school.

Among them was a girl who had once interviewed John: Smirk.

In the real world, she went by the name Fiona Caldwell.

Fiona approached with a radiant smile, linking her arm with Emma's, "It's not us, it's you who's late! We've been here for a while now."

Emma responded with a hint of embarrassment, "I'm sorry. I live quite far, and there were some delays on the road."

Fiona, with a teasing smirk, quipped, "Or perhaps you're just lost in the throes of romance, and you've put old friends like us on the back burner?"

A rosy blush immediately spread across Emma's cheeks as she shyly replied, "You're always making things up, senior. There's nothing like that."

Fiona chuckled, "Oh really? Denying it? You've been back for so long and haven't returned to school; trying to hide something from us?"

At Fiona's teasing, the girls instantly exhibited nosy curiosity.

They crowded around Emma, peppering her with questions in excited chatter.

"Emma, spill the beans! Is your boyfriend good-looking?"

"Who is he? Someone from our school?"

"Do you have a picture? Give us a sneak peek!"

"So much for the solidarity in staying single; you've secretly started dating on your own!"


Seeing Emma overwhelmed with the onslaught of questions, Fiona intervened, "Enough, you lot! Since when did you become such gossipmongers? It's perfectly normal for someone as lovely as Emma to be dating."

One of the girls inquired, "Senior, you seem to know a lot about Emma's current situation. Have you perhaps met this mysterious boyfriend?"

Fiona winked, her face full of mischief, "I've had the pleasure once. He's quite the enigmatic man..."

"Senior!" Emma interrupted, stomping her foot, clearly frustrated by Fiona's teasing.

Fiona burst into laughter, teasingly adding, "Alright, alright, I'll stop. Let your imaginations run wild." The girls continued their playful banter.

On the other side, the male attendees displayed a similar curiosity.

Among them was a decently good-looking young man, with a dark glint in his eyes.

Dressed in upscale casual attire, he exuded an air of arrogance, surrounded by several sycophantic followers.

One of them leaned in, whispering, "Eric, it seems the rumors about Emma dating someone are likely true..."

Another follower remarked, "Who would've thought, the pure-hearted campus belle would fall for a guy..."

He trailed off, sensing the sudden chill from Eric's direction.

Everyone knew that Eric had been chasing Emma for years, pulling out all the stops.

However, Emma had always been indifferent to his advances, paying no heed to his relentless pursuit.

Unsurprisingly, Eric's face turned stormy at the insinuation.

Eric's eyes, filled with barely concealed anger, fixed on Emma.

"Why even speak if you can't watch your mouth? Don't you know about Eric's infatuation with Emma?" Eric's sidekicks were quick to reprimand the guy who'd made the earlier comment.

Eric smirked darkly, "Just another woman who's up for grabs. I thought she was pure, but it turns out she's just like the rest... Not even out of college and she's already moved in with some guy."

His cronies were quick to nod in agreement, eager to show their support.

Emma, oblivious to this little scene, freed herself from her chatty friends and greeted a few male classmates.

When her eyes met Eric's, her face remained as calm and collected as ever, "Eric, long time no see..." n..0veLbIn

On the surface, Eric remained stoic, but inside, fury roiled.

How dare this woman treat him with such indifference?

The thought of Emma, who had always appeared aloof and pristine, dating another man felt like a slap in the face.

It was as if a fire was raging within him.

He tugged at his collar and huffed.

Soon, the reunion got underway, and platters of delicious food began arriving at the tables.

Old friends gathered around, toasting and chatting, the atmosphere was lively.

Suddenly, one of Eric's lackeys stood up, raising his glass, "Let's toast to Eric for organizing this reunion. Honestly, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't have had the chance to dine at such a posh place."

Everyone lifted their glasses in agreement.

Eric, bursting with pride, stood up.

His previous gloom seemed to evaporate, "Haha, we're all classmates here. No need for such formalities... I come here often, and while it's not super fancy, the food is top-notch. Enjoy yourselves."

A girl then chimed in with a flirtatious giggle, "Eric is indeed generous. This is one of the best restaurants in the city and the fact that you can frequent it is truly enviable."

Eric laughed heartily, clearly reveling in the adulation.

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Emma, her face serene and unperturbed, and his smile faltered.

Fiona leaned in and whispered to Emma, teasingly, "Did you catch Eric's reaction? It's hilarious. I swear he still has a thing for you."

Emma replied nonchalantly, "That's his business, what's it got to do with me?"

Fiona chuckled lightly, "I've heard that Eric's family owns one of the top ten companies in the city. He's worth a fortune. You're really willing to turn down such a catch? Being with him would be like hitting the jackpot."

Emma responded with a touch of irony, "If you're so interested, why not give it a shot?"

Fiona grinned confidently, "No thanks. Dating a trust fund kid is more trouble than it's worth. I'm not interested in being someone's arm candy. Besides, there's a dark vibe about Eric that I just can't stand."

Emma and Fiona clinked their glasses together, both wearing smiles, "I feel the same way..."