Chapter 429 429-Perfect Skill Combination

Chapter 429 Chapter429-Perfect Skill Combination

John clearly understood the imperative of preventing the Mystery Vanguard from breaching into Storm City.

He nodded firmly, aligning his thoughts with those of Duke Arsena.

Having fought side by side for the earlier part of the battle, the duo had developed a good level of coordination.

Once their mutual understanding was confirmed, they immediately sprang into action.

John brought out several divine scrolls from his base.

These scrolls encompassed various elements, including those skills, such as fire spells and oceanic magic.

His plan was to combine these diverse elemental scrolls with his own skills to overpower the Mystery Vanguard. n--o-.v-)e--L--b-)1..n

The Mystery Vanguard didn't allow John and Duke Arsena much time to prepare.

When his attack was blocked by John's Divine Protection scroll, he shifted his focus towards John.

The Vanguard had grown stronger than before.

Previously, it could only transform into a black sword, but now it had evolved, capable of morphing into a massive black dragon.

Faced with the daunting attack of a gigantic black dragon, John felt the pressure, but unlike others, he thrived under it, capable of maintaining his composure and unleashing his full power despite the stress.

John stood his ground, pulling out a blue scroll etched with intricate patterns and the emblem of the Sea God at its center.

The air around John grew dense the moment he took out the blue scroll.

As he tore it, he became encased in a block of ice.

The Mystery Vanguard, in the form of a black dragon, found itself at a loss against this block of ice.

It first attempted to shatter the ice using its potent Mystery force, but the ice absorbed all the energy instead.

Incapable of destroying the ice block encasing John, the Mystery Vanguard decided to throw the entire block, with John inside, away.

John, immobilized within the ice, couldn't take any direct action.

However, the skills he had employed earlier on the battlefield produced an unexpected outcome.

During the earlier part of the battle, John had used the Abyssal Prison skill twice.

The spatial confinement effect of Abyssal Prison was now quite pronounced.

The moment the Mystery Vanguard attempted to throw him, John cleverly merged himself and the ice block with the spatial confinement effect of Abyssal Prison he had previously activated.

This move not only prevented the Mystery Vanguard from using the ice block as a weapon but also caused it to stumble and fall.

Duke Arsena was momentarily stunned by this development.

He hadn't anticipated that John, with just a Sea God scroll, could bring down the formidable Mystery Vanguard.

Though slightly surprised, Duke Arsena wasn't about to let this excellent opportunity pass.

Arsena channeled all his power into his Silver Sword, a weapon of immense strength and a Sacred Relic in its own right.

As a Demigod Level warrior, his individual combat prowess was already formidable.

Leaping high into the air, Duke Arsena prepared to strike with all his might, intending to capitalize on the vulnerability of the Mystery Vanguard in this critical moment.

Duke Arsena was convinced that his attack would yield significant results.

Even if it didn't completely eliminate the Mystery Vanguard, he expected it to inflict severe damage.

However, the Mystery Vanguard managed to withstand Arsena's attack with more than sixty percent of its health remaining.

This outcome slightly despaired Duke Arsena, who couldn't think of any other strategy to defeat this formidable adversary.

Enraged by Arsena's attack, the Mystery Vanguard shifted its focus entirely onto him, leaving John aside.

Arsena, faced with the relentless assault, had no choice but to dodge continuously.

Despite being a Demigod Level warrior, he found himself struggling against a being nearly equivalent to a deity in strength.

Arsena's evasive maneuvers were initially effective, but as time progressed, his movements became noticeably slower.

This slowing down was a worrying sign, indicating that even a warrior of Arsena's caliber was reaching his limits against the overwhelming power of the Mystery Vanguard.

This critical juncture in the battle highlighted the dire circumstances they were facing and the need for a new strategy or intervention to turn the tide against the formidable Mystery Vanguard.

Facing imminent defeat, Duke Arsena, instead of continuing to dodge, decided to make his last stand for Storm City.

He stood his ground, gripping his Silver Sword tightly, staring intently into the eyes of the Mystery Vanguard.

The Vanguard, seemingly intimidated by Arsena's resolve, didn't launch an immediate attack but started gathering its power.

The Mystery Vanguard concentrated all its Mystery power into its left claw and then slammed it down with tremendous force.

Duke Arsena knew he couldn't successfully defend against this attack, but he chose not to dodge.

He believed that dying in defense of his territory would be an honorable end for a lord.

As the Vanguard's claw descended rapidly, Duke Arsena began reflecting on his life's experiences, resigning himself to his fate.

However, at that critical moment, John's voice rang out, and three scrolls of different colors flew towards Arsena.

The scrolls thrown by John were white, black, and green.

The white scroll symbolized the power of Holy Light, the black represented dark forces, and the green signified the power of life.

The white scroll was the first to collide with the Mystery Vanguard's claw.

A massive burst of Holy Light erupted from the scroll, clashing head-on with the power of Mystery.

As the Vanguard had concentrated all its energy into its claw, the Mystery force initially overpowered the Holy Light.

However, this outcome was part of John's plan.

Following the white scroll, the black scroll disintegrated before even touching the Mystery Vanguard.

The dark energy didn't collide directly with the Mystery force; instead, the two forces merged, with the dark energy successfully eroding the Mystery Vanguard.

This erosion marked a significant change in the Mystery Vanguard's condition.

Its strength, derived entirely from Mystery, waned as it was abandoned by the Mystery force due to the Dark Erosion.

The Vanguard's power rapidly declined, along with its health.

Seizing this opportunity, John rushed forward and unleashed a sequence of three skills: [Divine Blade], [Unrivaled Strike], and [Godslayer's Force].

His right hand now held an energy blade formed from a mix of different powers.

John first used this energy blade to slice through the green scroll.

The moment John sliced through the green scroll, a powerful surge of life energy enveloped the energy blade in his hand.

Without any hesitation, John instantly positioned himself beside the Mystery Vanguard's head and thrust the energy blade forcefully into it.

The already weakened Vanguard was dealt a fatal blow.

As the energy blade dissipated, the Mystery Vanguard's health rapidly declined until it vanished entirely, turning into a wisp of black smoke.

John had undoubtedly vanquished the Mystery Vanguard and received a notification of an impressive ten-level increase.

Even without additional rewards, this significant level jump was a cause for celebration for John.

Including the levels gained from defeating lesser Mystery creatures earlier, John had ascended a total of twelve levels in one go.

After defeating the Mystery Vanguard, John didn't receive any other rewards.

However, he wasn't surprised, knowing that the rewards wouldn't come from the game system but rather from Duke Arsena, the lord of Storm City.

With the Mystery Vanguard thoroughly vanquished, John hurriedly went to check on Duke Arsena.

It was crucial for John that Arsena was still alive, as his death would mean no reward for John.

Fortunately, while Arsena had sustained serious injuries, he was alive.

At that moment, Duke Arsena looked at John with immense gratitude.

He was aware that without John, he would have stood no chance against the Mystery Vanguard.

John's timely intervention and strategic prowess had not only saved Arsena but also secured the safety of Storm City.